33. Back to school

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My alarm goes off at 6:20 on Wednesday giving me and Eddie time to shower on our own. When I get the alarm to turn off I head straight to the bathroom. Eddie was still asleep but if he's still sleeping when I get out of the shower I'll wake him up. I take a quick shower and towel dry my hair brush my teeth and wrap a towel around myself and open the bathroom door. I see Eddie is still sleeping and his back is to me so I walk over to him and gently shake him.

"Wake up babe, you need to shower we have school."
Eddie groans and rubs his eyes then looks at me.
"Oh hello beautiful." He says grabbing my waist and pulling me close.
I yelp and laugh. "Eddie." I say placing my hand on his shoulder.
He smiles up at me at me and pulls me down for a sweet kiss.
"Time to get up." I say moving away and going to look for some cloths.
"Ugh, fine." He says slowly getting out of bed.
"There is a clean towel for you in the bathroom." I say bending down to grab something from my closet. I hear Eddie coming up behind me then feel him slap my ass.
"Hey." I say snapping back up holding my towel close to me.
"What you like it." He says with a smirk then heads to the bathroom.

I pull out some leather shorts, fishnets, a belt with chains hanging from it and a fitted Iron Maiden shirt that hangs off one of my shoulders and I also pick out a chain necklace and leather bracelet. After I get all dressed Eddie steps out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. His chest was complete exposed and his curly brown hair all wet with the water dripping down his shoulder. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me causing me to blush and turn away.

"You know, I love how I can still make you blush." He says walking over to me.

I turn to him and gently place my hands on his chest. I can see the bruising all around his chest and collarbone. I carful trace my fingers around them then look up to his eyes and he smiles down at me.

"Your beautiful Jade." He says and kisses my lips.
"Your not so bad your self Munson."
He laughs
"Go get dressed." I tell him.

He steps away from me and goes to his bag pulling some black jeans and a Metallica shirt, grabs his leather jacket and jean jacket to go over that. I then watch him put his necklace on and all his rings. 3 on his left and one that has a black stone on his right.

"I don't know why but I find your hands very sexy." I say going over to him and taking his hands in mine. We intertwine our fingers together and he pulls me in close to his body then lets my hands go and places  them under my shit slowly letting his fingers move back and forth on my waist. I shiver as soon as the cold rings touch my skin.
"I like how my touch makes you react like you do." He whispers to me .
"Me to." I say. "Now I need to do my make up really fast and we can go eat something real quick."
I head to my bathroom and apply some mascara and blush nothing else as I'm trying to hurry up and we head upstairs. I make myself some toast and Eddie grabs a pop tart putting it in the toaster first. We grab our bags and head to my car. When were in my car I look over to Eddie.
"Ready for your fist day back?"
"With you by my said I am." He says and smiles at me.

At school

When we get to school I grab Eddie's hand and we walk in together, we get many people looking at us but I think it was more to Eddie because of how he looks. We get to my locker and I grab what I need and then turn to Eddie.

"Please be carful ok." I tell him with concern in my voice.
"I will sweetheart." He tells me.
"Ill see you at lunch." I say giving him a kiss and we walk to our separate classes.

When I get to my class I go straight to the back not seeing Paul (thank god) and take my seat. The bell rings and class starts. Halfway through Paul shows up and hands the teacher a note. He doesn't look to happy as he walks to his seat and he doesn't once look at me and you know what thats ok with me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now