39. Bliss

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TW. SMUT- feel free to skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable with smut as this whole chapter will be that.

We get to Eddie's trailer and he pulls me to the front door then unlocks it and pulls me in and I shut the door behind us and turn to face Eddie who's right behind me. I look up at him and he's looking down at me and I feel my heart racing and my blood pumping fast. He pushes himself against me and my back presses into the door then his lips are on mine in an instant. We kiss for a second till I push him away and smile, I see his eyes darken with desire and pure lust. I take his hand and lead him to his bedroom where he shuts the door and this time when he turns to face me I grab him and push him onto the bed. I pull off my leather jacket throwing it to the floor and he fallows suit.

"Did I tell you how sexy you looked tonight?" He asks
I shank my head no as I climb onto his lap placing my legs on earthier side of him. I press my lips against his wanting to taste him and feeling the need to taste him, he parts his lips and lets my tongue explore his mouth with his mimicking mine.

I grind my lower half down onto his and he moans into the kiss and grips my waist tight his fingers digging into them. In one swift motion he flips me over so now im laying on the bed and he's above me, pressing himself against my body. My body now feels likes its on fire as heat starts to pool inside me and only he can cool it down. Eddie pulls his lips back and looks down at me.

"Are you ok going a little ruff? I dont want to do anything that can trigger you or make you upset in any way."
"Im ok with ruff." I say biting my lower lip.

He gets off me pulling his shirt, shoes and pants off and leaving himself in only his boxers. "Then I need to to listen to everything I tell you, if you get uncomfortable tell me. Now I want you to take your shoes and dress off. Nothing else."

I do as im told and take the dress and shoes off leaving myself in my fishnets and matching underwear and bra and then lay back onto the bed. He looks me up and down his eyes scanning over my entire body and licks his lips. "You are perfection Jade." He tells me. My body starts to tingle all over with the need for him and I fell my lower half starting to ache and throb.

"Take off your bra I want you only in your underwear and fishnets." I take it off and throw in onto the floor. "Move back to the headboard." As I move he goes to a draw and I see him pull out the handcuffs. My heart speeds up in excitement, this is something I haven't done before and I'm excited to try something new with him because I trust him. He turns to me and climbs back on to the bed.

"Is it ok to use them." I nod my head yes then he places his thrum and for ginger on my chin tilting my head up to look at him better. "Use your words sweetheart." He says looking down at me.
"Yes." I say my chest rising and falling as my breathing is getting more heavy.

He smiles and lets my face go then puts my hands above my head and locked them to his headboard then stairs down at me. Slowly he lowers his face to mine and kisses me and I push my lips against his and close my eyes. Eddie shifts on top of me placing his hands on either side of my waist and when his ringed had touch my hot skin I wince at the coldness of them and feel Eddie smile into the kiss.

He presses his hardnesses against where im soft and a moan escapes my lips and his hands tightly squeeze my waist. He pulls his lips away from mine and I watch as he lowers his face to my nipple and begins to run his tongue angaint my sensitive bud. He moves his other hand to my other breast and squeezes it then starts playing with that nipple. He puts his whole mouth over my other breast sucking and licking it. I moan and can feel my self getting wetter by every touch and every lick.

He then pulls his mouth away from my breast and kisses my stomach, slowly moving inching his way down my body. He moves his hands to my hips and I spread my legs apart letting him settle in between them. looking up at me he plants a soft kiss on top of my panties. He them take hold of my fishnets over my crotch and with a swift motion pulls them apart making a loud ripping nose making a huge hole in the crotch. I gasp and my breath gets caught in my throat .He lower his face and with one hand he slides my underwear to the side and places his mouth right over my clit and starts to sucks. I throw my head back and moan out loud then feel his tongue starts to glide back and forth over it then feel two of his fingers thrust deep into me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now