17. The girls

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Sorry this might be a short one

Well it's official, me and Eddie are dating I'm his girlfriend and he's my boyfriend. My stomach is in knots from being over excited and a bit nervous, but I couldn't be happier. It's been so long since I've felt truly happy. I just need to not run away from this and take a chance.

We roll out of bed get dressed and go make some coffee then we head outside to sit on the couch he has out front to drink our coffee and have a cigarette.

"So what are you up to today?" I say looking over at Eddie.
He sips his coffee then says "Well I need to meet up with a couple of people today then I have practice with my bad, you know you should come to our show it's Friday night."
"I'd love to go." I say with a smile
"Perfect, will work out the details later this week."
"Ok sounds good."

We finish the coffee and cigarettes and go back inside. I ask if I can take a quick showing before I go and he says yes. I take a very quick shower then get dressed in the clean cloths that I brought with me and Eddie drives me home.

"I'll call you later sweetheart." He says giving me a kiss.
"Have fun today." I say and go up into my house.

As soon as I get in the house the phone starts to ring so I shut the door and run to answer it.

"Hey Jade it's Nancy."
"Oh hey Nancy what's up?" I ask.
"I wanted to know if you were able to meet me and Robin for lunch at the diner?"
"Sure what time?"
"12:30 sound good."
I look over at the clock on the wall it's 11 am.
"Sure that works."
"Ok see you then." she says and hangs up the phone.

I grab my bag and head to my room. I'm already dressed in my Jean shorts and black Metallica tee. With a slight breeze outside I grab a red flannel and put it on so im not cold.

I walk to my bathroom and comb out my hair trying to make it look nicer then it does then I pick up my dirty cloths and put them in the washer and head back upstairs. I sit on the couch and pack a small bowl that I hit a few times and go through my bag to make sure I have what I need. Finally all set head to my car and down to the diner.


I walk into the diner and look around for the girls then spot them all the way in the back.

"Hey Jade."Robin wave's
"Hey." I say taking my seat.
"So how are things going?" Nancy asks
"Good." I say eyeing her and wondering if she's wanting to ask me about Eddie.
Robin looks to Nancy and then back to me.
"So how's Eddie?" She says with a big smile.
I smile "he's doing good, stayed over at his place last night."
Both girls mouths pull into a smile.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I added in a rush.
"Oh my god." Nancy says.
"I knew it, you guys make a cute couple." Robin says
I blush "what about you Nancy." I ask
She looks at me. "What about me?"
"Something going on with you and Harrington?" I question and see Robin smile.
"Just friends, you know he's my ex."
"Oh come on I saw you guys getting close at the part over the weekend." Robin blurts out.
"ROBIN." Nancy says smacking her.

I bust out laughing I couldn't help it. The waitress comes over and i have to settle down and we order the food and just continue to chat.

"So Robin anyone you are interested in?" I ask
Robin seams a bit nervous when I ask this question and I'm not sure why.
"Um..yeah there is." She says.
"Oh who is he?"
She looks around seeing if anyone was near us? I'm not sure why but she leans in and whisper us.
"Not a he but a she." She says then sits back quickly. I can tell she's nervous saying this .
"Oh..Oh Robin." I say with a smile.
She relaxes at seeing me smile. "That doesn't bother you?"
"How does who you like affect me, it's not my business." I say to her.
"Most people in this town would judge me."
"I'm not most people."
Her and Nancy both smile.

Our food come pretty fast and the 3 of us dig in. The food here really is good its why we always come to eat here. Good and cheep to. After we eat we pay then head outside.

"Well I need to go check on something at work I'll see you guys later ok." Nancy says to us.
"Buy." Both Robin and I say.
I turn to look at Robin and decide to ask her something. "Hey what are you doing Friday night, do you work?"
"Why do you wanna know ." She teases me.
"Eddie band is playing at the bar in town and he invited me and I thought since we haven't know each other long that we could hangout."
"That sounds fun, I'll call off work Steve can deal with it. So I'm in. Have a piece of paper I'll give you my number."
"Yeah in my bag." I had her a scrap piece of paper and a pen.
"There you go. Call me Thursday and will work everything out." She says to me.
"Ok, buy Robin." I call to her and walk to my car.

When I get to my house I plop on the couch in the living room and decide to take a nap as I'm feeling pretty tired. When I open my eyes back up I realize that I was asleep for 3 hours. Damn I didn't think I was that tired. Not having any plans for the night I decided I'll order a pizza for dinner smoke and watch movies. Soon after I order the pizza the phone rings.

"Hey beautiful." I hear Eddie's voice say over the phone.
"Hey handsome, I thought you would be at practice by now."
"I'll be heading out in just a bit but I wanted to call my girl first."
Ugh he called me his girl and it made me smile.
"Aww how sweet." I say.
"Oh I wanted to tell you Gareth is going to have some people over tomorrow night and I was hoping you would go with me."
Oh wow this would be the first time we go somewhere together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
"I'd love to go with you." I tell him
"Awesome, you should know some people but I'll introduce you to the others, I'll call you tomorrow afternoon."
"Well I hope you have a good night sweetheart "He says to me.
"You too babe."
"Babe? I think I like hearing that come for you." Eddie says.
I laugh. "By Eddie." I say
"By" he says and hangs up.

The rest of the night is pretty uneventful and I turn in around 10pm. I lay in my bed and wish that Eddie's hands were around me holding me close to him, feeling his breath on me and his warm touch, but at least I get to see him tomorrow that makes me happy. And with that last thought I drift off  to sleep.

Sorry this I might have been a little boring but we have more to come so please keep reading. Thank you.

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