40. Unexpected News

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Sunday morning

I wake up hearing a phone ring. I blink a few times trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light of the room and I feel Eddie's arm around me.

"Eddie." I say still pretty sleepy
He groans and squeezes me.
"Eddie, the phone is ringing." I tell him.
Eddie opens his eyes and looks down at me.
"Yeah I hear it, but I was trying to ignore it." He says with a smile. He then lets me go and slowly gets up and puts some boxers on and leaves his room.

I shift in his bed a give a small cry. Fuck I say, my lower half is definitely really sore. I push myself up and rest against his headboard and close my eyes. I hear Eddie's door open so I open my eyes and see him walk in.

"Who was it?" I ask
"It was Dan, he wanted to know if we wanted to go out to breakfast with him and Monica. They called your house first but didnt get an answer so they called here."
"Well I kinda need cloths first, im not wearing my dress from last night ."
Eddie smiles. "I think you left some shorts here one time and you can ware one of my shirts."
"Ok, call him back and let him know will come. Um what time is it anyway?"
"8:20." He says
"Tell them we can meet at the diner at 9:30. I wana take a quick shower."
"Alright let me find the shorts for you first and a shirt."

He goes to his draws and starts going through them till he finds a pare of jean shorts that I had left here then goes to his closet and grabs a black Metallica shirt for me. I go to get out of bed but when I go to stand up my legs give out and I fall to the floor.

"Shit." Eddie says running over to me. "Are you ok?"
I laugh. "Yeah legs are a bit shaky from last night."
Eddie helps me up shaking his head "Let me help you to the bathroom then."

He gets me to the bathroom and only leaves when he sees I can stand on my own without his help he looked a little concerned but i waved it off and told him i was fine.I take a quick shower and the warm water soothe my aching body then I wrap myself in a towel when im done and go back to Eddie's room. Eddie had placed the cloths out for me on his bed along with my bra and I see him looking around his room for cloths for himself.

"Im going to take a quick shower to. Dan said 9:30 was perfect we just need to hurry up a bit. Oh and um sorry you have to go commando." He says with a smile.
I smile back. "Its fine now go take your shower."

I put my bra on and then the shorts and shirt and find my combat boots and put them on, awesome no socks since I wore my fishnets and they are all ripped up some where in the room. Well my outfit looks a bit weird but what do I care. 

Eddie soon comes back and pulls a hellfire T-shirt on new boxers a pare of pants and his white shoes then I watch as he places all his rings on his fingers.

"Let's go sweetheart." He says grabbing my hand. I grab my dress and my bag and put the dress in the back of his van and Eddie drives us to the diner.


We get there just in time and see Dan and Monica getting out of their car.

"Hey guys." I say waving to them.
"Hey." Monica says running over to me and giving me a hug.
"What's up man." Dan say grabbing Eddie's hand and shaking it.
"No much just super hungry."

We all agree and go inside and end up getting seated at a booth towards the back.

"That was an amazing show last night." Dan says
"Thanks im glad you guys could make it."
"We all had a good time." Monica says.

We chat for a bit till the waitress comes and gets our order. When she walks always Eddie and Dan start taking about guys stuff Cars and music really so I turn to Monica.

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