10. Finally

288 16 1

T/W smut and smoking

As soon as we get back to my house I went to the bathroom to clean and redressed my cut putting some ointment my mom had over it. I wasn't feeling light headed anymore so that was good. After that we went down stairs to my room and shut the door.

"Oh my god I can so use some weed right now." I say plopping onto my bed.
"Me to." Eddie says laying next to me.
"I have a bong if you wanna use it."
Eddie shot up "Really, we'll bring that bitch out."

I laugh and walk over to my closet sliding it open and start to look for where I put my bong. It was all the way in the back and I finally got it.

"Found it." I say turning to Eddie and holding it up. He had a wicked grin on his face when I looked at him.
"What." I say confused.
"Oh nothing, just noticed you have a whole mirror across your closet." He turned and winked at me.
Knowing what he was thinking about I say "Pervert."
We both laugh.
"But how did you not see that when you were here this afternoon?"
"I don't know I wasn't paying attention to that I guess." He shrugs.

I shake my head and take the bong into the bathroom to fill it up. Coming back to my room I grab my weed and pack it.
"Would you like the first hit?" I asked him
"Lady's first."

I put the bong to my lips lit it then suck in filling the chamber up with smoke and then removing the slider I suck in all the smoke. I can see Eddie eyes watches me the whole time never moving then watching him I slowing blow it all out.
"Dam Dillinger." He says.
"I have to say that was really hot, you know how to handle that." He said smirking.
"I can handle more then that." I say to him.
His eyes light up a bit when I say that and he smirks.
"Your turn." I say handing it over to him.

Doing the same as I did Eddie hit the bong. We pass it back and forth a little then set it down. I pulled my shoes and jewelry off and lay back on my bed wanting to get comfortable then Eddie leans back onto the bed as well.

"Yep, definitely high." He says with his hands behind his head.
I start laughing and just couldn't stop which in turn made him start to laugh as well.
"You wanna listen to any music?"
"Sure what are you thinking?"
"Well." I say sitting up "with being this high I'm thinking some Pink Floyd."
"Sounds good to me, good music to listen to high, as well as doing other drugs." He says
I snorted "bad boy Eddie."

He laughed. I found my cassette of Dark Sid of the moon and pop it in pressed play and went back to the bed.

I closed my eyes and just let the music play. Eddie's hand was so close to mine that I decided I'd go for it and I grabbed his left hand with my right . When I did that he lightly squeezed my hand. I opened my eyes and turn my head to look at him. Again he was already looking at me and he smiled.

"Why are you smiling Munson."
"Your just so beautiful Jade, I don't think I've hung out with anyone as beautiful as you."
That made me snort. "Yeah ok I'm sure you have been around plenty of prettier and skinner girls then me."
"You don't have to be model thin to be beautiful, anyway I prefer curves on a woman." He said with a smile.

Ok yeah I could tell I was really blushing now.

I move closer to Eddie sitting up a bit as he was still looking at me
"Jade." He said sitting up and moving his right hand to my face, cupping my cheek.
"Yes Ed."
"I'm going to kiss you and I hope that's ok."
"Please." I whisper

Eddie pressed his lips against mine. It's gentle and full of passion, then He moves himself on top of me never once braking the kiss. I opened my mouth letting his tongue in and they danced here and there and can I feel my heart starts racing even more as his tongue continues to slides around. He brakes the kiss then moves his lips to my neck... my weak spot. He starts to kiss, suck and gently nipping at it and I let out a moan, it really felt so good. Eddie moves his left hand up my shirt sending a shiver down my whole body, his cold rings feeling wonderful against my warm skin. I feel his hand slowing creeping up but again stoping below my bra.

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