42. Somethings not right

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TW: PANIC ATTACK  also I want to say thank you for the 1k reads ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I don't know how I did it but somehow I got through the rest of the day. Eddie tried to get me to go report Paul to the school but I couldn't do it. I don't think anyone will believe me even with the mark left on my right wrist from him. I also couldn't take a chance that he would do something to my mom or have someone do something. I tried to push away what happened with Paul at lunch. I didn't want to deal with it right now, I just wanted to see my mom. I had gone to my locker after Eddie saved me and threw on a hoodie I had so I can hide my wrists in my sleeves. When the bell rings Eddie grabs my hand and we head straight to my car and head off to the hospital.


We make our way up the elevator and then walk down to my moms room. Outside her room I see my grandparents talking to officer Barker. Eddie grabbed my hand gently and gave it a light squeeze.
"What's going on?" I ask
"Oh Jade hey sweetie." My grandma says giving me a hug.
"Hi Jade, im sure you remember me." Officer Barker says.
"I do."
"Well im here because a doctor alerted us about what happened to your mom last night and how her heart stoped yesterday. They said everything was fine and that it shouldn't have happened so we dont know if someone tried to do something or what."
"Why would anyone want to do that to her." My grandpa asks.
"Well they did tell us she was starting to show signs that she might wake up soon. Then this happened."
"What they thought she was going to wake up?" I say quickly shocked at what I was just told.
"That's what they told us."
"Will be talking to the doctor about this, where is he anyway?" My grandma says
"He should be here soon, but will have to have an officer around to make sure she stays ok. Us and the hospital only want 2 people in here at a time to see her."

I look over at my grandparents and say. "You guys go first will wait."
"If you see a doctor you get them in here ok Jade." My grandpa says.
I nod my head.
"Ill go in with you." Officer Barker says and they go into my moms room and shut the door.

I now look over to Eddie who's already looking at me, his face looks stern and serous.
"I think you need to say something to that officer." He says folding his arms in front of himself.
"About what?" I ask.
"Really Jade..... you know what." He replies letting his hands fall to his side.
"Im not talking about this now." I say now crossing my arms under my chest.
"Then later?"
"Sure." I say then lean against the wall not wanting to talk about anything.

Soon a doctor comes by and went right into my mom's room so I didn't even need to tell him to go in. Eddie and I just waited in the hall me leaning against the wall and Eddie pacing back and forth, neither one of us saying anything. The door soon opens up and we see my grandma and grandpa came out along with the doctor.

"What did the doctor say?" I ask pushing off the wall.
"Same as what the officer said, they have no clue why it happened and will be watching her closely and yes right before this happened they noticed she moved her hand. They were trying to run some tests before they told us. And soon after was when her heart stoped." My grandpa says.

I sware im surprised I even have a working heart anymore with how many times it has fallen to pieces. All I can do is shake my head not knowing what to even say.

"Im going to sit in there for just a little bit." I go to walk in and Eddie grabs my upper arm. I turn to look at him.
"Would you like me to come with you?"
"Its ok you can wait here." I say and I see his face fall so he lest my arm go and I walk into my mom's room.

I sit there for probably only 20 to 30 minutes with Officer Barker standing near the door. If I could id be here all night with her but I know I cant. I sigh and kiss her hand. "I love you mom, please come back to me." I whisper then walk out of the room with officer Barker fallowing behind me.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now