68. The face of an old friend

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I slowly open my eyes and instantly feel my head pounding and my body is sore.
"Fuck." I say trying to move to my back.
"Carful its going to hurt for a while."

I flick my eyes up and see Eddie staring down at me. He flashes me a smile and I smile back.

"Morning princess."
"Morning Dungeon Master." I say with a wink.
"Really?" He say raising an eyebrow at me.
"Sorry." I blush "um can you help me up I need to shower."
"Are you sure you can do that?"
"Yeah I think so, what time is it?" I say as Eddie helps me sit up.
"We need to make sure we get to the station on time."
"We will don't worry."
I push myself off the bed and let out a groan.
"You sure you dont want any help?" He ask me
"Im good, if you want ill leave the bathroom door open just incase."
"Alright but I'm coming in if I hear you struggling or anything ok."

I walk to the bathroom and start the shower then get undressed and step in. The warm water splashes onto my skin and I let out a sigh. I look down and see the brushes on my thighs and quickly have to look away. I turn around and get my hair wet but it start to sting the back of my head. Shit, I think im more sore then I was yesterday which is expected but I didn't think id hurt this much. I go to reach for my soap to wash my body and get a flash of Pauls face and stumble back a little. Fuck. I shake my head and try to continue to clean myself up but I get  another flash of his hand hitting my face and I fall to the floor of the shower and start to breath heavily. My body starts to shake and I burst into tears. Tears I've been suppressing and holding back trying to fight and be strong but I cant do it anymore. My body feels foren to me it's tainted with his touch and I cant stand it anymore. I just want to scrub it all clean if that's even possible.

"Jade." I hear Eddie say

I sit there on the floor of the shower and just cry as I watch Eddie pull the curtain back and shut the water off. He climbs in and pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me.
"I got you." He whispers to me.

All I can do is cry and Eddie lets me. He keeps me close runinging his hand up and down my arm and whispering into my ear . After a while im able to calm down and I finally look up at Eddie.

"Im so sorry."
"Sorry for what?" He says confused.
"Braking down like this."
"Oh Jade, you have no reason to be sorry, what you have been through..." Eddies voice breaks and his body tenses up for a second. "You have been thorough a lot no one could just brush it off ok."
I shake my head and whipe my eyes.
"You didnt finish your shower did you?"
"Ill help you if thats ok."
I shake my head yes.

Eddie helps me up and I sit on the side of the tub as he turns the water back on, once its at the temperature I like he takes his cloths off and helps me back in and washes my hair for me then washes his own. When were done he helps me dry off and sits me on my bed. He goes and grabs me some clean underwear and places it on the bed for me then grabs a pare of shorts and a tank and flannel. I slowly get dressed and so does he. He also insists on checking me over and I know I look worse today.
"You need to eat something then we can go." He tells me
"Ok." Is all I can says

We head upstairs and I just eat some toast just to make Eddie happy because really I'm not feeling hungry at all. Once were done eating we head to my car and Eddie drives us to the station.

My stomach turns inside me as we approach the building. A million thought are reading through my head and im so nervous about whats going to happen. Eddie parks the car turns it off and then turns to me.

"You ready?"
"Not really but lets go."

We exit my car and head into the police station. There is an older woman at the desk who looks up at us as we walk in. I see her frown when she sees me and my hand automatically goes up to my face.

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now