26. Stay away

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As the days go by my anxiety is getting worse. Paul is always finding ways to run into me, and making comments to me here and there. Robin has been a sweetheart and has been helping me get away or avoid him, same with Eddie. We're still not back together yet. I've been so stressed out that I haven't had time to think through everything. Monica and Dan have also been helping me out yelling back at him if he makes a comment and trying to keep me distracted when possible. Ive also been seeing more of Max she's a sweet girl and I love her attitude, she doesn't take shit from anyone, we get along really well. I've been able to stand up to Paul as well and I'm definitely proud of that. I haven't had any nightmares this week so at least I haven't had to deal with them too.

It's now Friday and I can't wait for the weekend, just to be out of here. I'm in need of a brake from the drama at school.

Today I'm wearing some leather shorts with fishnets a skull belt with chains hanging around it and a fitted Metallica shirt. I grab a black chocker and a few bracelets, leaving my hair down with a bit of hairspray and dark makeup with a dark red lip. Despite everything, today I was feeling more myself and wanted to dress nicely.

I had just gotten to school and I head to my first class, when I get there I see Paul isn't in his seat. So I'm able to take my seat in the back without having to pass him by. I sit down and pull my book out for class and when I look back up I see Paul wank in. I can't help groan . I wish he would get hit by a buss or something. He walks towards me and ends up taking a seat at the desk adjacent to me.

"You know.. even wearing that crap, your still looking good. "He says turning to me.
"That's nice but I could care less what you think." I say not even looking at him.
"You definitely have some attitude now don't you."
I turn to look at him this time. "Drop dead asshole." I say and flick him off then turn my face away from him. Luckily the bell rings and class starts so he can't reply back to me.

When class is over I get out of this room fast and see Max waiting for me. We have kinda formed a sister bond since Monday, I've always wanted a little sister and she told me she's always wanted a big sister. I give her a hug when I see her waiting outside the class room.

"Hey Max, how was your first class?" I say moving down the hall away from the class room I just left.
"Boring like always." She replies .
"I hear that." I say with a laugh.
"Are you doing anything this weekend?" She asks me.
"Nope, no plans and my mom works all weekend. Why what's up?"
"I just wanted to see if you would want to hangout tonight?"
"Yeah I'd love to. Do you wanna come over to my place I can make something for dinner or we can order in and watch movies."
"Yes please , can you pick me up." She asks with excitement in her voice.
"Can do, call me when your all ready and I'll come get you." I tell her.
"Ok I can't wait." She gives me a hug then goes into her next class.

It's finally lunch time and I'm sitting with Monica and Dan at our usual table. Max and Robin have now joined us at the table as well and we're still next to Eddie's table. He waves at me and I wave back.

"Ok, when are you guys just going to get back together?" Monica asks.
"Really." Max adds.
I roll my eyes.
"I haven't been able to think much this week."
"Well you do love him right?" Robin asks me.

I turn my head to look at him." And He's talking to the guys at his table and he's being really animated, waving his hands around as he talks and I can't help but smile.

"Well that's a yes." Dan says.
"Shut up." I laugh looking back to everyone. "And yes I do." I sigh.
"Well what's holding you back?" Max asks.
"I don't know ." I say looking down at the table.
"Oh shit." Robin says.
"Dick head is looking over at us." She says looking back at me.
I look up and sure enough Paul and Jason are looking at us and talking.
"What the hell is their problem?" Monica asks.
"Who knows." I reply.
Just then I watch Robin stand up.
"Yo assholes why don't take a picture it will last longer." She yells at them.
I grab her arm and tug her down.
Both boys just smirk at us.
"I'm sorry Jade he just makes me want to punch his face," she says
"Like you did to Eddie's." I say
She smiles "No,worse then that."

Jaded affection / Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now