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I don't remember much of what happened or how I got here. I remember the blinding lights from the stage and the blaring horn, the cheers that erupted as I was dragged away. The familiar bite of the needle and the chill of the cage I was shoved into. I remember as feet stepped in front of me, their voice muffled to my ears.

Groaning, I squint at the irritating brightness that welcomes my eyes. Rolling over, I pause. It was soft.. And my wrists; my wrists weren't cuffed. Neither were my ankles or neck. As a matter of fact, nothing was restraining me to the bed and my limbs! My limbs didn't feel like jello! Nothing was stopping me from running away! As a figure shifts and grunts, I realize I wasn't alone. It was stupid of me to think I would be, to begin with. A man sits up, his eyes widening as he sees me. He wasn't laying in the bed with me, instead, he sat in a chair and rested his head on the side.

"Hi, darling." He hums, his voice was deep and angelic. He was well built, had a soft stubble, and his brown hair in an absolute mess. And his eyes- His eyes were a stunning dark blue. Nonetheless, his gorgeous appearance and silky voice didn't change the fact that he was a monster like the rest of them. Every last one of them.

I slide back on the bed until my back hits the wall, glaring at the man. His brow raises and a smirk plays on his lips as he leans back. "Relax kiddo, I don't indulge in children, remember?" I don't indulge in children, Ace. That saying.. That voice.. This was him?!

"Wh-what do you want with me then?" I croak, rubbing my throat.

"That will come in due time, but for now, why don't you go have a shower and relax.. hm?" I don't know what kind of façade this was, but I couldn't turn down a shower. Slowly, I nod, eyeing him as he stuck out his hand. This was the same hand that ran through my hair instead of hitting me for speaking out of turn. This was the same hand that probably threw me weapons to protect myself with in the Arena. This is the same man that signed away 5 million dollars with that hand. And it would probably be the same hand he beat me with when he got fed up.

I kept my hand where it was, scowling at him. He simply shrugged and stood up, backing away. I eyed him once more before slowly creeping off the bed, stumbling when my knee caught on the fabric I didn't realize I was draped over my body. The man had enough time to lunge forward and grab me before I came face-first with the ground. He set me on the ground and stepped back, walking towards a door.

"Your bathroom is just in here. Take as much time as you want, I'll leave some clothes for you." He doesn't wait for an answer or reaction before walking away. I slip into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it. I wanted to see how far I could get before their ruse finally dropped. I wait. One minute, three minutes.. five.. But when nobody came to bang on the door, demanding I open it, I turn on the shower, running my hand under the warm water. Taking off the large shirt and tossing it to the side, I dip my toe under the stream, sighing at the feeling. A knock startles me from my relaxation, freezing where I was.

"Hey, kiddo.. I'm just dropping off some clothes at the door." He calls, the sound of his feet pattering away. I grab a towel and wrap it around my body, slowly opening the door. Peeking out, I don't see a single person, just a pile of clothes and a fuzzy, soft-looking black bunny. I grab the pile, harshly dragging it into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, locking it behind me. When the sound of footsteps came thundering up what sounded like the stairs, it became clear their ruse ended. Knocking on the door, the man speaks again.

"Levi? Are you okay? Did you fall?.. Levi? ..Kiddo?"

"I-I'm fine."

"Okay.. You let me know if you need something, okay?" When I don't answer, he sighs and walks away from the door. I drop the towel and finally step into the steaming shower, practically moaning at the feeling. I grimace, watching as dirt runs off my body, everything that a quick hosing wasn't able to erase. My eyes trail over to the soaps and my mind wanders. He never said I couldn't.. Grabbing a bottle, I pour some into my hands, smelling the scent of strawberries. Lathering it on my body, I watch the brown suds fade away. I let water pour onto my ratted locks, drowning my hair in shampoo, scrubbing with everything I could. The water was nearly black and took a series of washing before it turned clear, massaging conditioner in after. My hair was matted and overgrown, long due for a trimming but I knew that wouldn't happen. They weren't interested in maintaining me, I knew that much.

I took one final rinse, shivering as the water began to run cold. I stepped out and fought with the tap, eventually turning it off while I cocoon myself with a towel, taking my time to dry off. As I slid the clothes over my body, it was clear that they were many sizes too big. The shorts hung just past my knees, the hoodie going down to my mid-thigh. I look at the rabbit, running my hand through her fur one last time. Fuck it. She was mine now and if anyone tried to take her, I'd fight tooth and nail. I unlock the door and step out, unsure of what to do now. Footsteps find their way up the stairs, and a familiar face pops around the corner.

"Hey.. Are you done? The others wanted to meet you.. There's food involved."


"Yeah.. We came to see you after the auction.. Did they really dope you up that much? ..Anyways, there are two others; they'd like to meet you." I squeeze my bunny, shying into the wall. More people, more threats, more lies.. But food, the hopeful thought of real food, food that wasn't slop. Slowly, I nod, following behind him as he leads me down the hall and to the main level, and then into the kitchen.

A blonde-haired, blue-eyed man was over at the stove, cooking when he saw me. Without a beat, he speeds over to me, a wooden spatula in hand. I knew it! I knew it was a ruse!

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