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After a few pumps, he stops and begins raining smacks down on my ass, holding my hands at the small of my back when I began squirming.

"Be a good boy for me and stop moving." He says, swapping his hand out for the leather toy he introduced me to at the club. This one stung more after already getting spanked. After 5 smacks, he pauses to pump the toy, humming in amusement when I squirm in attempt to gain more friction.

"M-more!" I whine, rubbing up against his pants.

"More?" I nod vigorously, trying to rut against him. "Okay.." He tells me, smacking the leather item down on my ass more.

"N-no! I-it hurts!" I cry out, squirming away from the stinging sensation. I didn't want more spankings, I wanted more playing.

"It's a spanking my love, it's meant to." He responds, pulling me back into the centre of his lap. Between the repetitive spanking and pleasure, tears began pricking my eyes.

I was startled when his hand met my ass once more, and then again, and again, raining down spankings. Was he done with the leather thing?

"Why are you being punished?" He asks, still raining down spankings to both sides of my ass.

"F-for how I acted today n-n yesterday!" I cry out, kicking my feet when he hits a particularly sensitive spot.

"And more importantly what else?"


"That's right." He responds, grabbing a different item off the bed. When it lands across my ass, I automatically knew it was a leather paddle. Ethan spared me no expense, pumping the plug once more as he rained the paddle down on my ass, a few tears finally breaking free. I lost count of how many times he smacked my butt with the paddle after 10.

"P-please sir! M-m sorry!.. I-I won't be a-a bad boy a-anymore!" I beg, hiccuping. "H-hurts!"

"Are you calling quits?" He asks, pausing. I sniffle and nod, squirming with anticipation as I expect him to continue anyways.

"You've had enough?" He confirms.

"M-mhm! N-no m-more!"

"Okay love." He soothes, massaging my tender flesh. He unclips the cuffs and massages my back and shoulders before turning his attention to the plug inside me. The raven deflates it and pulls it out, grabbing one last item from the mattress, sliding the cold metal item inside of me before I could object.

When he's done, he helps me up and pulls me onto his lap, wiping away my tears.

"You're my good boy." He hums, kissing my forehead, nose and lips. "You did very good." I bathe in his praise, leaning into his chest while he rubs my back.

"What's inside me?" I mumble against him, lazily looking up at him.

"This?" He asks, giving it a gentle tug, smirking at the noise that fled my lips.

"It's a plug for a puppy." He hums, ruffling my hair.

"Alright love.. I need to go deal with your daddy. Can you wait for me downstairs?" I frown and nod, holding his hand as we walk down the hallway and stairs. My eyes catch onto the cage in the living room and I freeze. I knew it.

"Y-you lied!" I cry, my breath speeding up. I yank my hand away from him and back away, wrapping my arms around myself. "Y-you're a l-liar! Y-you are s-sending me b-back!" I sob, struggling to breathe.

"No." Ethan responds in a calm voice.

"LIAR!" I scream, wiping my face.

"Don't talk to me that way."

"Y-you're a fucking liar! Wh-why shouldn't I?!"

"Are you gonna let me speak?"

"No!" I grit, barely able to breathe.

"Then how am I going to tell you?"

"T-tell me what?!" I demand, my head throbbing.

"Well? Are you gonna let me talk?" He insists, Crossing his arms. I don't respond, aggressively rubbing away tears while fighting back hiccups. He took that as an invitation to continue.

"Remember how we said you can't be hiding under your bed?"

"S-so you're se-sending me back c-Cos I hid u-under my b-bed?!"

"No!" He groans. "This is where you can hide. Have you actually taken a look at it, or are you just going off the shape?" Guilt pangs my stomach.

"There's not even a door on it Love." He tells me, hurt evident in his voice.

"I-I'm S-sorry.." I sob, hugging myself tighter.

"Shh.. come here bub." He tells me, opening his arms. I stumble towards him without hesitation, sobbing harder when his arms wrap around me.

It takes a few minutes before I calm down and when I do, he looks down at me.

"Do you wanna go look at it? I still need to deal with Justin." He reminds me. I bite my bottom lip and slowly nod, watching as he walks away.

When the playroom door shuts behind him and locks, I slowly wander over, inspecting the cage. Just like he said, there wasn't a door on it. Inside, the bottom was padded with what looked like a very fluffy dog bed and a baby blue blanket was draped over it. Inside, a few new stuffies sat and another blanket was draped over the top. If you looked closely, you could see little lights threaded around the top. It was overall a very big cage and looked relatively comfy.. maybe I would just.. give it a little try..

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