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I don't know how long we've been on the road, I don't know where we were or how far away from the ferry we were. The sedative had fully worn off and left me exhausted. The sky was beginning to set and the only thing I could do was cling a pillow and stare blankly out the window, fearful of what would greet me when I closed my eyes. The oversized hoodie and sweats kept me warm but not enough to say I wasn't cold, even then, the blanket that called my name stayed untouched.

The food Nigel ordered for me was long past cold and I could tell he was getting fed up with the method of subtle comments to make me eat; but I wasn't hungry, how could I be? When Nigel's phone cuts off the music in the car, I turn my attention to the call while keeping my eyes trained on the window.

"You're shit at answering your phone." Justin growls. "Do you have him?"

"Yeah.. kid's laying down, he won't eat though. We're on our way to meet Teddy at the ferry."

"Don't. It's too dark to trust your surroundings. Head towards the Pineridge inn.. the owners an old friend. He owes me. Teddy and Ali are on their way there too. I already called Zulu. They're to bring the cargo straight to me."

"Alright.. I'll let you know when we get there. I should forewarn you who was at the trade.."

"Don't care.. is he up? Do you know?"

"Levi? You up?" Nigel asks, glancing into his rear view mirror. I turn my head to stare back at him, my eyes empty. I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to see him either. I know it was my choice to leave the house and I know I knew the risks, but I thought they'd have come sooner to get us.

"I think he's finally passed out." He tells his boss, turning his eyes back to the road.

"Oh.. okay. Drive safe.. and for god sake, pick up your phone."

"Aye captain." He ends the call, his eyes flicking back to me.

"Can you at least eat something? Even if it's a few bites? It's the least you could do considering I just lied to my boss." I glare at him and grab a granola bar from the bag, taking a singular bite before putting the food back down. He gives a defeated sign, muttering something along the lines of 'fair enough'.

When we finally pulled up to the inn, I could see several different cars with two people each, lined up in the parking lot. The four vehicles surrounding us split off to different spots as we pulled in front of the building. Someone from Teddy's team walked up as Nigel rolled down the window, handing him a key.

"They're in room 205.. it's on the second floor, take a left." Nigel thanks him and grabs the bag from the back before getting out and walking to the trunk to make it easier for me.

I shiver as my feet touch the concrete, the autumn weather not in my favour at the moment. Walking up the stairs, I follow the directions and stand at the door waiting for Nigel to catch up to me. When the door finally swings open, we hear a shotgun cock at us, Teddy staring us dead in the eye from a recliner.

"Come in, quick." I look around the room but don't see his daughter anywhere; my throat closing.

"Whe-where's Ali?! Y-you were su-supposed to have her! Where's A-Ali!?"

"Levi- take a deep breath.. she's in the shower right now. You're next once she gets out." Teddy tells me, turning off the television.

"Have you eaten?" I nod, my eyes racking the walls. The yellow wallpaper was stained from years of cigarette smoke and some of the corners were beginning to peel off.

"He's lying. He had a bite from a granola bar." Nigel chimes up, his focus on his phone. I ignore the look Teddy gives me, glaring daggers at Nigel. I never gave enough shits or time to analyze him, but now that I had nothing better to do, I might as well.

He was tall, probably around 6'7 and he was lanky. All of his limbs looked as if they lacked meat and could stretch further than inspector gadget's. His hair was a dark auburn brown and was cut short, styled into lazy spikes. His nose was crooked and fit his long face, his teeth almost straight, yet complemented with a gap between his front two. There wasn't much else to him, his face was clean shaven, and his voice was almost always monotone.

When the bathroom door finally opened, I lunged straight for Ali, toppling into the doorframe as she swung at me.

"Oh my god! Levi!" She chided, crouching down to look at me. When we're level and she isn't at risk of falling too far, I lunge a second time, taking her into a deathly grip.

"I'm so sorry! It's all my fault you were dragged into this and it's my fault you were hurt and almost died and I don't know what I would do if you didn't survive and I'm so sorry Ali please forgive me!" I rambled, ignoring the tears that flowed down my cheeks.

"It's okay.. I'm okay levi, it's okay." She responds, her voice cracking as she hugs me back. "I'm gonna try and sleep.. you go get cleaned up, okay?" Ali tries her best to put on a strong face, but her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes the way that it used to. I nod and trade spots with her, closing the door behind me once I have a new set of clothes in my arms.

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