50 (R)

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"Levi.. wake up.. we're on the ferry." Ali whispers, nudging me. I groan and push her hand away, cozying back onto my window, praying that I'd be able to go back to a peaceful sleep.

"Let's go kid." Teddy ushers, opening my car door. This grown ass man was lucky that I had my seatbelt on for once..

I glare at him as I pull myself back into my seat before unbuckling and getting out with a scowl etched onto my face. I follow behind the three of them, not too pleased to be out in public or awake for that matter. We wander the ferry for a bit before finally settling in at a restaurant. When I don't make a move to place my order with the waiter, Teddy does so for me, ordering a simple eggs and toast. When the food was finally delivered and every excuse leading up to this moment had failed, Teddy cut straight to the chase.

The black man with green dreads places a pack of cigarettes, a new box mod and what looked like strawberry-watermelon vape juice on the table, staring me dead in the eyes.

"Aright kid, here's how this is going to go.. you're going to either a) eat all your eggs, or b) eat both slices of toast to get all of this."

"And if I don't?" I ask, leaning back as I cross my arms and cock a brow at him.

"Then I'll just return it and you can go the rest of the 10 hour ride without any source of nicotine. And then when we get to the manor, I'll be sure to tell your partners how this all went down." He responds smugly. I glare at him as I pick up a piece of toast and take a bite, angered with the smirk that grew on his face.

Ali didn't eat much either, but after a slice and a half, my stomach began to churn and nausea prevented me from eating any more.

"I can't- I can't eat anymore.. it hurts." I groan, pushing the plate away.

"Just a few more bites." Teddy bargains.

"No.. I feel like I'm gonna t-throw up. Ev-everything feels hot and my stomach is twisting."

"It could just be because we're moving around on water.. might just be sea sickness." Nigel comments.

"How about you tell me what it is when I puke on you."

"Okay that's definitely not table-side manner." Teddy intervenes.

"I don't feel good. I don't want to do this anymore!" I groan, putting my head on the table. He sighs and rummages around before tapping me and placing a phone in my hand. I sigh and bring it up to my ear. A phone call clearly solves everything.

"What?" I grumble, the feeling in my stomach getting worse.

"What's going on love?" Justin asks, a gentle tone in his voice. "Teddy says you're still not eating?"

"I don't feel good." I whine. "I tried! But I feel sick now and I don't want to eat anymore and he keeps trying to make me!" I forgot how overwhelming food was; it's funny how memory works in that way.

"It's because you haven't eaten actual food in a while love. He's trying to make sure you don't stay skin and bones until he can get you back to us."

"I don't want to eat anymore!" I groan, growing frustrated with this conversation.

"But you ate, yes?"


"Then that's fine.. as long as you promise to try eat some lunch later or even a snack or two okay? Low blood sugar is also gonna lead to more seizures."


"Thank you bubas.. pass the phone back to Teddy." I do as I'm told, resting my head back on the table while they finish up their conversation. When the nicotine filled products are slid towards me, I grab them and stuff them in my hoodie, waiting for everyone else to be done and for the bill to be paid.

When my stomach finally settled back down, I made my way to the smoking deck with Nigel on my ass; Teddy and Ali going to explore the souvenir shops. With nicotine finally in my lungs and the loading dock in view, I head back to the car and wait for the other two. I stayed awake for the first few hours of the trip, even keeping true to my word and eating a beef stick before my body finally decided it was time for a nap.

"That mouth of yours really needs to learn its place!" He snarled, storming towards me as his fingers fumbled with his belt, cornering me between two walls as he yanked it from the loops. I listened as the buckle rattled while he folded it, crying at the impact of leather meeting my arms.

"Not so smart now, huh?!" He shouted, swinging the belt left and right while I struggled to protect my head. Every lash, my arms and body screamed in pain and I screamed just as hard, begging him for forgiveness with every strike; insisting I'd do better, even if we both knew it was a lie.

"Look at me you dumb bitch!" He hollered, yanking my head up by my hair. All I could do was tremble in his grasp, my eyes raking over his enraged face. His palm struck my face with suck force that I was certain he had knocked a tooth loose.

"I don't give a shit what you want! You're here to serve me! Do you understand that?! You get what you're given, no more than that!" He snarled, slapping me with every sentence.

"I have guests in the next room and you want to pull this shit?!"

"I-I'm sorry! I-I'm S-sorry!" I plead, praying he'd stop his abuse, but of course that was never the case with him. With a steel grip remaining on my scalp, he began to drag me from the room and into the living room where multiple friends of his sat, each one with a beer in hand. He slams me over the coffee table, his guests barely having enough time to move their feet.

"You can show how sorry you are by shutting the fuck up and taking it without complaint." He snarls.

"NO! STAY- STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I scream, yanking the seatbelt away from my chest. The sudden outburst startles Teddy as he slams on his break. "GET OFF! GET OFF!! GET- GET IT OFF!" I sob, yanking at the belt that pinned me to the seat.

"Levi- Levi calm down.. it-it's okay! We're safe now!" Ali tries to soothe, undoing the seatbelt nonetheless.

"Get it off! Get it off!" I sob, yanking harder on it as Ali struggles.

The moment I hear the satisfying click of the belt, I yank open the car door and rush out, swaying as I'm just barely missed by oncoming traffic and a blaring horn as they drive by. I make it to the back of the van before my stomach rejects everything that's in it, and I'm left sobbing over a pile of my own vomit.

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