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A harsh knock on the door draws everyone's attention. Justin stands from the couch as Ethan slides me off his lap, both adults tracking their way to the door.

"Calmati! I ordered food. I figured nobody wanted to cook. Vai a sederti.. go to the kitchen." Vincent tells everyone, rushing out of the kitchen to answer the door before the boys could.

"You too Levi." He tells me, unlocking the door. Justin mumbles something along the lines of 'only dad can think about food while dealing with a pedo.' as he made his way into the kitchen.

I do as I'm told, grabbing Bunny off the couch. I sit by Justin, my eyes popping out of my head when Vincent returns with five bags of food.

"Mio Dio papa.. how many people do you think you're feeding?"

"Listen. This kid hasn't had fast food in ages. I don't know what he does and doesn't like, so tonight we feast like kings!" He tells his son, dumping one bag onto the table, wrapped food sliding across the table. I looked at the symbol on the bag, gasping when I realized it was McDonalds. Suddenly, I became a kid in a candy shop, bouncing on my hands, trying to stop myself from grabbing anything in sight. Vincent noticed and chuckles.

"I knew I made a good choice.. Now help me sort through this." I watch as Ethan and Justin start putting the burgers into different piles, probably sorting who gets what. When the first bag was sorted through, the elder dumps out another, the entire process repeating itself. By the end, the table was filled with all sorts of wrapped burgers, boxes, fries and drinks.

"Dig in!" The elder speaks, a proud smile on his face.

Everyone begins grabbing food from around the table while I sit there, unsure of what to touch. My reading had degraded horrendously since the barn, and although I was gaining it back at school, the colourful words on the wrapping seemed jumbled.

"Here." Justin speaks, handing me a box and a few burgers. I guess they all noticed my struggle. "That's a chicken burger, the other two are cheeseburgers and that's poutine." I nod, unwrapping a burger and taking a bite, moaning in delight. My face burns when Ethan and Justin looked at me with wide eyes.

By the end of the night, there was still plenty of food left but Vincent said he'd bring some to Jess and Minnie, telling us to eat some for lunch tomorrow, 'or something'.

The next morning, I'm woken up bright and early for school.

"Still?" I groan, pulling Mortimer's body over my face.

"The world doesn't stop because of a goof, kiddo." Justin tells me, returning Mortimer to his original spot.

"But how am I gonna get help with my school work now?"

"Seth has a replacement." Justin shrugs.

"He got fired already?" I demand, sitting up.

"You thought he wasn't gonna get reported?" I shrug.

"Wont it cause me more issues though? Me getting 2 teachers fired in like a week of being there?"

"That school just has shitty selection. Has nothing to do with you... anyways, time to get up." I grumble and slide out of bed, making my way to my closet, my next pit stop being a shower. I'd never get over having the freedom to shower whenever I wanted.

My outfit consisted of a pastel blue skirt, the waist tucked under my shirt to make it look high-waisted and short, paired with fishnets and a black long sleeve. I grabbed a pair of Nike that were decorated with snakes and roses before heading downstairs.

When the two saw my outfit, they both had different, yet similar reactions.

"Go change, or wear your skirt properly."

"You're going to school, not a club."

I ignore them both as I grab my pills off the counter and dry swallow them, snagging a banana.

"So who's driving me to school?"

"I can." Justin volunteers, finishing his cup of coffee.

As we get on the road, he asks me a question I wasn't prepared for.

"Any idea what you wanna do for the big 18? It's coming up pretty fast." With everything going on, I hadn't been able to give it much consideration. I didn't realize how close I was to turning 18 anyways. I stopped keeping track after the second year to be fair. If I was being blatantly honest, I didn't think I was even getting a birthday party.

"I dunno.. might get laid." I shrug, toying with him. I liked the fact they were protective; I felt safe. I did my best to hide the smile playing on my lips as I took a drag off my vape, watching him tense up.

"Any other plans?"

"Maybe a cake.. alcohol, who knows, maybe some crack too." By now Justin catches on that I'm toying with him, scowling at me.

"Give it some thought." He tells me, pulling into the schools parking lot. I tell him I will and step out, waving goodbye to him. What Justin didn't realize is that I was being genuine about part of that birthday plan. I did want to get laid. I wanted to have my first time, my consensual first time, when I turned 18.

Over the time they've had me, small things that Ethan and Justin would do for me made my heart leap, or cause butterflies to swarm in my stomach. The way they held me gently, or when their hands touched me, it felt like sparks. I wanted to give them my first time.

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