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As we sat on the bed of the truck, on a nice hill overlooking the city, my phone suddenly began ringing; Ethan's name popping up. I don't recall putting his contact in my phone, but knowing the reason he was probably calling, I contemplate answering. Jess sees my hesitation and plucks the phone from my hand, answering it.

"Woah there big boy, cool your jets." She tells him, pulling the phone away from her ear.

"Levi? He's right beside me.. Don't worry about it.. He's fine. Oh- Shit- I- Static- Talk to you later, kay love you bye!" She hangs up the phone, handing it back to me.

"He'll calm down. He can suck it up." She shrugs, smirking as Vincent shakes his head. It wasn't longer than a minute later that Justin was calling Vincent's phone, calling him again when the elder declines the call. He rolls his eyes, answering the phone and putting it on speaker.

"Niente giochi, cosa sta succedendo? I'm fucking pissed dad! Jess apparently pulled Levi from school! What the fuck?!"

"Hi Justin!" Jess hums.

"Shush.. I pulled the boy from school because he called me."

"Why? Why doesn't he need to be in school?"

"Because there was a teacher hounding him for nothing. Dandogli problemi per niente! He was stressed, overwhelmed. " I could hear Justin groan.

"Papa.. You can't just pick him up every time he's overwhelmed."

"I'll do as I damn well please."

"Vince, he needs to come home." Ethan calls from the background.

"This grown man put his hands on a child, he has every right not to feel like staying at school. Levi will come home.. When I decide. Ciao." The elder responds, dropping the call. Guilt, worry and anxiety pooled in my stomach, scared to know the consequences of what would happen if I didn't return home soon.

"M-Maybe we should head back."

"Are you saying that because you want to or because you're scared?" I don't reply, giving Vincent his answer. Seth's name popped up on my phone and I took a shaky sigh, answering the call, putting him on speaker.


"Where are you? The school just told me you didn't show up for class."

"Uhm.. I- I'm with Vincent and Jess.."

"Why?" He demands.

"I- There was a- a teacher and he-"

"Levi, it's a simple question. Why aren't you at school?" Somehow breathing was becoming more difficult, words begin choking me.

"I- I didn't feel well.."

"Right.. You either need to come back to school or find a way ho-" Vincent plucked the phone from me, turning it off speaker. His face hardened as he heard the way Seth was speaking.

"You need to call your partners and get the whole story of what happened. In what right mind do you think its appropriate to talk to a child like that? Especially with the profession you're in. Unacceptable. Do you understand me?" I could tell Seth was saying something over the phone.

"No. I don't care. Fix your attitude. Don't call again." He angrily hangs up the phone, turning it off.

"Why don't we go to an arcade?" Vincent asks, taking the last bite of his desert.

"Arcade..?" Before I was taken, I grew up in a small town with no more than 200 people. An 'arcade' wasn't heard of.

"Yeah, it's like this massive warehouse full of games!" Jess explains. I slowly nod. It sounded fun, but I was worried how much trouble I'd be in for not coming back.

"Minnie should be off work, do you wanna go pick her up?" Vincent asks his daughter.

"Would you be okay if my girlfriend came?" I nodded. I didn't see the harm in it.

Minnie was a short girl, only a few inches taller than me. She had long black hair and two different colored eyes, one being a steel grey and the other being a dark green. Her and I hit it off almost instantly. She was sharp and quick lipped, but very kind.

When we enter the arcade, I immediately regret the decision. The lights were blinding, flashing in a variety of different colors. I wasn't able to say something before I dropped, just barely grabbing ahold of Minnie's sleeve before I hit the ground. I woke up in the back seats of the truck, my head throbbing while my body ached all over.

"He's starting to wake up.." Jess whispers to her phone.

"Hey.. How are you feeling?" She asks, turning around to look at me. I didn't try to move yet, looking around. Minnie was sat on Jess's lap, Vincent in the drivers seat, leaning over to look at me with a worried look.

"Like I got hit by a truck." I joke, giving them a small chuckle.

Once they're certain that I'm fully conscious and functioning, Minnie shifts back to the seats with me and Vincent finally takes me home. It was close to 4 when we rolled up to the house, Justin leaning against the patio with a pissed off look. Getting out of the truck, I keep my head down, picking at my nails.

"We're gonna have a talk about how you speak to my partner."

"Oh, we're most certainly gonna have a talk, giovanotto" Vincent responds, chuckling at the tone his son used. "We're gonna have a talk about how your partner talks to children." My feet glue themselves in front of the patio, refusing to move. I've been here barely 3 weeks and my existence is causing issues in their relationship.

"Don't try and turn this around! Just because you wanna show off to a little boy, doesn't mean its gonna fly!" Justin bites back, Ethan and Seth making their way outside at the sound of commotion.

"Showing off? No. Il tuo partner è insolente. INSOLENTE!" The elder man bellows, glaring at Seth. "No adult should be talking to a child like that! Mai! Telling an already scared boy to get his ass back to school or to find his own way home. Saying how his fear is unacceptable and ignorant. Telling a child that he has 'some gall' to disrespect everything you've done for him like that." Justin and Ethan both turn to the blonde, looking at him with shock.

"Did you seriously say that?"

"I don't remember.. I- I was angry."

"Did. You. Say. That?" Ethan growls, Seth stiffening at the tone; but he wasn't the only one stiff as a board. I was frozen in place, not daring to move an inch. I stared up at the scene in front of me, terror engulfing me. The blonde looks away, his tongue gliding over his teeth before finally nodding.

"Inside." Ethan spits, the blonde doing as he's told.

"I owe you an apology, dad." Justin states, looking down.

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