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I ended up sealing myself off in a cabin, avoiding contact with everyone. When the staff came around to offer drinks, they were turned away. Everyone was turned away; Vincent, Alli, Eli, Ethan, Jess- everyone.

There was too much to think about.

One minute, my life is finally becoming normal again; I'm going to school, I have friends I made on my own terms, I'm safe and I have love.

But the next minute, everything was flipped. My school was attacked, the friends I thought I willingly made weren't true, I was no longer safe and I didn't know where we were going.

How long have I really been lied to?

The door opened and Ethan stepped in, sitting down as I turned my phone off and rolled away from him.

"Are you gonna talk to me?" I shook my head.

"Is this about getting punished?" I shook my head again, even though I didn't like the thought.

"Is it about where we're going?" I shook my head a third time.

"Then what is this about love?" He questioned, resting his hand on my shoulder. I pull myself from his grasp and clench my fists.

"It's about both of you being liars." I grit.

"I don-"

"Shut up!"

"Excuse me?"

"No! Just fucking shut up!" I yell, standing up and turning to him.

"Both of you are liars! You two keep saying that you're not and that you wouldn't lie! And then I believe you! And then you lie again!" I lecture, vibrating with anger.

"You want me to trust you, but I cant!... I can't trust people who keep lying to me! I want fucking answers! And I want them now!"

"Now is not the right time-" he tries to say as Justin steps into the room.

"No! I want some answers and I want them now- or we're over." I grit, my heart shattering as the words left my mouth. The two look at each other before looking at me.

"Sit down." Justin tells me.

"You don't get to tell me shit. I'm calling the shots right now!"

"For fuck sakes Levi just sit down and listen for once!" The brunet snaps.

"For once?" I echo. "For once?! ALL I FUCKING DO IS LISTEN TO YOU TWO!" I scream, storming over to him. "ITS TIME THAT YOU TWO FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!"

The door slides open for a third time and Jess appears in the doorway, prepared to say something, but I beat her to it.

"Get out!" She scowls at my response and slams the door shut, a familiar senior making an appearance.

"We can all hear you out there, calmati." He says, closing the door behind him.

"You can get out too." I snarl, my eyes tracking the three men.

"Do you want answers?" The elder inquires.

"Not from you."

"I'm the only one you're gonna get them from ragazzo. They're sworn to under oath."

"Then fuck you all. Now get out!" Vincent takes a seat on the bed, groaning in old age while the other two stay standing.

"Did you not hear me?! I said get out!" I shout, raising my hand to throw my phone; but a hand takes a harsh grip on my wrist before I had the chance.

"If you smash that phone I swear to god, I'll keep my promise." Ethan snarls, his voice laced with a tone I hadn't heard in a very long time. I rip my wrist from his grip, but resort to tossing my phone on the bed instead.

"If you're not gonna give me answers, then you two can Fuck off." I spit, referring to Justin and Ethan.

"We'll be back in a minute." Justin suddenly says as he grabs ahold of my bicep and drags me through the plane while I struggle against him, profanity flooding from my mouth. He shoves me into the bathroom, locks the door behind him and blocks the exit as he fumbles with a cloth and soap.

When it's finally suddy, he stuffs it into my mouth and forces me over the counter, laying five painfully sharp swats to my ass. I sit there in shock, grimacing and gagging on the taste of soap. He lifts my chin up, forcing me to look into the mirror at my own humiliating reflection. I gagged and tried to spit out the towel only for him to instantly put it back.

"I am tired of your fucking potty mouth and the way you talk to us when you feel upset." He seethes, leaning over to tap on the mirror. "This is going to become a very frequent sight if you don't change your attitude. Am I clear?" I nod, heaving at the taste of soap as my eyes begin to water. He pulls the soapy cloth from my mouth and hands me a cup of water to rinse with.

When I'm done, he stops me from leaving.

"You are our boy.. you're our baby and you're our love.. but that doesn't mean you get to walk all over us like we've been allowing you to recently. It doesn't mean you aren't susceptible to reactions and answers you don't like.. There are things we can't and don't tell you for a reason. Things that we hide from you because we know you won't like the answer. Things that we aren't allowed to tell you.." he pauses for a moment.

"But if you desperately want the answers you're looking for, then you go in there and you listen. You listen to all of it, and you don't get to lash out on anyone for the answers you hear. You don't get to turn around and treat others like shit for the answers you get and you don't get to pry further than allowed. Understand?" I nod, my head hanging in shame as we walk back through the plane to the cabin.

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