49 (R)

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The warm water pouring over me was far more comforting than the cold hose we had received for the last while; but as I watched the clear water run down my body and wash down the drain as a murky brown, I couldn't help but feel disgust. Disgust in my body, disgust in the infected marks that overlapped my old scars, disgust that I didn't fight back more. I felt disgusted that I let them hurt Ali, I felt disgusted that I didn't stop Eli sooner, I felt disgusted with the way my bones poked out from my skin and the way that they failed to support me like they used to. I was disgusted, and I had nobody else to blame but myself.

When my eyes caught the razor on the shower's shelf, I couldn't help myself as I snagged it away. With each strike, the brown water turned a darker red, and with each strike, the disgust slowly faded away. When I finally felt clean of my emotions, I wiped the water from my eyes and scrubbed my matted hair clean before turning the water off and stepping out. I dried my body off and buried the blood stained towel under all the dirty clothes, finally stepping out of the bathroom once I was dressed.

Teddy was nowhere to be seen- most likely outside having a smoke, and Nigel was sprawled across the other bed, struggling to stay awake. I slowly crawl into Ali's bed and curl up in a corner so I don't disturb her, but it wasn't long before both of us switched to waking up from night terrors every few hours. By the time the sun rose, we were both petrified to fall back asleep, refusing to relive our traumas.

"We're gonna head out in about an hour.." Nigel grumbles, bringing us both a cup of coffee. "We'll stop for breakfast on the way."

"Where's my dad?" Ali yawns, looking around the room. It was clear that Nigel made her uncomfortable and I didn't blame her considering what we just went through.

"He's trading out the car for a van so you two can get some sleep on the way home." The lanky brunet responds, packing the last of our bags. While he's distracted with that, I snag the cigarettes off the table and walk outside, sparking the stick as I take a long drag. If I was going to be sleep deprived and bitchy, the least they could do is let me take the edge off. The door swings open not even a second later, Nigel's face popping out.

"Levi come back inside, right now!"

"Don't boss me around.. if I snap your neck, they wouldn't blame me." I grit, glaring at the slender man. He scoffs and tells Ali to come outside, grabbing all of our bags. I snag the one with my stuff inside and stomp down the stairs, sitting on the cement as I wait for Teddy. I didn't want to deal with anyone and I didn't want to be around anyone. I just wanted to be swallowed by darkness. By the time Teddy finally came back, I was just about ready to kill one of these bastards and I had gone through the rest of the pack in the hour it took him.

"I need more smokes." I grumble, slamming the car door behind me.

"I'll get you some after you eat." Teddy says, putting the van into reverse once everyone was situated.

"No. Now."

"After. You. Eat." The black man grits, looking into the rear view mirror to give me what could only be described as the 'dad look'. I scoff and look away, kicking his seat. When my kicking persisted, Teddy yanked out his phone and dialled a number, snapping at whichever partner of mine answered.

"Tell him to knock his shit off before I find a way to stick him in a corner!" With that, he stuffed the phone in my hands. I glared at the electronic before raising it to my ear, hearing the concerned voice of Ethan.

"Bug? What's going on?"

"Vincent." Is all I say. I was still mad at them. I could hear him sigh before a series of creaking doors and footsteps filled the silence until I finally heard the voice of the elderly man I requested.


"Tell him to get me smokes before I jump out of this fucking car and walk myself to the closest corner shop!"

"Well good morning to you too.. wanna elaborate?"

"Teddy won't get me smokes and he's trying to force me to eat and I don't want to be here right now and I just need a fucking smoke!"

"Teddys on a time schedule." Vincent sighs, already aware I wouldn't like his answer. "He doesn't have time at this moment to make an obscene amount of stops. You need to be patient. The ferry has a smoke shop; I'll make sure you get something from there, okay?"

"Whatever." I grumble, giving the phone back to Teddy.

"Yea- I know that but- well no-" He sighs. "The kid needs to eat. I didn't tell him I wouldn't, I just said I won't until I've seen him eat.. no, he's just being stubborn- he will after he eats! Fine... you're on speaker."

"Levi." Vincent calls.


"Here's the deal-"

"No deal." The old man chuckles, ignoring my remark.

"You are going to eat at least one thing off a breakfast plate if you want your cigarettes. No food, no smokes. End of conversation. And stop ignoring your partners." The call hangs up and I'm left to glare out the window, sulking until I eventually fall asleep.

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