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The next morning, we headed straight home after bringing Mama and Cierra some new flowers. The entire way home, I was stuck wiping away stray tears.

When we finally arrived back home, Justin was sitting outside with a pack of smokes and an ashtray, putting one out as he exhaled. The weight of the world finally crashed down and suddenly, going back to a small town where I was presumed dead didn't seem so bad. Ethan wandered up to the deck and snagged the pack, lighting himself a cigarette.

"You coming?" He calls, leaning against the railing. I rubbed my palms on my pants, taking small steps until I finally reached Justin.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." I tell him, my eyes trained on his shoes.

"My eyes are up here." He says, waiting for me to look up. He looked thoroughly unimpressed, an eyebrow raised as he stared into my soul.

"I-I'm sorry.."


"Breaking your face.." I mumble, my head shooting over to Ethan as he tries to bite back a laugh.

"What else?" He asks, drawing my attention back to him. Anxiety had taken over my body; I couldn't run even if I wanted to.

"Running away.."


"Yelling at you?"


"Swearing at..you..?"

"What else?"

"I don't.. I don't know what else.." I tell him, looking over to Ethan for assistance as my heart began trying to burst from my chest.

"Scaring the shit out of me." He tells me.

"Oh.." he stands up and goes to hug me, freezing when I recoil from him.

"What's going on with him?" Justin asks, worry lacing his words.

"Can- can I go to my room?" I ask, avoiding his eyes.

"Yeah.. of course-" as soon as those words leave his mouth, I rush past him, flying through the house until I get to my room, slamming the door behind me as I lean against it. When my heart doesn't feel like it's in my throat anymore and I can breathe without struggle, I crawl over to my bed and pull Bunny off, followed by a thin blanket.

I take her and crawl under my bed, curling up when I'm flush against the wall, not bothering to hold back my tears anymore. I bit down on bunny as I sobbed, drowning her in tears. When a knock filled my ears, I held my breath, squeezing bunny tight as the door opened and someone walked in.

"Love?" Justin calls, walking around my room. He opens the bathroom, then the closet, even pulling my blankets off the bed. "Fuck.. Babe!" He shouts, footsteps thundering up the stairs and into my room.


"He's gone."

"Are you sure?"

"Am I- yes I'm sure!"

"You checked in the closet?"


"Every door of the closet?" The brunet shuts up and returns a few minutes later.


"Fuck.. okay.. uhmmm.. check the bathroom again and then we'll look in the other rooms." Why do they care so much? I'm just an expendable toy from the black market. Maybe they were so frantic because they were sending me back..

That thought caused a whole new set of tears to erupt, barely able to keep myself from being heard. I watch their feet leave my room and wander down the hall, checking the other rooms. When they were far enough away, I finally let go, accidentally choking out a sob.

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