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"Love.. my love.." A voice hums, pulling me away from my sleep. With heavy eyelids, I slowly blink away my exhaustion, looking up to Ethan and Justin.

"Hi sleepyhead." Justin muses, looking down at me. I grumble and try to snuggle back into my pillow, frowning when I realize it wasn't there. Looking around, I realize I fell asleep in the kennel.

"Comfy?" Ethan asks. I nod, my head resting on the mattress. "Can you come out for a sec please?" I grumble in response but oblige nonetheless, wincing when my ass burns.

I rub the crust from my eyes, looking between the two expectantly.

"You two are to apologize to each other and then we're gonna talk about some ground rules for the kennel, understand?" The raven pipes up. I nod, looking towards Justin.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted to you." He speaks, sincerity and guilt on his face.

"'M sorry for hitting you n screaming at you.." I respond, looking down. He ruffles my hair and gives me a soft smile, the two of them slowly making their way to the couch while I follow behind.

Ethan is cautious while pulling me onto his lap, however the pressure of sitting was still enough to sting. I let out a hiss, standing back up. He gives me a sympathetic look but doesn't object.

"So.. like I said earlier.. the kennel is a safe space for you to hide in, but it comes with a few rules and boundaries. When you are in there, we will not bug you or force you to come out, with the exception of mealtimes. You're not allowed to eat in the kennel either. You cannot use the kennel as an excuse to get out of school in the morning and going back to school attendance- if you do not feel like going for a day, what do we do?"

"Voice it in an appropriate manner.." I mumble, toying with the tail I forgot existed.

"That's right." Ethan responds.

"The kennel also does not get you out of punishments. If there is a reason that you end up getting punished for, you are allowed to use it to calm down beforehand, but the punishment will still be done when you are ready to come out." Justin chimes in.

"If you decide to go into the kennel after a punishment, that is also okay. However one of us will be watching you closely incase you drop." Ethan continues.

"And on days where you are extremely overwhelmed or at higher risk of seizure, the kennel is and has to be strictly off limits. It's a hazard for your safety." I frown.

"Understand?" I nod, still disappointed at the fact I won't be allowed to use it when I'm stressed out, even if that's what it's meant for.

"Good boy." Justin praises, a small smirk creeping onto his lips when I blush.

"We ordered pizza for dinner, but it won't be here for a bit, wanna snuggle up with us and watch a movie?" Ethan asks.

"I can't sit.." I mumble.

"You can lay across us love." Justin tells me.

With a bit of moving and shifting, I manage to make myself comfortable and tune into a cartoon movie.

It was animated and had lots of different things! Little soot creatures, talking animals, a shapeshifting witch and even a dragon!! I was thrown off when the girls parents were turned into pigs but the plot was overall amazing and very enticing.

When the doorbell finally rang, Ethan maneuvered himself out from underneath me and thanked the delivery girl before closing the door.

"Come love." Justin hums, patting my back as he stood up, earning a groan in response. I drag my feet to the kitchen and lean against the island, envying how they could easily sit at the table.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" The brunet asks, looking up at me as food was dished out onto plates.

"I can't." I grumble.

"You weren't spanked that hard. You can sit down." Ethan hums, licking sauce off a finger.

"Really? Then why don't I go grab the plug and the flogger and the paddle and you can just bend over the table too!" I huff, crossing my arms.

"Excuse me?" - "Pardon you?" They both chime in at the same time, stern looks directed towards me. When I don't respond, Justin lets out a quiet sigh and makes his way towards me.

"I'm not sure I heard you love; can you repeat that for me? Maybe even give me a demonstration?" All the coyness inside of me fled instantly and the balls I had moments ago, ran away.


"Then go eat."

I walk over to my seat and grab my plate, quietly making my way out of the kitchen as their eyes burned holes into my back. I wander over to the kennel and scoot my way in, making myself comfy before eating. A few minutes go by before Justin appears in the kitchen doorway, leant up against the wall with an unimpressed look.

"Is that where you're supposed to be eating?" I shake my head no as I take another bite, looking directly at him. "So then why are you eating there?" I shrug, taking another bite.

"Where is he?" Ethan calls from inside the kitchen.

"Kennel." Justin responds, his eyes never leaving me. For whatever reason, the look he gave me and the way he leant up against the wall made me want to cry, but the breaking point breaking point was Ethan's tone.

"Levi Woods. Come. Here." As tears pricked my eyes, I shoved my plate out of the kennel and curled into myself, grabbing a stuffy that was in there.

"One." The raven called.


"Good job, you made him cry."

"Levi-" Justin tries again.

"No! Go away!" I croak, squeezing the stuffy tighter. The brunet wandered over and crouched by the kennel, his voice much more clear now.

"Do you need a hug my love?" I shake my head vigorously.

"You're just gon-na punish me when I-I come out anyways! N-n my ass already hurts!"

"No.. I'm asking if you need a hug." He repeats, sitting down with his arms wide open. I sniffle and nod, slowly crawling out and into his arms.

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