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No matter how hard I tried to tell him to stay away, no words would come out. My throat felt like it was swelling and breathing felt impossible, so without anything else to do, I began backing up. When my back hits another body, and the blonde guy continues moving forward, the only thing I can think of is to swing. Unfortunately, an arm wrapped around me and the face of said owner suffered the force of my fist instead. My hand stings at the contact, another voice suddenly silencing the entire room, every sense flooding back to me.

"HEY!" A raven haired man booms, standing from his chair. His eyes burned with fury, rage lacing his voice. The look of anger in his eyes was far more intense than any look I've ever seen on Ace. It was a look that showed how much damage he could do and what scared me even more was that somehow, I felt like this wasn't the full force of that look. I freeze, looking at him with fear. I recognized his lower body as the man sitting on the brunets lap after the tournament.

"I-its fine.. That was my fault. I shouldn't have grabbed him." The brunet groans, holding his jaw. "Seth.. G-Go throw out the wooden utensils." The blonde looks confused but does as he's told regardless. The raven eyes me before sitting back down. For someone who looked so submissive, draped across another man, he sure knew how to contradict himself. I get a feeling that he doesn't like me very much.

"Knock it off." The brunet chides. "He didn't mean it." I stayed quiet, suddenly becoming interested with Bunny. That was her name now; Bunny. The raven sighs, his eyes tracking the blonde.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you.. Who's your friend?" The raven speaks, his attention turning to me. When he's not yelling, his voice is mesmerizing. I stare at him, debating if I wanted to fall for this act.

"...Bunny." I mumble. His smile could melt hearts and I take my chance to genuinely analyze him for the first time. His black hair was long enough to throw into a messy bun, his eyes were a piercing steel grey and his face was freshly shaven. He was slimmer than the brunet but just as well built.

When the blonde finally comes back, I give him a once over too. His hair was short and teased, bright blue eyes complimenting his complexion. I don't think I've heard him talk yet, but I'll assume his voice was just as mesmerizing as the other two.

"Do you guys wanna get him set up at the table? Food's ready." Yup. Definitely was just as mesmerizing. His voice was softer than the other two though, it wasn't as gruff and deep. I look at him confused.

"Hey, kiddo, come over here." The brunet says, gesturing to the table. I almost burst out laughing, but the chuckle I couldn't stifle slips out. They didn't seriously expect me to fall for that, did they?

"...He wasn't joking. You're going to be treated like a human being in this house and that includes sitting at the table." The raven chimes in. This time I do burst out laughing, but the look in their eyes, the sincerity of what the raven said, my laughter dies down quickly.

The blonde begins setting down plates of food, my eyes bulging from my head as I see what it is. Spaghetti. My dad used to make it all the time for me, it was my favorite meal growing up. Such a simple pleasure looked so luxurious and divine, I was starting to wonder how far this joke would go. The raven sees my reaction and chuckles.

"Come sit." He pats the chair next to him, a plate being set. I slowly make my way to the chair, sitting down. I wait for them to pull the chair away, to shove me off, or for my plate to suddenly vanish; but when everyone is seated and eating, I dig in. I couldn't be arsed to use a fork, I wasn't willing to risk them taking my plate away. I grab a handful and shove it towards my face, gorging on the food. I didn't care that they all stopped to gawk at me, even if they took my plate away, I still had what was in my hand.

"Kid.. Ki- Levi! Levi, stop!" The raven tries to say, his serious tone diminishing when he burst out laughing. He grabs ahold of my spaghetti hand, wrestling to pry it away from my face. "S-Stop.. o-ohh.. phew.. Kid.. I promise you that nobody is going to steal your food, but you need to stop with the hand.. You could choke." I glare at him and watch as he tries to wrestle my hand open. Eventually giving in, I open my hand and allowing him to empty it back onto the plate. The blonde quietly scoffs and side-eyes me before going back to his meal, but I do my best to ignore it as the raven wipes down my hand. When everyone was done eating, I stayed in my seat, unsure of what to do now.

"Before you wander off, we want to discuss a few things." The brunet speaks.

"...I had a choice?" He chuckles at my response, nodding.

"Just some simple house rules and a few other things." The blonde hums, clearing the table before returning.


"First off, your room is your space and will be your responsibility to keep tidy. You can shower whenever you want, you don't need to ask. Eventually, you'll be expected to do your own laundry, but for now, one of us will help you out with it. Uhhmm... House. You have free roam of the house, just be mindful of entering someone else's space. If you're hungry, just say something.. I think that's everything?" The raven speaks, looking quizzically at the other two.

"I mean yeah.. Other than that, just mind your manners, treat us how you wanna be treated, express what you're feeling in an appropriate manner and enjoy being a kid." The brunet shrugs.

"Are we gonna go over plans for today or..?" The blonde pipes up.

This was too overwhelming. There was no way that I had all this freedom without any sort of strings. This was too reckless- too careless for people who just spent that much money. My head was pounding and the world felt like it was spinning, so I shove back my chair, swaying as I stand up.. I needed to get out before I blacked out. I didn't trust them around my unconscious body. I end up leaning against the wall in an attempt at Support but find myself crouching to the ground and clutching my head, trying to get the spinning and pounding to stop.


I got 40 more chapters drafted and ready.. how are you guys liking the re-write so far?

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