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"Why not?" Justin questions.

"Because I've done just fine this far without school, why should I start now?"

"Because you've missed out on 4 years of valuable life skills and education that you should've had. It's important for you to catch up on at least some of that." Ethan chimes in wandering over to the fridge to lean on it.

"I'm not interested."

"Why? We have a plan in place for you at the school that Seth teaches at, we've talked it out with the principal and you have a modified sche-" something about the way they spoke to me -the way they treated me- drove me mental. They acted as if they were parents even though they knew they weren't. We all know the reality of why I was bought; so why they chose to act as if this is a normal household irritates me.

"Did you lose your hearing? I'm not interested. Quit trying to act like my dad because you're not!" I shout.

"No. I'm not your dad. I'm nothing like him and I never will be. I would never sell my child to pay off my debt." Ethan retorts. I storm over to him and slap him, not caring about the repercussions.


"Go to your room." He grits, raising his voice when I don't move. "NOW!"

I stomp away, storming up the stairs and slamming my door behind me. I'm sure it'll earn me an ass whooping, but I didn't care. How dare he throw that in my face. The gall this man has to assume he had the right!

Nobody bothered to come upstairs for a while, the knock on my door even being told to go away. I don't care who it was, I wanted nothing to do with them. When the knocking persisted, I had no other choice than to open the door. When Ethan's face was on the other end, I try to close the door, glaring at him when he stops me.

"Look.. I'm sorry. I had no right to say that; I deserved every bit of that slap. I was in the wrong, I'm sorry."

"You should be." I spit. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Can we try this again?"

"Try what again?"

"Just- Just hear me out. Can you do that?" I lean on my frame, crossing my arms. He looked as if he wanted to say something about my attitude, or maybe smack it out of me, but he didn't.

"We've talked to Seth's boss. She's the principal at the school he works at. She's willing to enroll you with a modified schedule so you're not too overwhelmed with work either. You only have 4 classes. Everyone else has 8. Seth is willing to help you on spare periods and all of us can help you with homework you don't understand. There is no downfall to this other than the fact that you're not willing to."

"What about how the other kids react to seeing me? Suddenly this new kid comes in- this disabled, stupid kid- who has teachers wrapped around his finger? You think they'll take kindly to that? What happens if I just drop in the middle of class? We both know why I can't go to the hospital. What would I wear? I have no clothes. And on top of all that, you really want to hand a school my information when I'm still a missing person? Nothing about this plan is thought through other than the education."

"Kids are assholes, I've learned this over the past two days." He teases. "But if anything like that happens, we'll deal with it then. Obviously we're not gonna give you shit if you have to defend yourself, but there will be repercussions if you start a fight.. As for you seizing at school, we've already told the principal not to call you an ambulance due to medical trauma. And as for your name, we submitted you under an alias, Levi Crenshaw. And lastly, clothes. We were planning on taking you out shopping, but we've cut time a bit close." I look at him dumbfounded. They really did think everything out.

"You're not gonna take no for an answer?" He shakes his head. ".. When would I start?"

"Two weeks, it'll give you enough time to settle in. Oh, and this is charged." He hands me the vape, the glass cylinder filled with a clear liquid.

"I don't- I'm still unsure of how to use it.." Ethan takes the vape from my hand, showing me which button he pressed as he inhaled, blowing out a massive cloud of smoke into my face. The smell was sweet and reminded me of strawberries.. Did they catch on? Did they realize I liked strawberries? There's no way they were watching me that closely at the barn..

"Here.. Try it.. Just be careful at first, you might cough a bit until you're used to it." I take the box back, mimicking what he did. As the machine hisses, the taste of strawberry fills my mouth as fast as I could cough it back out.

"I-It tastes like strawberries!" He chuckles and nods. I go to take another drag, continuing to do it until I manage to stop coughing, Ethan shaking his head.

"Wanna go get some clothes or are you fine in staying in oversized hoodies and loose shorts?"

"I don't have money though.."

"That wasn't the question, kid." I nod, unsure of his true intentions as I follow him down the stairs.

"Hey! Everything good now?" Justin asks. I nod, following Ethan to the door while he puts his shoes on.

"I don't think we're gonna have time for the Princeton mall.. We might just have to go to the Dome." Ethan tells Justin, standing up.

"..The dome?" Both men sigh at the question.

"Its a public kink mall.. There's still regular stores though, but kink is very prominent there and some things you see might make you uncomfortable." Justin explains.

"... A- Am I expected to partake?"

"Kiddo.. What have I had to repeat dozens of times at this point?"

"You don't indulge in children.." I mumble.

"Right. So why would that change now?" I shrug.

"Hasn't stopped people before."

"Are we ready?" Ethan asks, grabbing the keys.

"I uh.. I don't have shoes.."

"Shit.. Umm.. Here. They're sandals, but they should work until we get you some."

"I know what sandals are.." I mumble, sliding the shoes on. I look up at the two, expecting to be cuffed or restrained in some way, but they just open the door and walk out.

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