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Memories flooded my head faster than nightmares consuming me.

Mutts walk on all fours..

         Do you like getting hurt?

Soon you'll love it too.

       On your knees! ... Stay put!

You WILL obey me!

I shake my head, biting back tears.


"I-I can't! I-I don't want to!" I plead. They couldn't lock me in here for that!

"Okay.. just come this way then." I was terrified one of them were going to hit me when I got there, but regardless, I still made my way over. Ethan took a gentle grasp on my chin and guided my eyes to his. He kissed my forehead before looking back at me.

"Best behaviour, right?" I nod, watching as his hand that held my chin slid down to grab my hand, Justin grabbing ahold of the other.

"W-wait! M-my pants!" Justin let go of my hand to retrieve my clothing, returning moments later to kneel down. The brunet fed my legs through, gently tugging the fabric up. He stood up and took my hand as the door opened, everyone turning to see us. My grip tightens as I hang my head in shame, cringing at all the eyes.

"What are you waiting for? A fucking concert?! Mind your fucking business!" Justin bellows, all eyes suddenly fleeing from us.

Ethan decides it's for the best if I leave early, abandoning Justin to close up the bar on his own. What came as more of a shock was when he lead me around the back of the building and unlocked a door, the metal panel swinging open to reveal a motorcycle.

"I don't wanna sit on back.." I whine, squeezing his jacket.

"That's the only safe way to ride love." He responds, guiding the vehicle out of its hidden compartment.

"But.. but what if I fall off n you don't realize?"

"I wouldn't let that happen."

"I don't wanna!" I shout back, stomping my foot. The raven raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms as he leans against the motorized bike, an unimpressed look on his face.

"Check your attitude little boy."

"But- but.. I don't wanna sit on the back n you're trying to make me!" The raven sighs.

"Would you rather be in front, going backwards the entire ride home while I take turns that you won't be aware of?"

"Yes!" Ethan groans, throwing his head back.

"I'm not even gonna argue with your logic.. Get on." He tells me, pulling a helmet over his head. I climb over the body and go to hug his torso, scowling when he stops me.

"Helmet." He responds, sliding the hunk of plastic protection over my head. He clips it under my chin before allowing me to cozy into his chest. When he leans forward to grab the handles, his crotch shifts against me as the bike rumbles in ignition. The vibrations plus our position caused a very uncomfortable situation for me, my hips rutting against him.

"Stay put." He yells over the engine, kicking the leg up. The engine roars as he guides it out of the alleyway, not fully accelerating until we were on the highway, weaving inbetween cars. The wind bit straight through my clothes, my hands clinging and clawing at Ethan's back.

"You okay?" He shouts over the engine, slowing down at a red light. I nod, relaxing at the momentary pause.

Ethan unclips the helmet from my head and lifts it up, pecking my lips. He slides it back down and clips it just before the light turned green, driving when I replaced my grip. The one thing I disliked about the bike was that I couldn't fall asleep.

"Are we there yet?" I shout, looking up at him.

The raven's torso trembled as he laughed, shaking his head no. I grumbled and leant back into him, muttering to myself.

"Walking would get us there faster.. stupid fucking bike.." I growl as he pulls to a stop.

"You sure about that cupcake?"

"Yes." I mutter, shifting around.

"Look up." He muses. I scowl, but nonetheless, look up. We were parked outside the house, Ethan's head free of a helmet. My scowl intensified while I stumbled off the bike, struggling against the helmet.

The raven all but laughed at me as he stepped off the bike to grab ahold of me.

"Why are you so cranky?" He teases, unbuckling the clasp.

"M not.. the ride was just boring.. a-and stupid."

"Is that so?" He questions, tilting my head upwards.


"Alright then.. anyways, best get going to bed, you have school in the morning." I groan, forgetting our agreement. I forgot I had to return to that shit show.

The next morning, I decided on an act of defiance. It wasn't entirely an act of blind defiance, there was a deeper issue at root; I just didn't know how to cope with it.

As per usual, Justin came in to wake me up and left shortly after. I treaded out of bed and closed the door behind me, locking it before returning to my bed. I cozied back up and held a pillow over my head when Justin's occasional knocking turned into persistent clatter, the door handle beginning to rattle.

"Levi. Open the door. It's time for school!" His ruckus caught the attention of Ethan who seemed rather impatient this morning.

"Levi, open the door or I open it for you!"

"Fuck off! I don't wanna go today!" I yell, rolling over. The persistent pestering vanished almost instantly, a sigh of relief passing my lips.

"Alright, time for school." The brunet speaks, a light weight falling onto my bed.

I shot up and looked at him bewildered. My eyes darted to the door, eyeing how the handle was still locked. I eye the window, confusion lacing my head as I see it's closed, not to mention it was on the second floor.


"I don't reveal all my secrets. Now get up and get dressed." He orders, going to grab my blanket. I swat his hand away and glare at him.

"I'm not getting dressed. And I'm not going to school."

"That's strike one." He says, going to grab the blanket again. I smack his hand away again and cocoon myself, shuffling away with a glare etched into my face.

"Strike two." He grits, wandering over to the door to grant entry for Ethan. The raven walks in, confusion masked behind annoyance.

"Strike two?"

"He doesn't want to keep his hands to himself and he doesn't want to get out of bed." Ethan sighs.

"Hm.. sounds like someone I know."

"Love bug, we have places to be today and you have school to get to. Get up and get dressed please."

"I don't want to go to school so you can both fuck off!" I shout, whipping Mortimer at the two. Sorry big guy..

"Three!" The raven chides. "Two!.."

"Don't make me get to one, little boy."

"Don't make me get to one!" I mock, squeaking when my body was dragged off the bed. My head was yanked up, Ethan's eyes piercing into mine.

"You're already going to be half an hour late. Do you wanna keep testing your luck?"

"Absolutely." I grin.

"Go call the school. Tell them he's sick." Ethan orders the brunet, my smile slowly fading as he drags me to his room. The raven sits on his bed and pulls me over his lap before adjusting my shorts. I cry out when his hand meets my ass, wasting no time before repeating.

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