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When we finally made it into the car, all three of us burst out laughing.

"Who the fuck names their kid Nigel?!"

"His-his parents must've hated him!"

We cackled some more as Ali made her way out of the driveway and onto the country roads. It took us well over an hour to get into the city and find a mall.

I wasn't surprised when Ethan called as we brushed past the city line.

"Hi." I hum.

"Just checking up.." the raven responds, clear worry in his voice.

"We're still alive... why?"

"Alright. Stay safe, message me if you need anything."

"I know.."

"Have fun.. I love you." I hadn't heard those words in a while, wether from those two or just in general, even if I knew it wasn't intentional to stop saying it.

"I love you too." I tell him, biting back the lump in my throat.

"What was that about?" Eli asks, his eyes flicking up from his phone.

"Just Ethan being a worry-wuss.. same old, same old." I tell him, brushing off the prying question. Thankfully, he shrugs it off as we pull into the parking lot, excitement flooding our bodies.

We spent our day scouring the mall, buying anything and everything we liked, stopping every so often for the occasional snack and by the time we were done, the sun was setting.

"I wish they'd let us do this more often." I groan as I get into the car, rolling my eyes as I look at my phone. "Speak of the devils."

"We're still alive." I tell Ethan once I answer his call.

"That's nice. Tell Ali to start driving to Florence. They found the house." Ethan didn't sound pleased whatsoever.

"I- how?!"

"I don't know how. All I know is that we had to shoot down a drone."

"What's going on?" She asked as we got on the road.

"I don't know.. he says to go to Florence.."

"Florence?! That's four hours away!" She snaps.

"Don't shoot the messenger!"

"Listen. Just get the fuck out of Trieste. Teddy's on his way with a few other cars. They'll trail behind you once you get to Ravenna. Whatever happens, don't. Leave. The. House." The line ends after he says that, my heart trying to rip itself from my chest.

"Well?? What's going on?!" She demands, turning onto a highway.

"He.. he says that your dad and a few others are gonna trail behind us once we get to Ravenna and to not leave the house once we get to Florence.."

"Jesus Christ.." she mutters, speeding up and weaving through traffic as horns blare at us. I busy myself with memorizing the Morse patterns while she drives like a mad-man through the city, my phone pinging with a message from Justin.

The ring I gave you has a micro blade.. there's a little latch on the side, push it and a blade pops up. Xoxo

I hum at his message and continue my memorization, confused when we pull up to a gas station.

"We're in a jeep, not a Tesla.. besides, we can grab snacks." Fair enough. I follow the two of them into the store, grabbing a few snacks and drinks before heading to the till, covering gas and my portions of snacks.

When we finally get back on the road, I can't help but worry for my partners' safety; for Teddy's safety and for our safety. With the way Ali was driving, we'd all be hugging trees before we got there.

"Babe- you're almost hitting 200! Slow down!" Eli finally chime up, gripping his seatbelt when the car revved as we sped up.

"Don't backseat drive." She mutters, speeding through a yellow light.

"Let them know we're out of the city.. next stop; Ravenna." Ali announces, finally slowing down a bit. With nothing better to do, my eyes wander, eventually pausing on the rear view mirror pointed at Eli. I begin to notice that his interest in his phone peaks every so often and then he starts typing.

"Eli..?" I ask, tapping on my thigh.


"Who are you texting?"

"Mary.. why?" I tense.

"Eli. Give me your phone." He scoffs.

"You have your own."

"Eli give me your phone!" I demand, twisting around my seat.

"Levi! So help me god, sit back in your seat or I'll pull this car over!" Ali shouts, glaring at me.

"I will once Eli gives me his phone!"

"Why does he need to give you his phone?!" She demands, trying to keep her eyes on the road.

"BECAUSE MARY'S IN CRITICAL RIGHT NOW!" I shout, glowering at the teen in the back. "So give. Me. Your. Fucking. Phone."

"I'm not giving you my fucking phone! You're acting delusional!" He shouts, swatting my hand away. I twist further out of my seat, wrestling with Eli over his phone as my eyes flicker over to the window.

"ALI WATCH OUT!" I scream, ducking back into my seat as an armoured truck nails into the side of the car, sending us barreling off the road. Airbags explode, doing a half-assed job at protecting us from the flying glass as the car rolls, Ali's head smashing off the wheel while my body is sent jerking in every direction.

When we finally stop rolling, we're stuck upside down, Ali's body hanging limp as Eli groans in pain as he struggles to unbuckle himself. As every bone and muscle in my body screamed at me to stop, I refused to listen as I unbuckled myself, inching my way to the unconscious driver. Eli began kicking at his door, the destroyed piece eventually swinging off.

"A-ali?" I groan, wincing as pain shot through my arms as I unbuckled her. "I-it's gonna be okay.." I tell her, my eyes watering as I hold her unconscious body. Re-adjusting her, I begin kicking the door before giving up and clearing the glass away from the ground.

"How is she?" Eli wheezes, slowly crawling towards the driver's side. When I ignore him, he begins to move faster. "Levi!" He demands, looking into the car.

"How is she?!"

"Like you'd care.." I grumble, slowly threading her out of the car, growling as he helps pull her out.

Once she's out of the way, I crawl my way out, swaying and wheezing as I stand up, pulling the latch on my ring.

When he's unsuspecting and feigning sympathy over his girlfriend, I swing, watching as the blade slices through his ear.

I crawl my way on top of him, swinging as much as I can before the world starts to spin too much. Eli takes his chance and knocks me off of him with a single blow. Too absorbed with Eli, I don't notice the dozens of men closing in on us until someone foot pins my hand to the ground, twisting ever so slightly.

"How liberal you've become.." the voice tuts, I turn my head in time to see someone picking up Eli, cradling him in their arms before everything finally fades to black.

Oh how I love leaving cliffhangers like this <3

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