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We did indeed sit there until I started talking. No matter how many times I tried to pry my self away from him, or cussed him out, he didn't budge. Neither did the people still blocking the road. All of them sat there and watched us from their vehicles, occasionally wandering around.

"I'll break your face too." I grumble, pulling grass.

"I love you too." He muses, kissing my temple.

"Why won't you just leave me alone?!" I groan.

"Because thats not in my nature.. you ready to talk yet or are we gonna end up sleeping here?"

"Fuck you!"

"Not with your current attitude." If I waited them out, maybe I could have a chance at running again.

Ethan brought his fingers up to my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek. I turned my head and took the chance to bite him, grinning when he yelped in pain, his grip loosening. I ran back up towards the road, stumbling in the midst. I grabbed some gravel as I stood back up, both drivers caught off guard while the biker seemed unfazed to say the least.

The two men inched towards me, getting ready to tackle me and when they finally got close enough, I threw the gravel, pleased when they cried out in pain, cusses flooding the early evening air.

"What? You wanna go too, jackass?" I snarl, glaring at the biker who walked towards me without a care in the world. His helmet hadn't left his face the entire time he was here, nor had any of his gear.

"Be nice to him Teddy!" Ethan shouts as he makes his way back up the slope. I ignore the raven and swing at the man when he comes close enough, crying out when my arm is suddenly twisted behind my back, the ground coming closer and closer.

He grabs my ankles and pins them to my ass with ease, ignoring all of my struggles. As Ethan's boots finally step in front of me, I slowly look up at him from the ground.

"That wasn't very nice." He says looking down, to no one in particular. The biker man— Teddy hoists me off the ground, keeping my arm where it was.

"So now what? You send me back?" I grit.

"No. Now you tell me what the fuck your issue is."

"Don't act like you care!"

"I do fucking care!"

"Bullshit.. you're a liar! You're a fucking liar just like all the rest of them!" I scream, wrestling against the hands holding me, wincing when it makes the ache in my shoulder worse. Ethan makes a gesture with his hand and I'm released, immediately going to rotate my shoulder.

"Quit your fucking whining. It's dirt." The raven spits, done with listening to the two drivers groan about their eyes. He stalks closer to me.

"I'm a liar?"


"Because I said you had to go to school?"

"Because you went back on your fucking word, you piece of shit!"

"So I'm a liar, because I told you to get your ass to school? I'm a liar because when you decided to use your hands instead of words, you got your pretty little ass spanked? I'm a liar because why?"

"Because you said.. that when I turn 18, I can make my own decisions. N then I tried and you didn't let me. Neither of you did!"

"Did you voice those decisions? No. You instead decided to yell at us to Fuck off, repeatedly. You decided that violence was your form of communication for the day and then you fucked off and got yourself lost." I grind my teeth and look away. Technically, he was right.

"What's going on with you, love?" He asks, his voice softer. Ethan steps closer to me and takes a gentle grasp on my chin, trying to guide my eyes to his. I push his hand away, only for him to grab my wrist and take ahold of my chin once more, less gentle than before.

His eyes burned into mine, looking for anything. He was.. worried.

"It's not like you'd understand." I mumble, looking behind him at the sunset.

"No, I don't understand. You won't let me understand." I glare at him.

"You won't understand either way!" I yell, my voice trembling.

"Then help me understand! All I want is for you to talk to me." He insists, pulling me in for a hug when my eyes begin to water; fighting against his comfort.

"T-they're gone.. they're gone n they're never coming back! W-why couldn't it h-have been me?!"

"Who's gone, my love?"

"M-my mom a-and my sister. T-ten fucking years a-and it's still not any easier!" I sob, hitting his chest. He remains silent and instead rubs his hand up and down my back, waiting until I'm calm.

"I lost my mom when I was a kid too.." he tells me. "Do you know where they're buried? Your mom and sister?" I sniffle and nod.

"Why don't we go see them then?" He offers

"But what if we're far?"

"I guess we'll make it into a trip then, hm?" I slowly nod.

"You two can go home." Ethan tells the two drivers, both still struggling to see. "Ready Teddy?" The masked biker nods and hands my partner his gun back before igniting his bike.

"Wait.. why does he have to come?" I scowl.

"Because he's protection." Ethan responds, straddling his motorcycle. I drag my feet over to him, and straddle the front of the bike, facing towards the road this time. He slides my helmet over my head and shows me where to put my hands before kicking up the stand.

"Where to?"

"...do you know where Coates is?"

"It's only a few hours away." He responds, starting the bike.

By the time we had arrived at the graveyard, the sun was almost set, our walk becoming far more intimidating. Ethan insisted we went to pick up some flowers on our way, something I was grateful for, even if I wouldn't admit it.

Mama's grave was riddled with vines and moss, yet somehow, her name was clear. My sister had a plaque on the same stone, the plants fully overgrown, no letters recognizable beneath the earth. When a body shifted from the ground, I figured it was a homeless fellow who cozied up, but the person I saw was far worse.

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