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Every bouncer I passed had their eyes glued to me the entire time and I knew that one of them had told the workers to keep an eye out for me. I wandered over to the bar, a smug look on Jess' face.

"They done bullying you?" She yelled over the music.

"They pinned me down and tickled me!" She feigned a dramatic gasp, picking up a glass to dry it.

"What can I get you kid?" I shrug. I hadn't had booze in a while and all the stuff I used to have were vile and strong. She pondered for a minute before walking away, returning a few minutes later with a orange drink that faded to red at the bottom, a cherry on the top. I grab my straw and mix it before taking a sip. It was citrusy, sweet, fizzy and had a slight taste of alcohol.

"Good?" I smile and nod. "Oh! One last thing!" She pops a lid over my drink as if I was a child, earning a glare.

"Bosses orders kiddo." She points behind me and I turn to see Justin leaning on the railing, watching me. I stick my tongue out at him before turning back around. As I was about to get up with my drink and wander around, Jess places a shot in front of me.

"I didn't.."

"From that woman over there." She tells me, pointing to a lady that I immediately recognized from parties at the barn. Before Jess could walk away, I grab her arm.




"Jess, Bunny!" She looked so confused. She pressed a button on a wire dangling from her ear. "Yeah.. so Levi's saying Bunny over something? What does that mean?... oh-" the lady got up from the other side of the bar and began walking towards me, panic filling my body.


"Alright Levi, stand on that stool and March your ass over the counter... yup. She's walking our way now." I do as I'm told, her hand barely grazing my pant leg before I was over the counter. I hid behind Jess, spitting at the woman when she sneered at me.

"Ma'am, I think it's time for you to leave." Jess shouts as Justin appears out of nowhere with two bouncers.

"Ma'am, come with us." Justin speaks, placing a hand on her shoulder. She spun around, hitting him square in the jaw. Jess wasted no time grabbing an empty bottle and climbing onto the counter to smash it over her head, watching as she swayed. Bouncers grabbed her by her arms and escorted her out, ensuring she didn't come back.

Patrons around us stopped to look at the commotion, but as the music continued blaring, it clearly wasn't important enough to worry about for too long. Most of them returned to what they were doing, Minnie suddenly popping up through the crowd.

"Again?" She sighed, going behind the bar to grab a broom.

"Sorry love." The ginger responds, kissing her girlfriends cheek. "You. Sit your ass down." She orders her brother, shovelling ice into a towel. I didn't know how to react. I was frozen in my spot. Was it that easy for the barn to find me? Or was it simply because of where we were. I'm sure there's plenty other kink bars here, so why choose this one?

"I'm fine." He grumbles.

"Stop winning and plant your ass. Levi, hold this." She hands Justin his towel of ice and puts a single cube in my hand, closing it. The cold sensation brings me back to my senses, breathing not feeling as hard.

"Better?" She asks me. I nod, wiping my wet hand on a towel she hands me.

"So who the fuck was that?"

"Uhm.. she's s-someone from the barn.."

"I'll talk to dad about raising security.. maybe some facial ID software?" The brunet begins talking to his sister, a stressed look on his face.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble. With how loud the music was, I'd think they wouldn't be able to hear me, but I was mistaken.

"Hey.. you have nothing to be sorry for." Justin tells me, sincerity washing over his face. "C'mon, you're gonna stay close to me for the rest of the night." The brunet tells me, holding his hand out.

Jess helps me climb back over the bar and wipes the counters down, confiscating my drink.

"Hey!" I frown. There was still a full drink in there.

"Not taking any chances!" She yells, making a new one. She hands the new beverage to me, popping a lid on before rushing to deal with drunken patrons. Justin holds my hand, ignoring every time I growled or snarled when someone greeted him.

He leads me over to a closed off area with cushioned seats circling a table. A bouncer immediately lets us through, blocking off the area the moment we were in. It was quieter over here, nobody was around and the music wasn't as loud. Nobody to call my dom any formalities either.

"Little boy, I'm getting pretty tired of you growling at everyone."

"Too bad." I respond, swirling my drink and taking a sip.

"I already know I'm yours, you already know Ethan and I are yours, why does it matter?"

"Because one day someone else will come along and you'll want them more!" He looks taken aback by what I just said, not used to my blatant honesty. Maybe it was the alcohol.

"Then what would you like me to do? Do you want me to fuck you in front of everyone so they know who I belong to?" He pulls me onto his lap so I could straddle him. I shrug, not too bothered by the idea at the moment.

"Maybe I do." I reply, taking a sip from my drink.

"I don't think you're ready for that.. but I will let you have fun." He tells me, taking my drink from my hand. The brunet unbuttons his shirt and tilts his head giving me full access to his neck.

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