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"You keep saying that, but I fail to see it." I grit. "You get angwy and gwouchy and then you storm off and come back later to finish what Justin started." I mock, using a baby-ish tone as I spoke.

"He's more dominant than you are, so do me a favour and let go of me like the good little bitch you are!" I shout, watching as every ounce of patience drains from his face. He takes a moment to compose himself, contemplating his options.

"You're right." He responds, his grip tightening. "I've been to gentle on you, babying you when it comes to consequences, coddling you every step of the way. So why don't I introduce you to the way that I punish Justin."

"The fuck is that supposed to mea-" I demand as he begins dragging me back up the stairs, my wrists in a bruising grip.

"Shut. Up." He snarls, using a tone I was all too familiar to at the barn. It was a tone that was usually used before I was left on the floor, bruised and bloody, barely breathing.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that-"

"I'm not going to repeat myself." He responds, pushing me back into the room before locking the door and taking the key out.

"What's going on..?" The brunet questions, tracking Justin throughout the room.

"Levi made a very valid point on how I've been to soft on him when it comes to consequences and his actions have only continued to prove it." Ethan announces as he rummages through a bag, retrieving a hairbrush. He grabs ahold of my arm and drags me over to the couch, tossing the key to Justin. "So he's going to learn how you get punished."

"I never agreed to that-!"

"I know your limits, I've seen what you can handle."

He bends me over his knee, yanking my pants and underwear down to my ankles as he keeps me planted across his lap.

"You're going to count. Understand?"

"No." He smacks the brush across my ass, watching as I jolt and clench my fists.

"Do. You. Understand?"

"Suck. My. Dick." He smacks the brush across my ass, harsher than before.

"Come again?"

"You're a bottom." He smacks the same spot, no remorse on his face as I let out a small whimper.

"I'm gonna start raising numbers. Do you understand?"

"I understand that you're a bitch." His strike lands even harsher than before, readjusting his grip on me as I try to squirm away.

"I don't think I heard you."


"Fine what?"

"I understand." I grit, a glare etched onto my face.

"Good boy!" He taunts. "Now lose the attitude or I'll add more humiliation onto this." His cheery, taunting tone drops in an instant, the brush resting on my thighs.

"As if."

"Levi-" Justin tries.

"Right. Now not only are you going to count, you're also going to thank me and ask me to tan your ass. Let's practice." The brush flies down, slamming across my ass as I let out a cry.

"I'm waiting."

"One." I grit.

"Continue." He demands.


"Right.. babe, you wanna go grab me the paddle?"

"Uh.. no.." the brunet replies, staying where he was.


"This is a punishment, not a trauma session. He's being a brat so you rage and quit, but uh.. I can easily just put bunny in a timeout where he can't grab her if he continues his shit."

"Leave bunny alone-!" Ethan smacks my ass again, his eyes boring into my skull.

"One. Then what?" I bite my tongue, debating if having bunny out of reach is worth it.

"Thank you sir.. Please.. tan my ass." I sneer, wishing death upon these two.

"Great! Now let's actually start." He demeans, the back of the brush whipping across my ass once again.

"O-one! Thank you sir! Please tan my ass." I grit, livid with the raven.

"Of course baby! Just because you asked so nicely!" He responds, slamming the brush down once again.

"Two- thank you sir, please tan my ass!" Again.

"Three!" I Yelp.

"Three what?"

"Thank you sir.. Please tan my ass."

This continued, even after I was crying and trying to writhe away from him, none of his spanks anywhere as nice as they used to be.

"Ack! F-fifty! T-thank- thank you sir p-please tan my a-ass!" I sob, waiting for the next strike.

"We're done." He says, putting the brush down and releasing his grip on me. I slide off of him, kneeling on the floor with my ass in the air and my head to the ground as if that was going to do anything to help with the pain.

"Do you need anything, love?" The raven asks, his tone more gentle.

"G-go away!" I bawl. I know I got spanked because of my own actions, but he didn't have to be so mean about it!

"Love?" Ethan sighs.


"I'll deal with him.. do whatever you need to babe." Justin pipes up, walking over to us before he crouches down. "Come here bubba." He hums as Ethan walks away.

"G-go away!" He doesn't take that as an answer and picks me up anyways, careful of where he put his arm under me. It didn't take him much to secure my hands from smacking his chest anymore as he sternly looked down at me.

"Was part of your spanking because you tried to hit Ethan?"


"Don't lie to me. Was it, or was it not?" He chides.


"So are you trying to tell me that you need more spankings? Because clearly you haven't learnt your lesson."

"No!" I whine, trying to free my hands.

"Then smarten up." He scolds, letting go of my hands as he walks back over towards the bed, handing me Bunny. Once Bunny was in my hands, he walked over to the bathroom, closing the door behind us.

The tub was marble and stood on four golden legs, a shower curtain off to the side as it hid behind the door. The counter had the same marble top to compliment the white cupboards and the toilet was just a regular toilet, a fake succulent sitting on top. On the other side of the door, there was a wall of wooden cabinets, their doors hiding what was inside.

Justin maneuvered around only having one hand and turned on the tub faucet, pouring bubbles in after. He plugs the marble bowl and watches as it fills. After it's done, he somehow manages to strip me of my shirt with a single hand, setting Bunny on the counter.

"No!" I protest as he tries to lower me in, clinging to him and straying my legs away from the water. "'S gonna hurt! I don't wanna sit!" I whine, my voice raising. Justin sighs and sets me on my feet, looking me in the eyes.

"It's going to help make it hurt less."

"But it's gonna hurt when I sit and I don't want to!"

"It's gonna hurt more tomorrow if you don't." He tries.

"You're lying.."

"Am I?"

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