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The rest of the night was spent on the couch watching all sorts of movies that I never had the privilege to see, periodically pausing them to go out and share a cigarette with Vincent.

The trio didn't pull up until nearly 2 in the morning, the cars lights shining on me as I take a long drag from the smoke. I look at the older man with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. He shrugs, taking the smoke back from me and hauling a drag. The lights on the car shut off, everyone stepping out of the vehicle. Ethan stands there for a moment, while the other two quietly make their way inside.

"Levi, get inside please." He sighs, finally walking up the patio. I do as I'm told, fighting tears of anxiety. I grab Bunny off the couch and sneak upstairs. It wasn't long before Ethan called me out of my room and told me to sit down at the kitchen table. Vincent sat at there with a sour look, while Justin and Seth sat, displeased looks on theirs. I didn't want to be here..

"So.. You smoke?" I nod, not daring to make eye contact. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" The immediate change in tone makes me jump, tears pooling at my eyes.

"Babe.. Chill it. Just a bit." Justin pipes up, earning a scoff from the raven. When he doesn't continue talking, Justin gives it a try. "Kiddo. Can you look at me please?" My hands trembled under the table as I shook my head no.

"Calmati." Vincent groans. "He's nearly an adult. Non è un bambino! He can make up his own mind on things."

"He's still a minor Vincent!" Ethan argues.

"Do you think it's the first time I've had a cigarette? The first time I've done drugs? I know what they do to someone. I don't care." I grit, my voice trembling with every word. I was expecting to get slapped for speaking out of turn, instead a pack is tossed on the table, sliding towards me.

"Go on then. Smoke the pack." Seth dares as if I wouldn't consider doing it. I'd do anything to save myself from a lashing. I grab the small box off the table and open it, pulling out a stick. I put it to my lips and look at Vincent for the lighter.

"Oh.. Sure." He says, his the lighter out.

"No! This is fucking ridiculous! Have you lost your mind?" Justin demands, glaring at Seth as he confiscates his father's lighter and pulls the cigarette from my mouth, snagging the pack from the table.

"Listen mio figlio. You smoke, Seth smokes, Ethan smokes, I smoke. Do you seriously think that telling him he's not allowed to smoke is going to stop him?" Vincent pipes up.

He makes a valid argument. Ethan makes a sound between the mix of a sigh and a groan.

"Fine.. But there will be rules. You have two packs a month. You go through them all, that's an issue for you to deal with. If you somehow manage to go through two packs in a month, you get stuck with a vape. Capiche?" Ethan caves. I nod.

"Good.. Then go to bed.. We can discuss things more tomorrow." He finishes off, everyone standing up from the table.

I rush back to my room, closing the door behind me. I throw myself onto my bed, burrowing under my blanket and smothering my face with a pillow, clinging to Bunny as my tears finally free themselves. I muffled my sobs until I fell asleep, waking up the next morning with puffy eyes and a stuffed nose. I lay in bed for as long as I can before I decide to finally get up and make my way downstairs, preparing myself for whatever hell I was going to walk in to.

"Morning, sunshine." Seth teases upon seeing my complexion. I grumble, walking past him and sitting down at the table, waiting to be told if I was allowed to eat.

"Coffee is on the counter, help yourself to breakfast, pills are right here." Ethan says, walking in, pouring himself a cup of coffee and placing two pills in front of me before walking back out.

"Don't worry about him, he's usually busy in the mornings planning events or ordering re-stock for the bar. He'll probably call a family meeting or some shit when he's ready." Seth tells me, watching as I pour a cup of coffee, returning to my seat. I take a sip, spitting the bitter liquid back into the cup as soon as it hit my mouth. He chuckles, shaking his head. "I forgot you probably haven't had coffee before.. Black coffee is a particular taste.. Anyways, there's creamer in the fridge and sugar in the cupboard.. that should help."

I give him a small smile, taking my cup with me. After a few adjustments with cream and sugar, the bitter liquid turned into a sweet delicacy. Eventually, I wander over to the counter, and dish myself some eggs and bacon, sitting down as Justin and Ethan wander in. I pick at the food with a fork, watching as they sit down.

"Meds?" Ethan asks, I nod, confirming his question. "Good."

"I gotta get going to the conference, I'll see you later, okay?" Seth pipes up, standing from his chair.

"Alright love, have a good day." Justin tells him, all of us watching as the blonde male leaves.

Justin places two boxes on the table along with a small bag, sliding them towards me.

"What's this...?"

"Open them."

I open the first box, a box device inside. On the top was some sort of small glass cylinder,  the box portion was black, lined with blue metal. I look at the two confused.

"It's a vape. You open the top like this.. then you take vape juice and you pour it in. You have to charge it every so often, but when it's turned on, you press this button and inhale." Justin explains. I nod, moving on to the second box. I burst out laughing when there was a phone inside.

"You're joking. I- I don't know what type of joke this is, but I-I don't want a part in it." I tell them, pushing the box back to them.

"It's not a joke. That's yours." Ethan responds, pushing it back to me.

"What do I owe you?" I ask, skeptical of this entire situation. I busy myself with the bag, pulling out two bottles. I figured those were the vape juice.

"Funny you should ask.. You can go to school." Justin responds. I freeze, putting the bottles down. I push everything back towards them and stand up, both of them following in suit.

"No thank you."

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