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The brunet returns, an annoyed look on his face.

"He's suspended for 3 weeks."

"Well can't we find a way to lower it?" Justin shakes his head.

"That girl he got into a fight with? She's Mayor Hopkins daughter. He's threatening to shut the school down if Levi's suspended any less than that."

"Yeah? And what's her punishment?" Ethan questions.

"Plastic surgery." Justin shrugs, ignoring the scoff that comes from Ethan's mouth.

"Can't your dad go pay him a visit?"

"He could, but do you really think that's a smart idea?"

"Okay, well cant you then?"

"That's an even worse idea."

"I'm certainly fucking not. I have history with Hopkins."

"...Jess?" I mumble.

"Jess is a wild card kiddo." Justin tells me.


"I guess I can call dad and see what he's up to." Justin says, wandering out of the room once more. I look up at Ethan, unsure of how this news would effect him. Would he make me bend over his lap again? Would he beat on me? How far did his patience go?

"You're fine love." Ethan tells me, as if he read my mind. Justin walks back in.

"Dad said he'd go talk to Hopkins, but only if Levi came with him."

"I'm not liking the sound of that... Can't he go talk to the school? I guarantee you the fight is somewhere online."

"It is.." I mumble.


"A-Alli sent me the video someone took.."

"Show me." Ethan orders. I pull out my phone, opening the messages between Alli and I, showing Ethan the video. Justin gets his dad back on the phone.

"Will you go talk to the school- there's proof she started the fight." Justin groans. "Dad. He's suspended. He's not allowed on school grounds.... Thank you." The brunet turns back to us.

"He's going. Just send him the video." Ethan nods, forwarding the video to Vincent from my phone.

"So what are we eating for dinner?" The raven suddenly asks.

"Leftovers night?" Justin suggests.


I was tucked into bed early, all of todays events taking a harsh toll on my body, but the dreams left me just as restless.

My mind wandered to how Ethan's hands felt on my bare skin, maybe how his calloused finger tips would feel on other parts of my body. My dreams spiralled about Justin's hands roaming through my hair, wondering if I'd still get butterflies when he tugged on it. Just as my dreams began to get intense, I woke up, pitching a painful tent. I'd never had one before, I didn't know how to deal with it. I grab a pillow and shove it over, hoping that would do the trick, but regretting it when a moan slips past my lips.

I panic, worrying if anyone heard. As footsteps wander the halls, my heart pounds in my chest, sighing in relief when they head the opposite direction. What did I do now?? I take out my phone, googling what to do, confused when it told me to take a cold shower. Without much choice, I sneak out of bed, tip-toeing to the bathroom, locking to door behind me. I turn the faucet on, cringing at the cold water. Stripping, I get in, immediately regretting my decision as the water hits my skin. Shockingly, the cold water helped solve my problem. I get back out, dry off and head back to bed; thankfully sleeping through the night with no more issues.

As my birthday got closer and closer, I managed to get some money off Ethan and Justin, and somehow convinced Jess to drive me to the Dome without any questions asked. Anxiety sky-rocketed as I got out of the car, walking into the mall alone. Jess, worried for my safety, slipped me a can of spray, calling it mace. She told me to use it if anyone tried something that made me uncomfortable.

I took my time, wandering around; pacing outside stores before finally building up the courage to enter them. I avoided looking at anything, my face flushing every time my eyes caught something. Eventually, a clerk walked up to me, scaring the shit out of me.

"Hey, can I help you find something?" She was a tall woman, a slight husk in her voice.

"I-I'm not really sure.." I mumble.

"That's alright sweetheart. What are you looking for?" I shrug. "Alright.. let's start simple.. Are you looking for clothes?" I slowly nod.

"Cool! Follow me!" She wanders to another part of the store, stopping at a wall of lingerie. "We have lots of variety from modest to downright indecent.. do any catch your eye?" I trace them with my eyes, catching sight of a black lacy one that would cover most of my torso; thin straps decorating certain parts.

"T-that one?"

"Sure!" She reaches up, grabbing it and handing it to me. "Is there anything else you're looking for?"

"M-maybe a p-plug?" As the words came out of my mouth, my face burned as if it has just been dipped in acid. She acted as if it was the most casual thing in the world, walking me down to a different isle as she explained all the different types they had. When we came to a halt, my face lit up in flames at the display.

"Do you have a partner?" She suddenly asked.


"Not like that silly, there are some plugs that can enhance play with partners."

"O-oh.. uh, yeah." She nods, pointing out all the ones meant for partners. I ended up deciding on a small remote controlled plug. She slid me a bottle of lube, free of charge with my purchase too, telling me I'd need it. I pay for the items and practically run out of the store, my face still burning as I get back in the car, handing Jess back her 'mace'.

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