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As class went on, I watched how Samantha spoke to Seth, how she acted around him, how she walked around him. It was disgusting. She could see the ring on his hand, but didn't seem to care. The next time she swayed her hips up to his desk, leaning over while twirling her hair, I raise my hand.

"Yes Levi?"

"I-I'm just having trouble understanding this bit.." He gestures me up, sending Samantha back down to her seat. She glares at me doing so, watching as I skip over, showing Seth the work that wasn't comprehendible. By the time he was done explaining it, the bell was ringing. Alli and I split ways as I made my way to my locker, somewhat surprised when Samantha slammed my locker door shut on me.

"I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm warning you; stay the fuck away from Mr. Williams." I look at her with the straightest face I could muster and state two words before walking away from her, heading to my next class.

"He's gay."

When I walk into my math class, I already realize that this was going to be a shitty period. The teacher, Mr. Grandbrook, was the man who had a stick up his ass earlier that morning.

"I'm surprised to actually see you in class." He comments as I sit down.

"Excuse me?" He ignores me, clearing his throat as the last few students file in. He ignores my existence until a kid in front of me turns around and asks for an eraser

"Class! I get we have a new student, but that's not a reason to stray from your studies! Mr. Crenshaw, keep the conversations for after class." students begin whispering to each other, staring at me as they do so.

"You know what? Fuck you." I snarl, standing up and grabbing my bag. "He was asking for an eraser. I've done nothing to you. Just because you have a stick shoved up your ass over the fact that you were in the wrong this morning, it doesn't give you the right to treat me this way." I storm out of the classroom, anger fueling the tears that brimmed my eyes, ignoring the man as he shouted after me. I storm outside, my hands trembling as I pull out my phone and dial Vincent's number.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" He asks, a faint sound of people in the background of his call. I sniffle, wiping my eyes.

"Uhm.. Can- Can you come get me please?" The background noise suddenly quiets down, Vincent becoming much more clear.

"Sure.. What's going on?"

"I just- I don't feel well.."

"I'm only a few minutes away." I could tell he didn't believe me, but he didn't pry on the subject any more, dropping the call. I take out a cigarette, fumbling with the lighter Vincent gave me as Mr. Grandbrook stormed out of the building.

"Who do you think you are?!" He demands. "Acting that way in my class! The blatant insubordination!"

"Fuck off." I growl, blowing the smoke out.

"Go see the principal! I'm disgusted with your attitude!" He shouts, Vincent's truck pulling up.

"Leave me alone!" I shout, watching as the elder gets out of his truck.

"Lets go. Put that out, we're going to the principal's office." He insists, grabbing my arm. As I'm about to scream at him, Vincent pipes up.

"I strongly suggest you take your hands off of him, young man." Grandbrook spins around, ready to yell at him until he sees who it was. I'm still unsure of what power and fear Justin's family held over people, but it was immediate and effective.

"M-Mr. Armani- What are you doing here?"

"The better question is what your hands are doing on him." He growls, stepping forward.

"I- I apologize that you had to see this.. This brat was just on his way to the principal's office."

"I'm here to pick up this brat." The elder replies, staring down the teacher. "Better yet, why don't you and I step into the principal's office?" The man begins tripping over his words, insisting how that wasn't necessary and how he was truly apologetic.

"Are you okay?" Vincent asks, turning to me. I raise my trembling hand to him, taking one last drag of my cigarette before putting it out. He turns back to the teacher, ready to tear him a new one. "He has epilepsy, did you know that? Probably not! Your bullshit could have caused him a seizure. Then what? I think its quite necessary that we go meet with your boss." He snarls, grabbing Grandbrook the same way that the man grabbed me.

"Go wait in the truck ragazzo. Jess is in there. I'll only be a few minutes." His tone was an immediate 180 from the way he was just talking to the elder. I make my way to the truck, forcing a smile at Jess when she looked at me with sympathy.

"You'll be okay.. How about we go grab some ice cream after this?" I nod, unsure of a proper response, wiping away a stray tear as I try to steady my breathing. It didn't take longer than twenty minutes before Vincent was walking back out the front doors, an angry look etched into his face.

"You won't need to worry about him anymore. He's been released from his position, effective by the end of the day." I gawk at the man. The fact it only took twenty minutes to get someone fired amazed me.

"We were thinking of getting ice cream, pops." The redhead speaks up as Vincent unparks the car.

"Yeah?" He asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror. I nod, biting my nails.

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