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Justin managed to coax me inside, cuddled up with me and bunny on a couch under a blanket while Ethan and Vincent made quick work of packing Seth's belongings. When they were done, Ethan asked for my phone, hooking it up to the TV. I didn't understand why, but I didn't bother asking. All that was left to do was for them to sit on the couch and wait for him to get home.

As time rolled by, everyone sat in silence, cigarettes being lit every so often. As much as my body begged me, I refused to fall asleep; terrified that the next time I woke up, I'd be back in a crate. When the sound of tires rolling onto gravel were heard, Ethan stood up, leaning on the back of the couch with his arms crossed, facing the door.

"I'm home!" Seth called, stepping in. He looked confused at the sight of all the boxes and bags stacked outside. "It's a little early for spring cleaning, don't you think?" He asks, setting his backpack on the ground.

"Take your shit and go." Ethan growled.


"Oh please, don't act all fucking innocent. You're a pedophile!" He yells, stepping away from the couch.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck that kid's been telling you, but it's bullshit! You're seriously gonna take the word of a child you've known for a month over the person you've been dating for 6 years?!"

"Y'know what.. you're right." Ethan says, his voice levelled. A stray tear breaks free, realizing this really was all a ruse. "I don't need to take his word. I have this lovely little video instead." Ethan finishes, picking up the remote and pressing a button. Suddenly, the video I took was displayed on the large screen, but that wasn't enough.

"Hold on.. why don't we turn it up!" The raven snarls, the hushed voices becoming louder with each second. As Seth fumbles for an excuse, Ethan cuts him off and pauses the video. The reality of this situation finally hits me full force. My heart starts pounding and my lungs felt like they weren't getting enough oxygen, my head spinning as I clung to Bunny, torn between covering my ears from the yelling and burying myself in Justin. The brunet doesn't waste a minute, covering my ears for me so that I could cling to him. The yelling, the screaming, it reminded me of my dad and who he turned into after my mum died. Every so often, he would place a gentle kiss to the crown of my head, not in a romantic way, but in the way that a parent would kiss the head of their child. Despite his efforts, nothing could pull my eyes away from the two men as they yelled and shouted at each other.



You could hear Ethan's hand split the air around him, the slap echoing off the walls. It was louder than anything I've ever heard and made me fear the man who owned the hand. The blonde, in shock and dazed, swayed slightly before shaking off the pain. His cheek embellished a bright red hand print that wasted no time becoming visible.

"THATS A KID SETH! A FUCKING CHILD! TAKE YOUR SHIT AND GET THE FUCK OUT!" He bellows, grabbing a bag off the floor and chucking it at the blonde. When Seth makes a move for the couches, Vincent stands up, shoving him back. Whatever the elder growled to the blonde knocks some sense into him as he storms out of the house. Ethan locks the door behind him, taking a deep breath before turning around. Only after Seth is gone, does Justin take his hands off my ears.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I'm unsure what to do, I'm scared to move, scared to speak, scared to make a sound. Ethan slowly makes his way over to me, crouching down to meet my eyes.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" He asks, his tone soft and sweet. I think about his question for a second. Was I? Slowly, I shake my head no. It was strange hearing that question. Nobody had asked me that in a long time.

"Do you feel safe?" After that? I had mixed feelings. I shrug, my finger tracing the pattern of Justin's shirt.

"Okay... Do you wanna go stay at Vincent's for a few days until this blows over?" I shake my head. What if they realized that I wasn't worth the trouble and didn't want me back?

"Alright.. that's okay.. do you think Bunny wants a smoke?" Bunny? No! It could burn her or singe her fur! I turn her away from him, hiding her under the blanket.

"Hm.. no smoke for Bunny, do you think Mortimer wants one?" I shake my head.

"No? Who should get a smoke then?" I look up at Justin, a soft smile on his lips. Looking back at Ethan, he had a smile painted on his face.

"Justin should get a smoke?" I nod.

"I dunno.. he's been kinda bad.." Ethan says, leaning close. "He stunk up the bed last night!" He whispers loud enough for everyone to hear. I giggle though my tears at the comment, watching Justin push Ethan's head away, the man losing his balance and falling on his ass.

"See what I mean?" He jests, his hands flying around. I laugh louder, nodding.

"What?" Justin gasps. "You think I'm bad?" His tone was playful, but the question caught me off guard. The smile falls off my face as I shake my head, looking down. Both adults sigh.

"Hey. I was joking kiddo, I know you don't think I'm bad." He tells me, his hand running through my hair. I shrug, my full attention returning to Bunny. Ethan shifts around, lighting a cigarette.

"C'mere kid." I stick my hand out, expecting him to ash in my hand or put it out. "No.. I'm not putting a smoke out on you. I'm asking you to come here." I slide off the couch, not expecting him to pull me into his lap. I was even more baffled when I didn't feel a hard-on or when his hands didn't start roaming. He just cradled me on his lap. It was strange. Different. But somehow comforting.

"You're safe here, you know that?" He asks, taking another drag. My eyes track the cigarette, forgetting I was asked a question. "Hey-" Ethan pokes my rib earning a squeak. His eyes follow mine, realizing I was tracking the smokable stick.

"Do you want some?" He asks, I nod, my hand reaching out. He pulls it away, looking down to me. "How do you ask?"

"...P-Please?" My voice was so soft and faint, I could barely hear it myself. He smiles, handing it to me. After I take a few drags, he repeats his question.

"You're safe here, you know that, right?" I think about it. I think about what Vincent said the first night I was here, I think about how they've never tried to put their hands on me, how they've never hit me even though I've hit them. I think about what they just did to Seth for me. I give him a slow, yet curt nod, taking another drag.

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