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I woke up to blaring music, the stench of alcohol and red lights as Ethan carried me through the bar. Everyone stopped to greet them and upon further inspection, I realized that this was a BDSM bar. They didn't pay mind to the attention as they wandered up a set of stairs and into an office.

"Hi sleepyhead." Ethan hummed as he sat down, realizing I was awake. I grumbled and curled back into him, missing my nap. Unfortunately, the comfort was short lived when a knock echoed throughout the office, a woman walking in. She was in a tight fitting shirt and short shorts, an apron strapped around her waist, her long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail that looked way too high on her head.

"Master Donovan.. Master Armani.. what can I get you to drink?" I let out a low growl at the title, shutting up when he pinched my thigh. I'm not sure if her addressing them as master pissed me off more than the fact she didn't address me at all.

"Nothing right now. We'll go down to Jess if we want anything.. love? Do you want a drink?" Justin spoke for the both of them, directing the attention onto me.  He was sprawled out on a couch across from the desk, as he looked up from his phone. I shrug, my eyes glaring at the girl as I tracked her every movement.

"We're fine Cassidy, thank you." Ethan responds, watching as the girl closes the door behind her.

"What was that?" The raven questions, looking at me. I ignore his question, my glare set on the door. "Excuse me, I'm talking to you." Ethan questions, guiding my jaw towards him.

I scowl at the dominant, not answering.

"Don't start acting like a brat now, little boy. What was that just now?"

"Mine." I grumble.

"Yes. We are yours. That doesn't call for attitude though." Justin chimes in.

"Then she shouldn't have called you master." I grit, crossing my arms as I look away from Ethan.

"It's etiquette here love." The brunet responds.

"Sure it is.. daddy." I grumble, whimpering when my head is yanked back by my hair, Ethan's piercing eyes glowering into mine.

"Drop the attitude.. I'm about ready to pop you in the mouth." It was that same voice he used when he told me to stay down while blowing my back out. The memory caused me to rub my thighs together.

"Yes sir.." I pout. He releases my hair, massaging the area he just yanked on.

"We need to go over a few things to go over before we consider letting you roam free.." Justin pipes up, walking over to the desk. "First off, Jess and Minnie are both working, try not to distract them too mu-"

"Jess n Minnie are here?" I interrupt.

"Yes. Working. So try not to distract them too much.. Secondly; Mind your manners. Just because this is our bar, does not mean you're above the rules. If we find out you've been mouthing someone off, there will be consequences." He continues. I roll my eyes at the comment, catching the look he shoots me.

"Do you need an attitude adjustment?" The brunet chides, stopping his speech.

"Do you?" I retort. The raven deals a quick swat to my lips, ignoring my baffled face.

"Did you just fuckin-"

"I did.. wanna continue?" He was testing me and my patience.

"Do you? Sadistic asshole.." I grumble the last part quietly, but of course the raven hears me. Ethan sets me on my feet, bending me over the desk, my hands flying out to cover my ass.

"Nooo!" I whine, stomping my feet.

"I don't understand where your attitude is coming from." He scolds.

"And I don't understand why you're such a bottom!" As he was about to lay a smack on my ass, the door opens, my favourite redhead walking in.

"I heard my favourite terror was he-" Jess assesses the situation and pauses. "I'll just come back.."

"No! Jess help! They're bullying me!" I protest, trying to break free of Ethan's grasp.

"Uh huh.. Well, don't bully him too hard." She tells the two, closing the door behind her.

"Traitor!" I shout through the door.

"So, what were you saying?" Ethan asks, feigning as if he has already forgotten. I stay silent, admitting defeat. "That's what I thought." He says, releasing me from my position over the desk.

"Third, if someone is making you uncomfortable, say your safeword and they will be removed. Fourth, you are not obligated to do anything another person tells you to do. They are not your dominants, we are. If someone tells you to do something, you tell them no. If they persist, you go grab Jess; she'll be more than happy to bottle someone. Fifth, if for whatever reason someone asks you who your dominants are, you say 'My dominants are the owners of this bar, Ethan Donavan and Justin Armani. I'd be more than happy to take you to them.'.. say it with me."

"My dominants are the owners of this bar, Ethan Donovan and Justin Armani. I'd be more than happy to take you to them.." I parrot, not sure why I had to repeat him.

"And lastly, but most importantly, this is a professional setting. You are expected to act respectful while out on those floors. You're here under our name, meaning it's not your reputation that's damaged, it's ours. If we tell you to kneel, you do so. If you're told to go back to the office, you do so. If we tell you to stop talking, you do it. Understand?" The brunet finally finishes talking.


"Great. So repeat back the six rules." Ethan quizzes, leaning back on his chair. God he looked hot. They both did.

"Don't bug Jess n Minnie, mind my manners, say my safeword if someone's being creepy, don't listen to other people, tell them who my dominants are if they ask and bark like a bitch if you tell me to." I drone.

"I don't think I heard that last one." Ethan speaks, his eyes burning into me. I sigh.

"Do as I'm told when I'm told."

"That's right. And why are we gonna do that?"

"Because this is the bar you work at." I mumble.

"Because this is the bar we own." Ethan corrected.

"Cool. Can I go now? I wanna go see Minnie."

"But what if I wanna cuddle you?" Ethan mockingly whines, pulling me off the desk and onto his lap.

"You can cuddle me later!.. daddy help!"

Justin simply stares at me, a smirk on his face.

"Help you? Nono, I think you meant tickle you!" Both their fingers suddenly assault my ribs and stomach, earning a squeal as I try to break free from their grasps.

"O-okay! I-I'll be g-good!" I gasp, struggling to breathe. They finally stop and let me breathe, both giving me a kiss before I leave.

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