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"Porta qualcosa da mangiare a mio figlio! cosa vuoi? Sandwich? spaghetti? Ehhh formaggio e cracker?" He yells to the chef, turning to me.

"No hablo Español." I tell him, watching as he swats the air, turning back to the chef.

"Cucina qualcosa di piccolo!" He tells the man, walking towards the island chairs. "Venire! Sedersi!" He insists, patting the stool beside me. As I walk over, a lightbulb brightens in his head.

"Solo un po' di frutta per favore! Fragole in abbondanza! ...Con cioccolato fuso!"

A few moments later, a large platter of grapes, melons, pineapples, mangos and a plethora of strawberries is put in front of me, a bowl of chocolate slid next to it. I huff as I glare at the old man.


"Sì.. dig in." He tells me, handing me a fork. My glare intensifies as I grab the fork, stabbing a strawberry before dipping it in chocolate. Once I finish my bite, I turn to him.

"There. I ate. Can I go now?"

"Don't be a smartass." Ethan suddenly speaks, standing beside Teddy. His sudden appearance almost made me fall off my chair, earning a scowl.

"My ass is smart. It follows me everywhere I go."

"Don't start-"

"Oi! Not in my kitchen!" Vincent scolds. "And not until your plate is done."

"This is a fucking feast!"

"Then you best start eating." The raven chimes, earning a pointed look from the elder.

"I don't have to listen to you." I respond, coyness lacing my voice. As the raven begins to March over to me, Vincent's voice booms through the room.

"NON NELLA MIA CUCINA!" The sudden mood change from the elder froze everyone in their tracks, as Justin and Jess flew through a separate set of doors, panic on their face.

"How the fuck did you manage to make him yell?!" Jess demands as she crouches over to catch her breath.

"Questi due non sanno ascoltare! Stanno litigando nella mia cucina!" The elder rants.

"Yeah.. the last person who tried to instigate in his kitchen got a skillet to the head.. don't fuck around where the food is made."

"If he would just fucking eat-"

"And if you weren't such a little bitch!-"

"BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" Jess shouts, beating Justin to the comment.

"Don't worry about it.. You can deal with his attitude." Ethan grits, storming off.

"Trying to order me around like some fucking bitch.. he can choke on a dick.." I grumble to myself as I toss a grape into my mouth, angrily chewing it.

"Mettilo via per favore.." Justin asks the chef as he grabs ahold of my ear, leading me away from the kitchen.

"Ow! Fucking let go!.. let me go you fucking asshole!" I demand as I'm dragged through the house. "I swear to god, I'll make your life so fucking miserable!!" The brunet snaps and pins me to the nearest wall, taking ahold of my neck. It wasn't harsh enough to restrict my breathing or cause me pain, but it was a silent warning of how much I was pushing my luck.

"Be grateful that I didn't tan your ass in front of my family.. This entire relocation is for your safety, its not so you can show off or act all tough; and it's certainly not so that you can fuck around and find out. Do I make myself clear?!"

"If you two would just get off my ass-!"

"If you would just drop this snobby spoiled brat act, maybe, JUST MAYBE, we wouldn't be 'on your ass'. But Y'know, you could also consider we're doing our fucking best with the cards we were just fucking dealt!"

"Yeah well-"

"I'm not done." He snarls.

"This attitude of yours ends tonight. And tomorrow morning, you will be expected to apologize to everyone for your behaviour. And then I want to see a change in your attitude, because if not, I will tan your ass in front of my entire family the next time you get lippy.. Am I clear?" I bite back my comments and nod, startled when his grip tightens just the slightest bit more.


"Yes sir.."

"Good. Now march your little ass up to the bedroom." He orders, pointing in the direction.

As I drag my feet to our room, my stalling could only last so long. Eventually, the door shuts behind me and a glowering Ethan laid on the bed as he flickered through the channels on TV. When I paused to speak, Justin interrupted me.

"Go kneel by the couch." I do as I'm told like a dog with its tail between its legs while the brunet tracks his way to a bookshelf. "Do you remember your safeword?" I nod in response, biting my lip in an attempt to keep it from trembling.

"Good. Put your arms out." I do as I'm told, cringing as two thick books were stacked on top of each other as Justin stared down at me.

"You're going to sit there, holding the books just like so for 20 minutes. If you move, speak, complain, or distract yourself with anything but holding those books, another 5 minutes will be added. Understand?" I nod.

"Your 20 minutes begins now." He says as he walks back towards the bed, cozying in with Ethan.

Time seemed to slow down, the clock hands took longer to pass with each second and the books began to weigh more and more with each minute.

"I want-"


"You don't even know what I was gonna sa-"

"Don't know, don't care. Speak again and it's another 5 minutes." The raven responds again with the most monotone voice possible. I growl in annoyance and throw the books down on the ground.

"This is fucking stupid! It's not fair!" I shout as I force myself back onto my feet, glaring as both dominants begin their stride towards me.

"I don't give a fuck if it's fair! Your actions have consequences, and it's time you figured that out. Now pick up the fucking books, and deal your fucking time!" The brunet snaps, stopping inches from me.

My hand flies out faster than I can stop it, my palm burning at the sudden sensation; but Justin's reaction was just as bad.

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