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When we finally got back to the house, Seth was nowhere to be seen. The sun was setting and for a man who worked at a school, he was out awfully late.

"Babe?" Justin called, shutting the door behind us.

"Office!" He called back. Oh.. makes sense.

"Hey, go put Mortimer away, we'll bring up the bags." I nod, struggling to carry my rabbit up the stairs. When I finally manage to shove his head through my door, I throw him on my bed. The bags start piling into my room and before I knew it, my floor was hardly visible. By the time I was done, according to my phone, two hours had passed and my closet went from bare to flooding out the doors. There was no way I'd ever be able to repay any of this, I knew I'd have to do something. So with a deep and shaky breath, I make my way downstairs and towards the living room, kneeling in front of the trio laying cozied up on the couch.

"Nope. We're not doing this. Get up." Ethan orders, sitting up. I look at him with confusion and slight fear.

"H-how else am I supposed to repay you guys though..?"

"With gratitude or helping around the house, keeping up with your studies even, not trying to trade your body." Seth comments, yawning.

"Levi, get up. Go sit on a couch and watch TV with us, go into the kitchen, find yourself something to eat, or go to bed. But get off the ground." Ethan demands, leaving no room for debate.

Humiliated, I slowly get up and leave the room, confused and shaken. When my stomach growls, I slowly wander into the kitchen, grabbing an apple before heading upstairs. I didn't want to sit in my room, it was boring and lonely. I grab ahold of Mortimer and drag him out of the room, down the stairs and onto a couch. Setting him down, I snuggle up to him, my eyes trained on the glowing box as I fumble with my vape.

Bored, I take a long haul and blow it at Seth, snickering when the cloud engulfs not only him, but Justin and Ethan too. I had my fun, occasionally blowing clouds at them. But as time went on and movies continued, I found my eyes slowly closing against my will.

Pretty much every day went the same.. I'd wake up, eat, take my medication, wander around the house or watch tv, go to bed and repeat. Most days went by without any issues, but there were a few where I was scolded for my attitude.

Two weeks flew by before I was ready to admit and before I knew it, I was struggling with the thought of school. Seth came into my room before the sun had even risen, flicking my light on and waking me up. Checking my phone, I scowl at the time.

"It's five in the morning.. Go away." I groan, pulling my pillow over my head.

"Come on.. Get up. The school is well over an hour away, so rise and shine kid." I roll over, ignoring his pestering pokes and prods until he gives up and walks away. My peace didn't last long when Ethan strolled in and pulled the blanket off my bed.

"It's too early! Fuck off.." I growl, swatting his hand away.

"You have a responsibility that you agreed to and you're expected to follow through. Get up and get dressed please." He insists, pulling my pillow off my head.

"I don't care!"

"That's unfortunate. Get up." Realizing he wasn't going to stop his pestering, I sit up and glare at him, tempted to wipe the smug look off his face. "Thank you. You have until 6:30 to be out the door and on the way to school. Get to it." That's the last thing he said before walking out.

When I was certain that he was downstairs, I grabbed my blanket and pillow off the ground and put them back, holing myself back in bed. When a while passed and I still wasn't out of bed, or downstairs, both Justin and Ethan came up.

"Right.. So now you've fucked yourself over. You now have half an hour to get dressed, wake up, eat, take your meds and get your ass out the door." Ethan scolds, pulling my sheets off my bed once again while Justin rummages through my closet, pulling out clothes. Ethan dragged me out of bed, Justin putting the clothes he pulled into my hands, both pointing to my bathroom.

"Go change." Without any choice, I drag my feet to the bathroom, grumbling to myself as I pull the clothes off my body, changing them with the ones chosen for me.

I couldn't deny that Justin had nice style. He chose white ripped jeans and paired them with a fishnet shirt and black cropped hoodie. It was simple, but cute. When I left my bathroom, both men were still in my room, probably assuring I didn't go back to bed. I squeezed past them, grabbing my phone and vape before going downstairs.

As usual, my pills sat on the table beside a plate of food and coffee. This morning, there was just a plate of toast accompanying my coffee. While Seth leans against the counter, sipping his drink and scrolling through his phone, I grumble to myself. I sit down, downing the meds with coffee, I dig into my toast, knowing I didn't have much time left. By the time 6:30 rolled around, I had just barely finished when Seth finally piped up.

"Time to go." I don't bother arguing as we head to the door. I choose my high tops, dumbfounded when I was handed a backpack. Grabbing with it, I take a drag of my vape, blowing it out as we leave the house.

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