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When we got home, Ethan left the car without another word and went to his room, the door banging shut behind him.

"Go sit down at the table." Justin orders, closing the front door behind us. I do as I'm told, dragging my feet to the table and sitting down. Justin wanders away, returning with a few pieces of paper and a single sentence at the top. 'I will not get into fights'.

"Start writing." He tells me, setting down a pencil. He wanders over to the kitchen island and leans against it, crossing his arms with an unimpressed look on his face.

"I'm not ten." I tell him, shoving the papers away from me.

"Would you rather get a spanking? Because that's still a very viable option right now." He grits out.

"Sure. Just become like every other person who bought me. I knew you were a fucking liar!" I yell, standing up. He storms over to me, pointing a finger in my face.

"We are nothing like them. We have never once touched you inappropriately, never once forced you into anything, never once shown you off like a party tool. And we most certainly haven't beaten you for every tiny little thing." I glare at him, swatting his hand away, only for him to grab my wrists. This is probably the worst fucking time for butterflies to erupt from that action.

"But that stunt? That's not some tiny fucking thing. Do you understand that?! You most likely shattered her fucking nose!- I wouldn't be surprised if you fractured one or two of her fucking ribs too. That's not something small!" He berates.

"So sit your fucking ass down, and start writing!" He yells, pulling the chair out more, pointing to the cushioned seat. I stand there, glaring at him. "Now, Levi Woods!" I sit down and snatch the pencil, writing the sentence over and over again on the piece of paper. What he didn't realize is that every few lines, I'd alternate sneaking in a "she deserved it" or "fuck you".

"Both sides." Justin tells me, his eyes flickering over to the doorway when Ethan wanders in. He snags the paper from under me, scanning it.

"Re-write it." Ethan orders, handing the paper to Justin.

"This is fucking stupid!" I snarl, shoving the papers away from me.

"Re. Write. It."

"No." Ethan pulls a chair away from the table, setting it down in the middle of the kitchen before sitting down.

"Fine. Come here."

"So you can beat me? No thanks."

"It's not beating you Levi, it's called a corrective punishment. 15 with my bare hand on your bare ass, and then we're gonna talk about why what you did was wrong." He turns to Justin. "Go grab Bunny." The brunet leaves without another word, leaving me and Ethan alone.

"You leave her out of this!" I shout, going to stand up. As I caught the look he gave me, my scowl deepened and I remained seated.

"Bare hand my ass. The minute I'm not looking, you're gonna swap it out for something else, or you're gonna start again if I lose count."

"You can count if you want, it's not gonna change anything. I can be an asshole, but I'm not a monster; I'm not gonna switch anything out because that makes it unconsensual. I'll even demonstrate it on Justin if you want." He tells me, just as the brunet returns with my bunny in his hand.

"You're gonna what?" He asks, confused on what's going on; my black stuffy in his hand.

"Give. Me. My. Bunny." I grit, snarling at him.

"Not with that attitude." He responds, setting her on the island. "What about me?"

"I told Levi I'll demonstrate what's gonna happen on you if it makes him feel better." Ethan tells him. Both look at me.

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