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"I'm an adult n you said that I can do what I want when I become 18!" I grit, squirming at the constant tingling on my ass.

"You've been 18 for less than a minute and suddenly you think you have this new sense of maturity and you know everything! But you don't! You're being obstinate to test your luck." He growls.

"I don't even know what the fuck that means!"

"All the more reason for you to stay in school."

"Fuck you!" I growl, somehow managing to shove myself off of him.

"Pardon you?"

"You're excused." I spit, storming back to my room.

I grab my phone and smokes before storming downstairs and to the door where Justin seemed to be waiting.

"Where's your bag?"


"Check your attitude."

"Check yours. Fucking move!" The brunet raised a brow at me and held his ground. I tried to shove past him, but when he stepped forward and pushed me back, I snapped.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" I scream, impulsively swinging. Red liquid dropped onto my hand and the floor, Justin touching his nose in shock. As Ethan came barreling down the stairs, I took my chance and ran out the door.

I ran until I met the gate blocking us in and when it didn't open on command, I climbed over the 8 foot barrier, spraining my ankle on the way down. I kept running until I found a nice patch of trees, finally settling down.

All my anger, all my pain, all my regret and fear finally bubbled back up, tears flowing from my eyes.

"Fuck!" I yelled, rubbing them furiously. Of all days, today had to be the day I fucked up. With trembling hands, I brought a cigarette up to my lips and struck a spark.

After I was finally calm enough to deal with people, I slowly took out my phone and called Vincent, not surprised when the elder answered immediately.


"I uhm.. I think I fucked up.." I mumbled, cringing as my voice trembled.

"So I heard.. are you okay?" For whatever reason, he was fully calm; or at least he sounded like he was.

"..is he okay?" The elder chuckles.

"Nothing a few tissues and time won't fix."


"Where are you? Are you safe?"

"I don't- I don't know." I whimpered, wiping a stray tear.

"Tell me what you see, I'll come grab you."

"No. You're just gonna take me back to them. I-I fucked up.. I- I know I did!"

"Back to who?"

"Who do you think?!" I snap.

"I know you're stressed and scared and that somethings eating away at you, but I don't appreciate your tone." I quiet down. "What do you see, ragazzo?"

"...You didn't deny it."

"Dios mio... After how long you've been here, after how many times you've pissed them off, hit someone or spat in their face, they haven't ever considered it. Why now?"

"You haven't considered it. It was your money. Not theirs."

"You're not my boy! It's their decision and they wouldn't trade you for anything!" He finally exclaims.

"...but you would."

"No!" The man takes a moment to compose himself. "Levi, I don't know how much clearer I need to be-"

I ended the call.

...Now what? I wandered around, staying close to the road. It wasn't too busy out here, barely any cars passed by. I didn't notice it at first, but a car had been slowly stalking behind me and when I sped up, so did they. I booked it into a full blown sprint, regretting my decision to ever leave the community. Another car came flying down from the opposite direction, slamming on the brakes in front of me.

Both cars blocked off the road, my only option being fields with long grass and uneven plains. Well dressed men stepped out of the black vehicles, slowly walking towards me.

"Stay the fuck away from me or I'll rip your fucking throats out!" I scream, looking for a way out of this.

A motorcycle came flying down from the same direction as the second car, another bike trailing closely behind. I soon recognized one as Ethan's, relief and fear never flooding over me so quickly.

"You were told not to fucking corner him! Are you fucking stupid?!" He bellows, tearing his helmet off.

"Y-you can stay the fuck away from me too.." I grit. He rolls his eyes and tosses his helmet on the ground, unzipping his leather jacket and handing his gun to the second biker. Of course he had a gun.

I begin to back up, my eyes trained on him as he walked towards me.

"Levi." He warns, knowing full well I was about to run. I take one last look around me before making my decision.

I stumble down the slight slope by the road, running as fast as I could, occasionally tripping over burrows. The raven was closer than expected and took his chance to tackle me to the ground.

"Get off! Get off get off get off!" I shout, flailing my limbs around. We rolled around, the raven taking every kick and punch without a single complaint. When everything else failed, my teeth clamped onto his arm.

"Are you done?" He questions, unfazed when I bit harder. His arms remained firmly planted around my torso, restraining my arms.

"You can use me as a chew toy all you want, but we're not moving until you tell me what's been going on."

"Fuck you." I spit through muffled leather.

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