TEN-The One with the Wrong Name

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In Chandler and Joey's apartment, Joey, Chandler, and Millie were getting ready for that flight to London for Ross and Emily's wedding

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In Chandler and Joey's apartment, Joey, Chandler, and Millie were getting ready for that flight to London for Ross and Emily's wedding. Millie and Chandler were in the bathroom packing up his toiletries. "Do you have your shampoo?" Millie asked looking around the bathroom, Chandler held his bag, tapping his feet; basically, letting Millie do 'her thing.'

"Do you have soap?" She paused for a moment turning to him, "What about your toothbrush?" She ran over to the sink to see his toothbrush not the holder. Chandler smiled over at her, zipping his bag up.

"Yes mother, I have everything."

Millie smirked, crossing her arms leaning against the sink. Her know shoulder length hair in a clip, wearing one of Chandler's shirts and a pair of her sweatpants she uses to paint in. He just handed her the bag and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Don't call me your mother again, please."

Millie smiled as he smiles back, "Don't make it weird please."

The two then heard Monica rush into the apartment they emerge from the bathroom, as so does Joey from his room seeing Monica in panic. "Guys, hurry up! The flight leaves in four hours! It could take time to get a taxi! There could be traffic! The plane could leave early! When we get to London, there could be a line at customs! Come on!!" She yells in a panic.

Moncia, she runs out shutting the door behind her heading back to her and Rachel's apartment. "She will do that every five minutes until it is time for us to leave." Millie mentioned, groaning going to Chandler's room making sure she had everything for their trip. She had stayed overnight with the boys and packed ahead to be sure to help them pack, since you know they are men(boys).

"Six-hour trip to London. That's a lot of Monica."


In Monica and Rachel's apartment, Moncia, Rachel was packing while Phoebe helping Monica pack. "Okay, if you need the vacuum, it's in my closet on the left-hand side. Ah, the garbage bags are next to the refrigerator-" Monica told Phoebe where to grab the vacuum to clean any messes that were made, including trash bags. Okay, okay, but Rachel's going to be here too, " Pheobe questioned Monica with an annoyed expression, "Can't I just ask her this stuff?"

"Yeah, okay," Monica paused for a moment, she then smiled running to Rachel, "Yeah, okay, give that a try!"

Chandler, Joey, and Millie enter Monica and Rachel's apartment with their suitcases and bags. Chandler and Joey enter all happily singing, "Woo-hoo!!" Millie cringed looking at the boys desperately, "Please stop singing."

Ross then enters from behind them,"Yeah, cheerie-o!"

Millie playfully rolled her eyes, rolling her suitcase beside the door against the wall letting the boys have their fun.

"London baby!" Chandler glanced over at Joey realizing how annoying this was getting and how it will get.

"Okay, 'cause that's not gonna get annoying." Chandler sarcastically commented towards Joey which mad him get louder, "London baby!!"

Millie now in front of the couch throws a pillow at Joey right towards his face plopping to the floor, "Please. Stop. Singing." Millie begged pledging, but had a playful tone, "We all have to deal with each other on a plane for six hours cramped all up together. Millie was a little claustrophobic, she hated small spaces, she knew she get ill to quickly; they all would.

Pheobe laid on the couch attempting to get up and hug Ross. She felt bad she could not attend his wedding. Pheobe was close to having the triplets for her brother, so she couldn't attend sadly.

"Ohhh, I wanna come over there and give you a hug and wish you luck on your wedding, but I don't—can't get up." Pheobe held her back flopping back down on the couch, holding her baby bump.

"Oh, I'll-I'll come hug you."

"Great! Yeah, could you bring me the newspaper?"

Ross brings her over the newspaper, hugging Pheobe.

" Oh, have a great wedding!"


Rachel comes out of her bedroom to see the other off including Ross. Rachel hugs Ross, Millie looks over at Chandler handing her a drink looking over at the two hugging. She knew feelings had to be there still. "Do you think they still love each other?" She whispered over to Chandler.

"I think something is there."

Millie laid her head on Chandler's shoulder, sitting on the couch waiting on the others to get ready to head to the airport.

"Do you think we will get married one day?" Chandler asked her, Millie froze up; she removed her head from his shoulder. Millie cleared her throat staring into Chandler's eyes. "I-I hope we do one day Chandler," Millie paused, she looked down at her knuckles, "I just don't want to rush things y'know?"

Chandler smiled leaning back into the couch, laying his hand on top of her knuckles. "I am not saying that Mil, we don't have to rush." Chandler said to her, letting a deep sigh, "I just hope it works out for us."

They both looked at each other, Millie cuddled against Chandler. He wrapped his arms around her letting her rest on his chest.

His hand ran through her hair.

"I really do, Mils."


After a long six-hour flight to London with Joey singing, Millie and Chandler binge watching movies, and the others sleeping; they finally made it London. Millie, Chandler, and Joey walked the street in front of the London Marriott, Joey had his camera taking pictures of everything.

He turns his camera to Chandler and Millie, "The lovely couple, the two love-birds," he teases the two, Millie pushes the camera away playfully. "You are not shooting from my good side Joey."

Chandler turned to Millie, "All your sides our good, sweetie."

Joey cringed at the cuteness from the two, "Why do I have to be the third wheel? Why can't Millie be?"

Millie laughed at Joey getting in between the two, wrapping her arms together with theirs. "Come on boys lighten up a bit, we are in London. Which we will never get to experience again so let's enjoy it." She smiles at the two pulling them down the streets of London.

Joey pulls out a map, "Look at all these hotels." Millie glanced over looking at all the places around London. Many art museums, she knew have the most beautiful art. "Do you think we could fit an art musem in the schedule?"

"Oh, come on Millie, they are so boring." Joey whined; Millie face crunched up. "They are not boring; they are very interesting. I cannot help being a little geeky."

"Okay-Okay, maybe." Joey pointed at her playfully, Chandler's hands wrapped her shoulder, the two leaning against a gate letting Joey look at the map.

"We are trusting Joey with the map?"

"No, I am just going to let him look at it then we just go wherever, be fine." Chandler joked, "He would take us somewhere and we end up in Mexico."






im sorry this took so long, i am finally done with school so i can focus more on writing now!

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