six-The One With the Fake Date

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"Thank you so much, Chandler

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"Thank you so much, Chandler."

At Central Perk, everyone was there expect Millie and they were talking about Christmas being really close.

"I can't believe it's Christmas already. Ya know, I mean, one day your eatin' turkey,the next thing ya know, your lords are a-leapin' and you geese are a-layin'." Joey said as he just huffed at the end.

"Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year." Chandler said sarcastically as Millie entered as everyone greeted her, she groaned falling on the couch.

"Oh honey, it can not be that bad." Monica said to her comforting her. Millie huffed as she ran her fingers through her loose pony tail.

"How could it get any worse?" She asked her friends, "I am about to lose my job, my parents are in town, I am about to be 23, and my parents want a birthday dinner with me with a date.."

"I am so sorry, Mil. Your parents are horrible! They don't even want us there!" Phoebe said as everyone nodded. "Yep, no friends," She said to them, "they say it's to much, says I need a man in my life."

Chandler thought for a moment as she brought up his idea, "I could be your date."

"She said man, Chandler." Joey said as Chandler slapped the back of his head as Chandler turned back to Millie. "That would be great, it's tonight at 7PM at some fancy place," Millie groaned as Chandler's face fell as Millie noticed, "They are paying."

Chandler nodded grabbing his coffee as Ross came in with shopping bags. "Hey Rach. I, uh, got you a little present." Ross said as Rachel is not impressed ".I'll openit. It's a Slinky! Remember, huh." Ross started to sing,

"Walks down stairs, alone or in pairs,everyone knows it's. . . just a big spring. Alright, you still mad at me because ofthe whole. . " Rachel then cut him off,

"Horrible and degrading list of reasons not to be with me?" Rachel asked sarcastically as Millie huffed. Her idea that she gave Ross didn't work, she was upset so was the others, they thought they actually could be happy.

Ross headed over to Gunter giving him the spring as Rachel walks off to serve other customers. "So what's in the bag?" Chandler asked as Ross look down at the bags.

"Presents." Ross mumbled as Joey smiled, laughing. "Show us what you got us!" Joey said as Ross nodded pulling out some of the things.

Ross giggled childishy, "This is a picture frame from Ben to my parents, huh." Millie squinted as she just nodded, "Cute."

" I got some, uh, hers and hers towels for Susan and Carol. And, uh, I got this blousefor mom." Ross pulled out things. The shirt was extremely tacky as Millie cringed sipping her coffee as Chandler looked over at her.

"Do I need a suit?" Chandler asked her as she nodded. "They are picky, I can help you later." Millie said as Chandler smiled. "I don't think you understand how much a appreciate this.." Millie mumbled as Chandler smiled.

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