sixteen- The One With The Feelings

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"I lied to you, man."


At Central Perk, Joey, Rachel, Monica, Chandler and Millie are there. Rachel was serving around Central Perk as the others sat around in their normal spots at the local coffee shop. " Rachel brings one muffin up to Monica and Chandler. "Ok, Chan, and Mon, there is only one banana muffin left." Rachel told the two who had both ordered a muffin.

The two shared a look, looking back at the muffin on the blue plate Rachel was holding. "Oh, I ordered mine first!" Monica stated as Chandler scoffed. "Yeah but I am so much faster!" Chandler said grabbing the muffin as Monica and him fought over the muffin. "Give it to me!" Monica demanded as he stopped.

"You can have it." He started to handed it to her as he licked it. Her face fell, she grabbed Chandler's coffee licking the rim of the cup. "That was here when we got here." Chandler said biting into the muffin as Monica freaked out. Phoebe walked in really excited to tell everyone great news.

"Hey you guys, you will never guess who's coming to New York." Phoebe said as Chandler could not swallow his muffin to come back with a sarcastic comment. "Phoebe tell us before Chandler swallow his muffin!" Millie said to her

"Oh ok, Ryan, that guy I went out with, who's in the Navy." Phoebe told the group, smiling as Chandler was clearly upset as he swallowed his muffin slowly.

"You went out with a guy in the Navy?" Rachel questioned, sitting down with the rest of the group. Phoebe nodded. "Yeah, I met him when I was playing guitar in Washington Square Park." Phoebe told Rachel, explaining on how she met him, "Ryan threw in salt water taffy 'cause he didn't have any change."

Millie's face fell when she heard that name, Ryan. It had been months since she had even heard that name or heard any news about him.

"Hey, is that when you wrote salt water taffy man?" Joey asked Phoebe wondering if that was what one of her songs was about.

"No. No, he is my submaring guy." Phoebe explained to Joey, " He resurfaces like every couple years and we have the most amazing three days together. Only this time he's coming for two weeks. Two whole weeks, which means yay."

"So this guy only comes around like every two years?" Millie questioned, sipping her coffee. Chandler then tried to come up with another one but once again couldn't swallow his muffin.

"That will teach you not to steal my muffin." Monica said smirking at Chandler as Ross came into the coffee shop. "So I just talk to Carol and Ben has Chicken Pox." Ross said as everyone gasped, feeling sorry for the poor boy.

"So if you never have had it before there is a chance you might get it." Ross told the group as mostly everyone has had it except Phoebe. "Well I never had it I feel so left out," Phoebe said looking down seeing a red bump on her arm, "Oh look!"


Millie walks around the office filling up her coffee mug seeing Chandler and Joey around heading to Chandler's office. She followed them to see what was going on. "Hey, look Joey, I'm just saying if you need something to hold you over, I can get you a job right here as an entry level processor." Chandler told Joey as Millie knocked, Chandler motioned for her to come in.

"Yeah Joe, it's pretty great here, well Chandler's boss is kind of a flirt but I don't think he would flirt with you." Millie said sarcastically to Joey causing Joey to cross his arms. "But don't you need experience for a job like that?" Joey asked Chandler and Millie.

"It's not that hard to learn." Chandler told Joey, explaining more about it,"And as for people realizing you have no idea what you're doing, hey, you're an actor. Act like a processor, people will think you're a processor."

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