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08The One with the Sleepover

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The One with the Sleepover

At Central Perk Chandler and Joey walked in as Joey was counting his steps. "95, 96, 97, See I told you!" Joey said to Chandler, "Less than a hundred steps from our place to here." "You have way to much freetime.." Chandler said to him. "Hey! Their he is. The birthday boy!" Joey said to Ross, "Check it out, hockey tickets, Ranger-Penguins, tonight at the Garden, and we are taking you!"

"Happy birthday, pal!" Chandler said to Ross. "We love you, man!" Joey said as he hugged Ross. "Wasn't your birthday like seven months ago.." Millie mumbled asking him.


"So?" Joey asked. "So, I am guessing you had an extra ticket and could not decide which one of you got to bring a date?" Ross said to the two. "Well, aren't we Mr. The glass is half empty!" Chandler sarcastically told Ross. "Oh my God! oh- is today the twentieth.. October 20th?" Ross asked. "Oh, I was hoping you would not remember." Monica said.

"What is wrong with the 20th?" Millie asked. "11 days before Halloween and all the good costumes are gone?" Chandler asked him. "Today is the day Carol and I first.. consummated our physical relationship." Ross said as Joey shot him a look of confusion, "Sex!" Millie said to Joey as smiled nodding getting it. Ross then continued, "You know what! I'd better pass on the game.. I think I am gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover." He fell onto the couch as Millie rubbed his shoulder for comfort. "Forget hockey let's do that!" Joey said as Ross was about to leave. "C'mon Ross. You, met, Joey, Ice guys night out! What do you say?" Chandler say pretending to punch him in the stomach, "Huh? Huh?"

"What are you doing?" Ross asked as Chandler's face fell. "I have no idea.." Chandler stopped pulling away. "Ross it might be good to get out and not think about your ex-wife not having sex with her lover because.." Millie paused for a second, ".. Yeah don't think about it." "Alright, maybe it will take my mind of it. Do you promise to buy me a big thumb finger."

"You got it!" Chandler said.

"Oh I want one too!" Millie said jumping up as Chandler blinked his eyes a few times smiling. "Okay Mil!" Rachel then runs up clutching an envelope. "Look! My first paycheck! Look at the window, there's my name! Hi, me!" Rachel said happily. "I remember the day I got my first pay check.. there was a cave in one of the mines and eight people were killed." Phoebe said. "Wow, you worked in a mine.." Monica asked her.

"I worked at Dairy Queen, why?" Phoebe asked. "This is so exciting! I earned this! I wiped tables, I steamed milk, and it was totally-" Rachel cut herself off looking at the check, "Not worth it.. Who is FICA? Why is he getting my money! I mean, that- Chandler look!" Chandler looked, "That is not that bad!"

"Yeah for your first job.." Millie mumbled taking a look a the check. "You can totally, totally live on this." Ross said,"Oh by the way great service today!" "Oh yeah!" They all said opening their wallets handing her generous tips.


At Monica's and Rachel's place all the girls were hanging out at their apartment. "You should feel great about yourself! You're doing this amazing independence thing!" Monica told Rachel. "What is so amazing?" Rachel asked her, "I gave up, like everything. And for what?" "You are just like Jack.." Phoebe said. "..Jack from downstairs?" Rachel questioned her. "No, Jack and the Beanstalk.." Phoebe told her. Millie opened her water as she stared at her for a moment. "See, I can never tell if she is being serious or not sometimes.." She mumbled to Rachel and Monica. "See, he gave up something, but he got those magic beans. And then he wok up and there was this-this big plant outside his window full of possibilities and stuff. And he lived in a village and you live in the village.." Phoebe told her.

"Okay, but Pheebs, Jack gave up a cow, I gave up an orthodontist. Okay, I-I-I know, I know I did not love him-" "Oh see, Jack did love the cow.." Phoebe mumbled. "But see, it was a plan," Rachel explained, "Y'know it was clear. It was figured out, and now everything's just kind of like.."



"So what, you are no the only one. I mean half the time we do not know where we are going. You have just got to figure out at some point.." Monica said to her. "It will all come together and it will be un-floopy!" Millie told her. "Oh, like that is a word!" Phoebe said to her. "Okay, but Millie and Monica what if-what if it doesn't come together?" Rachel asked the two. Monica and Millie looked at each other then at Phoebe. "Pheebs?" Monica and Millie said in sync. "Oh, well-" She paused for a moment, "You just.. I do not like this question!"

"Okay see you guys what if we don't get the magic beans?" Rachel asked them as she then continued, "I mean what if all we got are.. beans?" The four shared a look as they all heard a knock at the door. "Pizza guy!" they heard from the other side of the door. "Thank God. Food!" Millie said as Rachel went to go get the pizza. "I am so sorry you guys! I did not mean to bring you down.." Rachel mumbled. "No you are right I do not have a plan!" Monica mumbled.

"Hi, one, uh, mushroom green pepper and onion?" The pizza guy questioned them. Millie cringed as Rachel groaned  miserably, "No that is not what we ordered, we ordered a fat free crust with extra cheese!" "Wait you are not, 'G. Stephanopoulos?" He asked her, "Man my dad is gonna kill me!" Monica leaped off the couch running over to the door. "Wait! Did you say,
'G. Stephanopoulos?" She asked him. "Yeah this one goes across the street, I must have given him yours! Oh, bonehead! Bonehead!" The pizza guy said. "Wait, was this a-a small Mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks?" She asked him yet another question.

"Yeah sounds about right.."

"Was he wearing a stunning blue suit?" She asked. "And-and a power tie?" Phoebe asked. "Oh God.." Monica staggered. "So do you guys want me to take this back?" He asked the girls."Are you nuts?! We have got George Stephanopoulos' pizza!" Monica said as Rachel payed him as Millie grabbed the binoculars and tossed them to Monica. "Uh, Pheebs? Who is George Snuffalopagus?" Rachel asked Phoebe.

"Big Bird's friend!"

"I see pizza!" Monica said. "Oh, I wanna see! Lemme see!" Phoebe said taking the binoculars. "Hello? Who are you spying on!?" Rachel asked. "White House adviser? Clinton's campaign guy? The one with the great hair, sexy smile, really cute butt?" Millie told her taking the binoculars. "Millie you have a boyfriend.." Monica groaned wanting the binoculars back pouting as Millie slowly put them down as she squinted her eyes at her.

"Yeah.. but I still wanna look!" She mumbled looking again as Monica groaned throwing her arms up. "Oh him, the little guy? I love him." Rachel said. "Oh wait.. wait I see a woman!" Millie said. "Please tell me it's his mother!" Monica said. Millie shook her head, "Definitely not his mother.."


"Oh wait, she is walking across the floor, she is walking, walking, she is going for the pizza-" Millie threw the binoculars down as she started to yell, "Hey that is not for you bit-" Phoebe covered her mouth pulling her back from the window. Rachel glances back at Monica as she picked up the binoculars looking back as Rachel pointed at Millie as Monica told her,

"Oh she like really likes pizza!" Monica said going back and looking out the window.

I hope you guys are enjoying this book guys!

Thank you for over 2k!

Also give me feedback and let me know what you would like to see more of!

Also sorry for not much Chandler and Millie action in this chapter but time will come my loves❤️❤️🌸🌸

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