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05The One With the Kiss

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The One With the Kiss


Everyone sat around watching the sonogram expect Millie who nwas on her way from her first day at her new job. "Well, isn't it amazing?!" Ross asked as Joey squinted his eyes. "What are we supposed to being here?" Joey asked as Millie walked through the door looking at the TV. "OH! OH! OH! Baby-Sonogram!" Millie said dropping everything she had running over jumping over the couch sitting between Joey and Chandler. "Well!," Chandler said staring at her, "Someone is excited!" Millie slapped his chest playfully as she started to watch the video. "You know if you tilt your head to the left and relax your eyes it kind of looks like a potato." Phoebe said titling her head.

"Well do not do that.."

Ross walked over to Monica where she was standing. "Monica.. Whaddya think?" He asked her as Monica started to well up. "Mm-hmm.." She mumbled. "Wh-are you welling up?" Ross asked her. "No.." she mumbled putting her head down. "You are! You are welling up!"

"Am not!"

"Your gonna be an aunt!"

"Shut up!" Monica said as she started to cry as Millie smiled looking back at the video. "Phoebe was right it does look like a potato.." Chandler mumbled tilting his head as Millie shot him a glare. "It's a baby, Chandler not something you eat.." She told him as he looked over at her. "Well I would hope not." He said sarcastically. "Hi Mindy, Hi it is Rachel," Rachel was on the phone, "Yeah I am fine.. I saw Barry today! Oh yeah he-he told me. I hope you two are very happy. I really do! Oh, oh and y'know if-if everything works out you guys end up getting married and having kids I just hope they have his old hairline and your old nose!" She slammed the phone down as everyone turned towards her.

"Okay I know it was a cheap shot, but I feel much better now!" Rachel said as everyone turned back to the TV.

"How was your first day Millie?" Joey asked as she smiled at Joey. "Good, y'know I have some perks up there." She said getting up heading to the fridge. "What kind of perks?" Monica asked her as she grabbed a water out of the fridge handing it to Millie. "My aunt, she is the boss." She told everyone. "That is great Millie! Really great." Rachel said as Millie went back to the couch. "It is great knowing at least your brother and your aunt believes in you ya know." Millie mumbled taking a sip of her water. "We believe in you Millie," Chandler said as he wrapped his arm around her, "Right guys?" "Of course Mil', we are your friends!" Phoebe said. "By the way when can we see some of your art?" Ross asked her. "Soon the moving truck should be here tomorrow, if you guys want to see them." She said to them all. "Of course we would love too, what kind of art is it?" Joey asked her. "It's all kinds, what ever comes to my mind y'know." She said to him. "Have you ever painted people?" Rachel asked her. "Yeah, yeah I did it once or twice," she mumbled, "I really like doing scenes though, like scenes you want to happen or happened before in your life." She said laying her water bottle down on the table.

"So you painted you having sex?" Joey asked as Millie turned to him. "Wait, what?" She asked him. "You said and I quote, 'I really like doing scenes though, like scenes you want to happen or happened before in your life,' You have had sex before I hope and if not you want to have sex so!" Joey said as everyone just rolled their eyes. "Joey.. not that kind of art.. I don't even think that is a type to be honest." Millie mumbled crossing her legs. He poked his bottom lip out nodding. "Have you though?" Joey asked quickly as Millie mouth parted. "Joey!" Everyone said as he threw his hands up in defense. "What?!" He said, "You know your guys are curious too!" Chandler, Rachel, Ross, and Monica all shared a look just glancing at Millie. "Joey no- Millie you have never told us anything like that so have you or have you not!" Phoebe asked as Millie mouth parted again. "Wha-Why is that so important! How did we even get on this topic!?" Millie asked them.

"Well, Joey-" Chandler started to say as Millie covered his mouth with her hand as his face fell as she left her hand there. "Guys that is my own private business okay?" Millie mumbled uncovering Chandler's mouth slowly as she laid back into the couch. "We are not trying too butt into your business we have all said our stories before about that.." Monica mumbled. "Rachel hasn't.." She mumbled. "Well, I your turn!" Rachel said smiling as Millie rolled her eyes.

"I am not a 21 year old virgin! Is that better!" Millie said as she stood up grabbing her water bottle. "So you have, how many times?" Monica asked. "Wait- How- Never mind.. Goodnight!" Millie said grabbing her stuff heading to Joey and Chandler's apartment.


Millie opened the door to her new apartment as the moving truck arrived she started to bring boxes in. She walked up the stairs with two boxes as she bumped into someone as she dropped them. "Oh Millie I am so sorry.." Chandler mumbled as she just smiled. "It is okay, I got it.." Millie said as she started to pick up the boxes. "No, no," Chandler said wiggling his finger in her face as she stopped for a moment, "I will grab them." He reached down to pick up the box as he struggled to pick them up. "May I ask," He paused for a moment breathing out, "What is in the box?"

"Well my bed covers, and a chair that has to be put together.." She mumbled as his face fell looking at the boxes. "Hey babe, need help?" Ryan asked coming up the stairs with a couple of boxes as Chandler mimicked him without anyone seeing him.

"Uh Yeah sure!" She said smiling as Ryan saw Chandler. "Oh Chandler right?" He asked him as Chandler just nodded.

"Yeah uh Ryan is it?" He asked as he nodded. "Just laying those boxes anywhere and I can grab these Ryan.." Millie said as he nodded going into their apartment. "So he is moving in with you?" Chandler asked as Millie nodded. "Yeah in a couple of weeks he is just helping me move in today." she said as Ryan came out breathing out. "Okay those were the last of them I think, time for the furniture, Chandler want to help?" Ryan asked as Chandler smiled. "Nah man, bad.. bad back.." Chandler mumbled realizing what he just said sounded stupid. Ryan nodded heading downstairs. "Bad back?" Millie asked sarcastically as he just did his little Chandler laugh. "What? You know if I picked up that furniture I would have a bad back after!" He said as she laughed making him smile.

Ryan walked up laying a couple of chairs down along with some of the movers carrying chairs as Ryan walked over to the two. Ryan wrapped his arm around Millie as he smiled wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked as Millie mouth parted to answer his as he placed his lips onto hers as she was shocked as he pulled away. Chandler cringed as he turned around gaging to himself turning his back. "Just-uh put the chairs and stuff somewhere.." Millie mumbled as Ryan glanced at Chandler walking away. "Okay sorry-" Chandler then cut her off.

"It's fine couples y'know!" He said as she smiled nodding. "Well I am going to go make sure Joey hasn't ate the whole entire kitchen." Chandler said as Millie nodded as Chandler walked away as Millie gave him a warm smile before he entered his apartment.



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