SEVEN-The One With the Break

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At Rachel and Monica's house, Rachel sat at the bay window as the rain poured down outside. Millie was there with her as Rachel and Ross just decided to take a 'break'. "Hey sweetie, are you okay?" Millie asked her, sitting beside her, hugging her from the side. "I wish I didn't say we needed a break." Rachel mumbled, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I am sorry, honey. You know tomorrow, you guys can talk it out!" Millie exclaimed, assuaging her friend it would be alright. Rachel smiled softly, laying her head on Millie's shoulder. "I just hope I didn't mess up anything.." She muttered softly, Millie just rubbed her back.

"I don't think you did, if anything Ross would."

Rachel softly laughed, standing up, wrapping her robe over her night clothes. "I am going to go on to bed, have fun on your date." Rachel told her, Millie laughed, adjusting her dress, leaving the apartment.


Millie walked in with Ethan at the new restaurant in New York. "Alright darling, here you go." Ethan said, pulling out her seat for her, sitting across from her. The waiter laid their wine down, handing the two their menus. "So when can I meet these friends you are just so crazy about?" Ethan asked, opening his menu, eyeing her up and down, admiring her.

"Soon, it's just I don't wanna rush," She explained, "It's just a I have had a lot of bad times showing guys to my friends, no offense." Ethan laughed, taking a sip of his wine, Millie looking through her menu. "If you feel comfortable, I would love to meet them in the next few weeks." Ethan told her, Millie nodded, closing her menu.

"I think they would love that."

Ethan smiled at her, Millie eyes sparkled, as thoughts went through her mind, was she using Ethan to make Chandler jealous? Millie cleared her throat, sipping his champagne, trying to clear her head.


In Monica's bedroom, her and Phoebe were waxing their legs. "Ow!" The two girls screamed out in pain, Millie walked in, eyeing the girls up and down. "Wow, that looks fun!" Millie sarcastically mumbled, throwing her purse down. Millie sat down, stirring the wax in the cup. "OW!" The two girls screamed again, Joey and Chandler ran in holding a kettle and pan.

"We are okay, we are not dead." Phoebe breathed out, Millie waved, sitting the wax down. "We are just waxing are legs." Monica explained to the boys. "Off?" Chandler asked sarcastically, Millie started to put some on her legs.

"No, no! It is a trap!" Phoebe yelled out, as she got a wax strip, putting it on her legs. "Beauty is pain-Oh my God!" Millie screamed out, holding the wax strip, kicking her legs back and forth in pain. "I-I think that women just have a lower threshold of pain than men,that's all. I mean, come on, it's just a little wax." Joey inputted, the girls scoffed, motioning for him to sit on the bed.

"Oh yeah, come here!" Millie told him, putting wax on him, grabbing a wax strip.

"Just pull it off like a band-aid."

Joey pulled it off as he whined in pain, squinting his eyes and teeth to hide his pain.


The group was Monica's bedroom, locked up, hearing Rachel and Ross auguring over Ross 'cheating' on Rachel with a woman he had met with Chandler and Joey. "Oh Ross is ordering pizza," Joey said pressed against the door, he then whispered, "Put olives on the pizza." Millie was laid against the wall with Chandler, messing with the ends of her dress.

"Well, this is exactly what I wanted to do after my date." Millie mumbled, laying her head on Chandler's shoulder. "We could eat the wax, it's organic." Phoebe explained, everyone groaned, holding their stomachs. "I just want a snack, just a little snack." Millie groaned, throwing her hands in the air.

"Do you think they will work this out?" Phoebe wondered out loud, causing the others to glance at each other. " Yeah, come on, it's Ross and Rachel, they've got too." Chandler explained, Millie half asleep on his shoulder, wrapped up in a blanket.

"What if they don't?" She tiredly asked, rubbing her eyes. There was a long pause in the room, a silence filled it, they were sad knowing there was a chance their friends would not work out. Monica broke the silence, "Hey. It's three in the morning. They don't know that I'vecome home yet. You notice how neither one of them are wondering where I am."

"I think that is the least of their worries right now, no offense, honey." Millie explained to Monica, she tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair, laying back on Chandler.

It was silent again as Phoebe slightly opened the door seeing Rachel on the couch asleep and Ross was gone. "Hey guys, it is clear." Phoebe whispered as everyone emerged from Monica's room. "I will check on Rach tomorrow, I need some rest." Millie whispered, leaving the apartment quietly heading towards hers.

Millie threw her purse down, unzipping her dress, heading towards her room, to throw her pajama's on.

She started to button up her shirt, hearing a knock on the door, "Come in." She muttered, rubbing her tired eyes. "Hey sorry, you forgot your shoes." Chandler whispered softly, handing her shoes to her. "Oh thanks, is Rachel still asleep?" She asked him, sitting her shoes down beside her door.

"Yeah, she was out," He told, "Monica wrapped her up, and headed to bed herself." Chandler smiled, eyeing her up and down seeing her only in a shirt. "I-I-um- goodnight." He stuttered, clearing his throat, rubbing the back of his neck, slowly leaving her apartment.

Millie rubbed her face, crying softly into her hands. All she wanted was to tell Chandler she liked him, and wanted to be with him but she knew he was meant for someone better than her, all she wanted was the best for him and she knew she wasn't.

The feelings were getting worse, but she could not stop thinking about him. She did like Ethan a whole lot, but Chandler was different, she felt something else with him. She hadn't felt something like that since Ryan and even with Chandler it was different.

Millie looked herself in the mirror in her bathroom, she knew what she was thinking but she knew she could not say it out loud, it couldn't be true, it was going way to far.

"Oh my God," She whispered to herself, "I'm in love with Chandler.."

so only two chapters left til Season Four🙊.. i am so scared😛

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