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Millie walked into Monica's and Rachel's apartment as Joey and her were talking. "Monica I am telling you this guy is perfect for you!" Joey told her as Millie shut the door. "Forget it, Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet." She told him as Millie sat beside her just listening to the two. Monica getting up from the couch as she looked out the window, "Oh God help us." she mumbled as Joey and Millie shared a look. "What?" the two asked in sync going over to the window.

"Ugly Naked Guy is laying kitchen tile.. ew.." Monica said as Millie cringed. "Eww!," Joey stated, "Look I am asking a favor here, If I do this for her brother maybe Angela will come back to me." "What is going on here?" Millie asked him, "You go out with tons of girls." Joey smirked as he said proudly, "I know but I made a huge mistake. I never should have broken up with her, Monica please help me.." Millie looked over at Monica as she huffed looking down.

"Okay.." she mumbled as Joey smiled. "Good for you two! Now I am going to head over to Central Perk I am meeting Ryan there." Millie said as Monica looked over at her. "When is he moving in?" She asked crossing her arms smiling at her. "In about a week, I am really excited but also nervous.." "Also.. my mom called me last night." Millie added as Joey and Monica shared a look. "What did she say?" Joey asked her. "Well, basically she still isn't proud of me, talked me down.." Millie mumbled as Monica rubbed her back for comfort as Joey grabbed her shoulder. "I am so sorry Mil'.." He mumbled as Monica nodded her head agreeing. Millie smiled at them as she let out a sigh. "Well I am gonna head to Central Perk.." She told them as the two waved at her as she left the apartment.


Millie walked in Central Perk seeing Chandler and Phoebe sitting on the couch. "Where are they?" Chandler asked as Millie rose an eyebrow. "What is going on?" She asked going over to them. "Oh breaking up with our significant others.." Phoebe said as Millie nodded. "So you two are actually going through with this?" Millie asked them as they nodded. "Yep-Yep-Yeah!" Chandler said nervously as Millie looked around Central Perk. "Have you guys seen Ryan?" She asked them. "No was he supposed to meet you here?" Chandler asked as she nodded. "Maybe he is running a little late.." She mumbled sitting down in the chair. Then two people walk in as Chandler and Phoebe looked at them. "Here we go.." Chandler said as Millie smiled as Chandler stood up. "Hey, Janice.." He said.

"Oh, my God, I am so glad you called me!" Janice said as she laughed as Millie jumped when she heard it, "I had the most supremely awful today.." Millie put her head down rubbing it as Janice looked over at her. "Oh my God! This must be Millie!" She said laughing as Millie looked up blinking a few times to make sure she was seeing what she was actually seeing. "Yes I am, and you must be Janice." Millie faked smiled as Janice smiled. "Chandler told me you were moving down here, I have always wanted to meet you!" She stated as she laughed again as Millie closed her eyes as she began to get a headache. "I wish I was back there right now!" Millie stated sarcastically as she walked past Chandler. "Break up with her or I will for you.." She mumbled as Chandler nodded. "Can I get an espresso and a latte over here, please?" Chandler asked as Millie sat on the couch.

"We got the proofs back from that photo shoot, you know the one with the little vegetables. Anyway, they pretty much suck! So I blew off the rest of the day and I went shopping," Janice said looking threw her bags as she sat beside Millie, "Do you like to shop Millie?"

"Only with certain people.." She said as Janice laughed as Millie jumped again looking at Janice fake laughing, "I am going to go get some coffee." Millie got up as she saw Phoebe break up with Tony as she hugged him as Millie pointed to them to Chandler as he was amazed. "What?"


Chandler snapped out of it, "What.. did you get me there?" He asked as Janice smiled. "I got you these!" She said pulling out socks. "Bullwinkle socks, that is so sweet.." he mumbled as Ryan came in as he smiled over at Millie as she sipped her coffee as he came over to her sitting beside her. "Hey, I am so sorry I am late.." He mumbled as she nodded slowly. "Why were you late?" She asked him. "I wasn't that late.." he mumbled. "But you said you were be here when I got here, I had to deal with-" Millie cut herself off as Janice annoying laugh came in as she pointed at her, "That thing." Ryan looked at her slowly turning to Millie.

"Look my audition ran late than expected, it won't happen again." He told her as he kissed her cheek grabbing her hands as she nodded. "Okay.." She mumbled. He smiled pecking her lips. "Now let's go get food.." He mumbled to her as she nodded as he took her hand leading her outside to a taxi.


Ryan and her get out at Central Perk after their date as she saw Ross, Rachel and Phoebe were in there as Ross had an icepack on his head. "What happened to him?" Ryan asked as he pointed to him as Millie rose an eyebrow. "I have no idea.." She mumbled as the two walked into Central Perk. "Hey guys.." Ross said. "Are you okay?" Millie asked him. "Yeah.." she mumbled. "Does it still hurt?" Rachel asked him. "Yeah.." he mumbled as Ryan and Millie sat on the couch as he wrapped his arm around her. Monica and Joey enter as they greet the two. "How did it go?" Phoebe asked them. "Excellent."

"We ripped that couple apart, and kept the pieces for ourselves.." Monica said. "What a beautiful story.. hey I am okay by the way." Ross stated. "Oh I am sorry.." Monica told Ross. "Oh, he needed time to grieve.." Phoebe mumbled as Chandler ran by the window. "I AM FREEEE!"

"That oughta do it.."

Also please give me some feedback!

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