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07The One With the Dinner

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The One With the Dinner


Millie, her friends, and her aunt sat at her table in her apartment. "I am so sorry Mil, I just got really excited." Her aunt apologized once more handing everyone silverware. "It's fine Aunt Nicole, just a mistake.." She mumbled as Chandler and her shared a glance. "This is really good Millie." Rachel said chewing her food pointing at it with her fork. "Very good, I would love the recipe." Monica said to her as Millie nodded. "So where is Ryan?" Chandler asked her as Millie looked at her watch. "He should be here in a few minutes." She said as she poured herself some wine. Joey stood up wit his plate as everyone looked at him. "Is it not good Joey?" Ross asked him as he laughed. "Are you kidding it's great I am getting more!" Joey said rushing over to the Ravioli she had made as Millie smiled hearing a knock at the door. "That must be h- Joey save some for Ryan!" Millie said as Joey nodded slowly rushing over to the table. Millie answered seeing Ryan with roses and a bottle of wine smiling. "Sorry I am a little late.." He mumbled, "I hope their is some left for me."

Millie smiled kissing his cheek as he entered as she took the flowers. "Thank you.." She said going to go get a vase from a box that was not unboxed yet. "You are Ryan, right?" Her aunt stood up smiling as he nodded. "I am.." He said as she smiled hugging him as he laughed a little as Millie filled the vase with water. "Good, I was so excited that I mistaken him for you." Her aunt said pointing at Chandler as Chandler's eyes grew as Millie rushed over to the two laying the vase down that held the flowers. "Uh-Aunt Nicole was just too excited she saw the first person and assumed it!" She said to Ryan as he rose an eyebrow.

"Well sit down sweetheart! Get some of these food!" Her aunt said as Ryan looked over at Chandler nodding going to go get food. Millie sat in front of Chandler as he just looked down at his plate not even looking up. "So-uh.. are you her mom's sister or dad's sister?" Rachel asked Nicole trying to break the tension. "Oh her mom's, I am her older sister.." She said, "Only by a year though." Ryan sat beside Millie as he cleared his throat. "What is up man!" Joey said as he smiled as Ryan smiled shaking Joey's hand as Joey fan-girled. "So I heard Millie talked to you about me to you about my career."

"She did.."

"So any leads yet?" Joey asked him biting into his bread. "Not yet, but I will tell Millie as soon as I hear back." He said to Joey. "So uh Ryan what kind of acting do you do?" Phoebe asked him. "Mostly plays right now, but I am auditioning for a show very soon." Ryan glanced over at Chandler as Chandler was just playing with his food. "Chandler.." Millie mumbled as he looked up at her as they shared a look. "So Chandler, big mistaken, right?" Ryan asked sarcastically as Millie turned to Ryan. "Ryan.." Millie said as she laid her fork down, "It was a mistake, don't take the serious, okay?" He nodded smiling. "I was just joking with Chandler, right?" He said as Chandler shot him a fake smile as Ryan just laughed digging into his food. "Sorry.." Millie mouthed to him as he nodded.


"Alright.. Phoebe?" Monica said to her as everyone was in Central Perk except Joey. "Okay.. If I were the omnipotent for a day.. I would want world peace, no more hunger, good things for the rain-forest.. and bigger boobs!" Phoebe said as Millie sat beside Monica with her coffee. "Yeah, see.. you took mine.." Ross said to her. Uh, if I were omnipotent for a day I'd make myself omnipotent forever." Chandler told everyone sarcastically. "There is always that guy that gets three wishes then wishes for three more!" Millie said sitting her coffee down as Joey walked in "Hey Joey!" Everyone said. "Hey Joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent?" Monica asked him.

"Probably kill myself.." He said sitting beside Millie. "Excuse me?" Monica asked him as she was in a state of confusion. "Hey if little Joey's dead," He said, "then I have no reason to live!" "Joey.. OMnipotent!" Ross repeated Monica looking directly at him.

"You are? Ross I am sorry.."


Millie entered Central Perk where Ross, Monica, and Phoebe were. "Hey guys I am gonna spend my lunch break with-"

"Shh.." Ross whispered as Millie looked at Phoebe who was sleeping as she turned to Ross and Monica watching her. "Why are you staring at Phoebe like what she is doing is a million dollar thing?" Millie asked sarcastically sitting down beside Ross as they tilted their heads at Phoebe. "How does she do that?" Monica asked.

"Sleep?" Millie asked.

"No, sleep in public.." Ross said. "You close your eyes and sleep!" Millie said as they turned to her as she just shrugged, "Just letting you two know.." Phoebe then woke up as she startled the three as they jumped, "Oh! What! Hi.." "What is wrong Phoebe?" Millie asked crossing her legs. "I did not get know sleep last night.." She mumbled huffing. "Why?" Ross asked her. "My grandmother has this new boyfriend," Phoebe said as Millie cringed, "They are both kind of insecure in bed.. oh and deaf! So they are constantly like having to reassure each other they are having a good time!"

"Yeah I have had that problem before.." Millie mumbled as Ross looked over at her. "Which part?" Ros asked her as he was in shock as Millie patted his head, "The last part, honey..." She said as his face fell. "Well if you want you can stay with Rachel and me tonight." Monica told her.




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