fifteen- The One Where Eddie Leaves

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"Do you like Millie?"

Millie was painting, there was a knock at the door as Millie invited them in. Chandler peeked in, he looked around slowly, Millie shot him a confused look. "What are you doin?" She asked him, standing up wiping her brush on her apron. Chandler stepped in slowly, shutting the door, leaning against it.

"Eddie is creepy!" He yelled, jumping up and down. He locked the door, running over closer to her. "And you are just figuring this out?" She asked him sarcastically, he hid behind her hearing his apartment door open from the outside.

Millie rolled her eyes, the two heard him going down the stairs. "He was watching me sleep last night! He won't go!" He said to her, running his fingers through his hair. Millie's mouth parted, untying her apron. "He-he watched you sleep?" Millie questioned, her face was filled with confusion.

"Can-can I stay here?" Chandler asked her, Millie thought for a moment. Chandler shot her a pout face, she shot him a smile. "Yeah of course, Chandler." She told him as he fell to his knees wrapping himself around her,

"Thank you!"

She started to laugh, getting him up, heading over to her phone. "I will call a pizza in, we can stay locked in here, like prisoners." She said to him dialing the number for pizza. "Ok good, because I am just going to ninja style my way over there for clothes." Chandler expressed running out of the apartment.


Chandler and Millie sat on her couch watching Back To The Future. The pizza box on the table was half empty along with their drinks. The popcorn laid between them as the two focused on the TV. "I wonder if they will ever created a time machine." Chandler thought out loud. Millie thought as well, "Propably then realize how better the 90's is." Millie said sipping her drink, Chandler smiled at her, her stared at her for a moment.

Millie looked over, catching him. "What?" She asked laughing at him, he looked back at the TV. "Nothing, it's just-" Chandler was cut off by a bump behind Millie's counter. The two shared a look, Millie paused the movie as she stood up with Chandler.

"Hey guys!" Eddie pops up, Millie screams as Chandler jumped. "Ahhhhhh! Eddie what are you still doing here?" Chandler asked him, Millie shot him a look. "That should be the second question to ask," Millie stated turning to Eddie who was smiling, "the first question should be, what are you doing in my apartment?"

"Oh, I noticed Chandler was gone and he had a key out with your name on it." Eddie stated to her motioning to her door, Millie turned her head slowly to Chandler who just shot her a smile.

"I-I label keys."

Millie rolled her eyes, turning to Eddie to see him looking around in the apartment. "Eddie, I thought I told you to get your stuff and leave." Chandler said to him, Eddie ignored him, still looking around.

"Look, if you are gonna stay in his apartment, get out of mine!" Millie yelled at Eddie, he froze in place. "Chandler you want me out?" Eddie asked him, seeming very confused. Chandler rubbed his face, groaning.

"Yes for the hundredth time! Please leave." Chandler said to him, getting annoyed by him, Eddie scratched his head, walking closer. "I mean, ok," Eddie mumbled looking down at the floor, "It's kind of last minute but I will try."

Eddie waved a small 'bye', leaving Millie's apartment. It left Chandler and Millie confused, they shot a look to each other. "What-" Millie paused for a moment, closing her eyes, processing what just happened, "What just happened?"

Chandler stared at the door, he just shrugged. "I don't know, but I think he left so." Chandler looked over at her, they just shrugged going back to the movie.

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