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Millie was up in her room, pacing around, biting her nails, nervously. How can she tell him? She felt so nervous like she was gonna die from it. She knew it was best to tell him, it had been carried on to long, if he denied her.. maybe they could stay friends. Millie cupped her face, sighing out, taking a deep breath in, heading over to her door.

She opened her door, seeing Chandler was reaching for the doorknob, he stared down at her, since she was much shorter than him. Millie let out her breath, her heart skipped a beat. She was frozen in place, so was Chandler. He was inches away from her, their eyes were locked on each other, they both couldn't move.

A million questions raced through Millie's mind, why was he there? Was this the right time? Was this the right thing to do? "H-Hi." That's all the poor Burnette could muster out of her mouth. He studied her features, her lips mostly, as her mouth parted.


Millie licked her dry lips, her throat become dry quickly, her hand slowly fell from the door knob. "Yeah.." She muttered softly, he studied her features once more, sucking in a breath, cupping her face as his lips trailed down to hers. Millie was shocked at first, she felt his soft lips on her dry ones, but she felt a instant spark.

Her eyes closed slowly as his lips melted onto hers. It felt so right, it was something they both needed for so long and something that they craved. For the both it felt so unreal, like it was a dream. The kiss was filled with passion, a tad bit of lust which made Millie's head spin.

Chandler broke the kiss, Millie eyes couldn't open for a spilt second, missing him, she pulled back in, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him into her room as the door slammed behind them.

Millie's lips were still connected to his, pulling him by the collar of his shirt. His hands slipped to her waist, gently pushing her against the wall. She pulled back jut far enough for him to place his hands on the back of her head, and their eyes met, she smiled at him as he dove back in for more. This kiss was more intense than the last one, his mouth worked over hers as she slid her hands around his neck, as his tounge swept across her lip.

"Chandler." she sighed as their mouth parted, he pulled back, his face looked like a lost puppy, as he cupped her cheek. "Yea?" He asked, she stood their biting her lip, taking her hand, from the collar of his shirt, slowly moving it to the button on his shirt, popping it open.

Chandler breath hitched, he cleared his throat, looking into her eyes, she pulled away. "I'm worried about ruining what we already have, I can't lose you," She exhaled slowly, laying her head on the wall, "You're my best friend."

"I'm not going anywhere," he said, his hands cupping her face, "I care about you too much to let you go, Mil." Millie smiled, her eyes were watered. "Mil, do you want this?" he asked her, her hands trailed his covered chest, popping another button, smirking. He moved his lips to her neck, her lips curling into a smile, she gasped as he nibbled her neck.

He took her hands, while his lips on her neck, leading her to the bed as he gently laid her on the bed, crawling towards her, she laughed, connecting their lips. This was actually happening, she realized. This wasn't a dream. He pulled away from her lips, his nose rubbed against hers, his eyes still closed, brushing against her lips, pulling her into another kiss. Millie removed his button topped. Her hands rubbed up his shoulders going to his back, her nails grazing his back as his hands went up her top.

"Go ahead." She gave him permission, he removed her top, throwing it on the floor with his, turning her over where she was on top of him. She giggled, he looked up at her, she was so beautiful. He reached his hands up, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You know, I have thought about this," He told her, sliding his hands down to the button of her jeans, "you are so beautiful." The way his hands felt on her skin, she felt like she was in heaven.

They knew it was right.

The next morning, the sun peaked into the room of Millie and Chandler. Their clothes on the floor from the night before, Millie woke up on Chandler's chest, his arm around her, his snores were soft, she giggled. She slowly removed herself, grabbing her bra and underwear, putting clothes on to head downstairs.

"Leaving so soon?" Chandler asked in a sleepy voice. She laughed, throwing a shirt on. "Everyone else is probably up, I was gonna head downstairs." She muttered, throwing him his shirt, putting pants on. "So, are we gonna tell them?" Chandler asked, getting up, putting his clothes on. Millie had not thought about it, I mean they knew they loved each other.

Millie nodded, smiling running her fingers through her hair. "We can, after the trip." She explained, "See you down stairs." She smirked heading downstairs, seeing Monica pouring a cup of coffee.

Monica stared at her for a moment, as she grabbed a cup. "What?" She laughed, Monica smirked, looking her up and down. "You are very perky today," She said, pouring her a cup of coffee, "You sleep good?"


Millie looked down, seeing Joey, with a mermaid tail and boobs, asleep. Chandler came down, laughing, seeing Joey still asleep. "You are such a child." Millie said handing Chandler a cup, he smirked, whispering, "You didn't say that last night."

Millie shot him a look, Monica eyed them, sipping her coffee. "Okay, did you two have sex?" She asked, Millie turned her head in shock, Chandler choked on his coffee. "Monica!" Millie yelled, she shrugged, laying her cup down, "What? It's like clearly obvious. So much tension."

"Either way I am happy for you two."

The two smiled, Joey groaned, waking up. His face went into shock seeing he had boobs, he smirked holding them, "Well, well, well."


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