two- The One With The Bad Haircut

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"Your hair looks like that monster off The Goonies

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"Your hair looks like that monster off The Goonies."

Millie sat in Monica and Rachel's apartment watching TV with Ross, Rachel, and Joey as Phoebe was cutting Monica's hair.

"How is she?" Rachel asked Phoebe. The haircut was a fail and everyone wanted to see how bad it actually was. "It's too soon to tell. She's resting, which is a good sign." Phoebe mumbled to everyone as everyone shared a look.

"It can not be that bad.." Millie mumbled as she heard Monica groan exiting out seeing her as her and Joey spit there water out, "I stand corrected, your hair looks like that monster off The Goonies"

"I have to fix it," Monica said groaning going back into her room as Ross, Rachel, and Phoebe followed her, "I am going to get it fixed!" Chandler then walked in very angrily, slamming the door behind him.

" Yo, paisan! Can I talk to you for a sec?" Chandler asked Joey pointing at him as he paused for moment,"Your tailor is a very bad man!" Joey and Millie shared a look as they stood up heading over to Chandler.

"Frankie? What're you talking about?" Joey asked very confused about his 'best tailor' ever. Ross entered from the bedroom to see what all the yelling was about. "Hey, what's goin' on?" Ross asked as he pats Chandler on theshoulder which causes him to jump..

"Joey's tailor...took advantage of me." Chandler mumbled looking down at his feet. "Advantage?" Millie questioned leaning against the fridge.

"No way, I have used him for 12 year!" Joey argued.

"Oh come on!" Chandler yelled at Joey,"He said he was going to do my inseam, and he ran his handup my leg, and then, there was definite..." He paused for a moment.



"Did you like it?" Millie asked sarcastically smiling as Chandler shot her a look smiling,

"Did you when you did it?" he asked sarcastically as her face fell.

"That's how they do pants! First they go up one side, they move it over,then they go up the other side, they move it back, and then they do the rear." Joey told Chandler as Ross, Chandler, and Millie stared at him as Joey asked,"What? Ross, Ross, would you tell him? Isn't that how they measurepants?"

"Yeah, in prison!" Ross told Joey as his face fell. "What? That's not?" Joey then realized,"Oh my God."

"Well Joey, if you ever go to prison you will be prepared." Millie told him patting his chest.


Millie, Rachel, Julie, and Phoebe was at Central Perk as Julie was wanting Phoebe to cut her hair for her. "I was thinking of doing it a little shorter, you know, like AndieMcDowell's new haircut?" Julie asked as Phoebe nodded.

"Yeah, I can do that." Millie looked up from her magazine staring at the two.


"Wanna do it right now?" Phoebe asked as the two got up to leave as Julie left as Phoebe stayed behind to ask something, "Ok, I just wanna be really sure this time. Andie McDowell'sthe girl from Four Weddings and a Funeral, right?" Phoebe asked as Millie was about to tell her 'yes' as Rachel interrupted her,

"No. No no no no no. That's Rodney McDowell. Andie McDowell is the guyfrom Planet of the Apes." Rachel told her as Phoebe smiled nodding as Millie mouth dropped.

"Oh yeah, thanks!"

"Your welcome!"

Millie looked over at Rachel as Phoebe left as Rachel was smirking. "You animal.." Millie said as Rachel just laughed a little, "That is so mean!"


Millie sat in Joey and Chandler's apartment eating pizza watching TV as Joey walked in. "Hey Mil-" He paused, "Pizza!" Joey ran over sitting beside her as he got a piece of pizza. Millie handed her beer to him as they shared one.

"So what are we watching?" Joey asked her. "Roadhouse." Millie said as Joey nodded biting into his pizza. "You have no idea what that is do you?" Millie asked laughing as he shook his head as she continued, "It is really good, it has Patrick Swayze in it!"

Joey smiled nodding liking the idea of an extra movie night with his best friend. "So how has your week been?" Joey asked her handing the beer over to Millie. "Okay, the only bad thing I guess you could say is my parents coming.." She mumbled, "I just wish they would leave me alone.." Joey gave her a warm smile.

"How was your week Joe?" Millie asked him as Millie handed the beer over to Joey. "Pretty good, I forgot about an audition though.." Joey mumble as Millie smiled.

"You are going to get one Joe, trust me!" She told him as he smiled as they turned to watch the movie.


At Central Perk everyone was sitting around. Millie was reading the paper sipping her coffee as Chandler was reading the comics off of it.

"Rachel, do you have any muffins left?" Julie asked Rachel. "Yeah, I forget which ones." Rachel said to her. "Oh, you're busy, that's ok, I'll get it. Anybody else want one?" Julie asked everyone as everyone shook their head.

Millie gasped bringing the paper to her as Chandler frowned not getting to finish his comic strip. "What is it, honey?" Phoebe asked her as Millie's face fell.

"Ryan is getting married.." Millie mumbled as everyone's face fell. Chandler wrapped his arm around her to comfort her, "How? He just met her!" Ross took the paper to read it,

'Ryan Wood, the famous actor, now starring in his new TV Show soon to be airing with now his fiancé, Hanna Summerton. Both are heading to LA to start their new journey in love, in their new life starting for the future, Mrs. and Mr. Woods.' Ross read as he looked up at Millie,

"I am so sorry Mil." He told her as Rachel ran her fingers through Millie's hair. Everyone turned to comfort her. "You dated Ryan Woods?" Julie asked as Millie nodded. "Mil, we are here for you, you can do so much better than him!" Monica told her as Millie just smiled.

"We could destroy his wedding, I mean it has the wedding date.." Ross said as Millie just laughed shaking her head no. "He is not in my life anymore, I have no say what he does, I just think I need to move on," Millie said to everyone, "Go have fun, live life a little, don't tie myself down at a young age." Everyone smiled nodding, happy for her.

"That's the spirit!" Phoebe yelled, "Male strippers!" Everyone looked over at her,

"Too far?"

WELL🤩🤩 ???

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