twenty-two: The One With The Surprise Party

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"I just think of her like I thought I would be

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"I just think of her like I thought I would be.."


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At the Emergency Room, Rachel, Millie, and Monica enter as Rachel is limping ad leaning on Monica and Millie for support. "OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW," Rachel repeated as she took each step to get to the front desk.

"Hi, uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, and she fell of the balcony and may have broken her foot or ankle or something." Monica told the woman at the front desk who looked bored and like she was not even listening to her.

"My God, you still have your Christmas lights up?" She asked as Rachel just glared at the nurse who handed Millie a clip board with stuff to fill out. "Fill this out and bring it back to me." The woman told her as Monica and Millie headed to sit down holding Rachel up.

Millie started to fill out the form, "Okay, alright, Name address, okay, in case of emergency call?" Millie asked Rachel.

"You or Monica."

"Really?" The two girls asked in sync as Rachel nodded.

"That is so sweet," Monica said as she watched Millie filling out Rachel's form. "Okay, what about insurance?" Millie asked Rachel tapping her pen on the clip board.

"Oh, yeah. Check it! Definitely want some of that." Rachel said pointing to the form as Millie's face fell. "You-You do not have insurance?" Millie asked as Rachel faced crunched up as she got a little scared about the cost.

"Why, how much is this gonna cost?" Rachel asked Millie as Millie thought for a moment. "I have no idea," She told her as Monica came into the conversation,

"With the X-rays alone could be a couple hundred dollars."

"Well, what can we do?" Rachel asked biting her nails as Monica and Millie just shrugged. "There's nothing we really can do, Rach." Monica said to her leaning back into her seat.

"Unless, I use one of you guys insurance.." Rachel mumbled like a baby as she was looking down at her lap.

"No, no, no!" The two girls said in sync. Rachel tapped on the clip board, "Well, now wait a second, why did I just put as my "in case of emergency" people?" Rachel asked the two as Monica and Millie shared a look. Monica looked around to see if anyone was listening or watching them as she whispered to Rachel,

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