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Everyone sat at Central Perk as Monica and Ross were at it. "Would you let it go?" She asked him, "It isn't that big of a deal." "Not that big of a deal? It is amazing. Okay, you just reach in there is one little maneuver, and bam! A bra right out of the sleeve. All right, as far as I am concerned there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close! Am I right?"

"Come on! You guys can pee standing up!"

"We can?" Chandler asked sarcastically, "I'm tryin' that.." Millie turned to him slowly raising an eyebrow. "Please tell me that was a joke.." She mumbled as he nodded slowly as the two went back into the conversation with everyone else. "Ok, you know what blows my mind?" Joey told everyone as he continued, "Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and they there are. Hoy ou get any work done is beyond me."

"Well maybe breasts don't turn us on, Joey especially our own." Millie said sarcastically.

"Oh okay, you know what I do not get? The way guys can do so many mean things and not even care!" Phoebe told them. As there was a long pause between everyone as Ross blurted out,

"Multiple orgasms!"


Millie sat in her apartment cooking her own supper as she was watching Baywatch on the TV. "Hey Mil," Chandler walked in as he stopped looking at the Tv. "Okay so now I am Monica's apartment where you can just walk into my apartment at anytime. "Shhh!" He said waving his hand in her face as she rose an eyebrow. "Don't shush me!" She said slapping the back of his head as he mouthed 'ow' rubbing it. "What is wrong with you?" She asked crossing her arms. "I saw where you watch Baywatch.." He mumbled pointing to the TV. "Oh yeah, I am trying to watch a lot of it before Ryan moves in," She said going over to her stove stirring her soup she was making, "Ryan hates this show."

y"AHHHH, What?!" He yelled doing body motions with his words. "Yeah, I don't know why though.." She mumbled as she asked him, "Do you like it?" He puts his hands in his pocket nodding as she smiled. "Well, I am making soup and after I was going to go to Central Perk anyways with you guys so do you wanna watch it with me?" She asked him.

"Can-Can I have soup?" He asked as she nodded.


"By the way why did you enter my apartment, anyways?" She asked him fixing him a bowl of soup. As he looked down,

"No reason.. just wanted to see you." She smiled laughing handing him the bowl of soup.


Chandler and Millie walked into Central Perk together as everyone stared at them. "Where were you guys?" Monica asked. "Oh we were eating soup and watching Baywatch." Millie told them as the two sat on the couch. "AHH, and I wasn't invited!?" Joey asked as he was offended. "I love Baywatch, and soup!" He said to them. "Joey he just walked in while I was so he joined." She told him. "Oh what about Saturday?" Joey asked.

"So, Saturday night, the big night, date night!?"

"No plans, huh?" Joey asked as Millie turned to Chandler. "What is going on?" She asked. "Oh yeah Millie has never met Janice.." Ross said, "Rachel hasn't either.." "Are you even gonna say, breaking up with Janice?" Ross asked.

"Oh right, shut up!" Chandler said to him. "Why do you wanna break up wit her?" Millie asked him. "Millie, she is annoying also crazy!" Joey said as she rose an eyebrow. "Chandler, nobody likes breaking up with someone, you just have to do it." Monica told him. "No, I know, but it is so hard, you know?" He said to them, "I mean, you are sitting there with her and she has no idea what was happening, and then you get the courage to do it and it is horrible awkward moment when you have handed her the note."

"Why do you have to break up with her? Be an man and just stop calling." Joey told him. "You know, if you want, I will do it with you." Phoebe said to Chandler. "Oh thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her." Chandler told her. "No I mean you break up with Janice and I will break up with Tony." Phoebe told him correcting him.

"Tony?" Ross asked.

"Yeah he is sweet but just not fun anymore, you know? I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike."

"Does anybody want anything else?" Rachel asked everyone waitressing. "Oh yeah last week you had a wonderful nutty chocolatey kind of a cakey pie thing," Ross paused as Rachel gave him a dirty look as he sat back into his chair, "Nothing, just, just, I am fine."

"What's the matter? Why so scrunchy?" Phoebe asked Rachel. "It is my father, he wants me to give me a Mercedes convertible." Rachel said. "That guy, he burns me up!" Ross said. "Yeah well, it is a Mercedes if I move back home. Oh it was horrible, he was calling me young lady.." Rachel told them.

"Oh, I hated when my father called me that.." Chandler mumbled as Millie rubbed his back in comfort. "Did he give you that whole, "You are not up to this.." thing again?" Monica asked.

"Oh yeah, I got the extended disco version, with the three choruses of, 'you will never make it on your own.." "I have had that one before, but only it was, 'you will never be anything in that career.. or what every it is.'" Millie said as everyone gave a sad look. A woman with a tight dress enters looking at Joey. "Hey Joey.." She mumbled.

"My God, Angela.." He mumbled as she sat down at the counter. "Wow, being dumped by you obviously agrees with her.." Joey stood up, "You look good."

"That is because I am wearing a dress that accents my boobs." She said.

"You don't say.."


Millie walked into her apartment with Chandler. "How did you leave your remote for your TV over here?" She asked him closing the door as he shrugged looking around for it in the living room. Millie huffed opening her fridge getting water as her phone rang as Chandler looked up from the floor at her. "Just let it ring.." She mumbled as her machine beeped.

"Hey-uh-Millie it is your mother.." Chandler rose from the ground slowly holding his remote as Millie spit out her water. "I got your number from your brother- call me-" Millie cut it off by picking up the phone. "Mom?" She questioned as Chandler and her made eye contact. "Hello darling, your aunt told me you were now working at her bank in New York?" She asked her making it clear to her more.


"So still no art studio?" She asked as Millie closed her eyes. "N-no.." she mumbled. "I also heard your art got ruined in the move does that mean you have to start over?" She asked her. "Why did you call mom? After three years you finally call? And for what to put me down?" She asked her as Chandler just looked at the ground. "No dear, which you might need a little bit of that-" Millie cut her mom off by hanging up on her as she slammed her phone down. Chandler grabbed her shoulders looking at her. "Hey are you okay?" He asked her. Millie let a tear slip out of her eye shaking her head 'no' as he pulled her into a hug laying his chin on her head. "Millie, just know we support you own what you wanna do.." He mumbled as she nodded into his chest as he kissed the top of her head.

"You will be okay.."

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