EIGHT-The One With the Chick and Duck

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At Millie's apartment, she stood their with a buyer looking at her art. "Well all these pieces are very lovely, Mrs. Cooper." He explained to her, examining her pieces, Millie bit her nails nervously. "How much do you want for all?" He questioned, her face lit up, smiling.

"$1,200 for all? I know it seems much, we could-" He cut her off, "That sounds nice, you pieces will be a great addition to the art studio, we will have a showing this Saturday." Millie smiled shaking his hand, sending his men in to get her pieces.

Millie ran over to Chandler and Joey's to share the great news seeing Chandler playing with the new baby chick they got. "Aw, it's so cute!" She squealed, running in petting it softly. "Well, hello person who doesn't live here." He greeted, she laughed, sitting the chick down gently. "So the buyer just bought all my four pieces!" She explained, causing Chandler to be happy for his best friend.

"That's so great!" He exclaimed, "Is there going to be a showing of the pieces?" Millie nodded, "Yeah this Saturday at 7! I am going to invite you guys, and all you can meet Ethan." Chandler's face fell, clearing his throat, nodding. "Yeah, Ethan.." he muttered, hearing the chick 'peep'.

"Okay, but this is the last time," Chandler told the chick as he started to sing, "With a chick-chick here,and a chick-chick there. Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick-chick--chickeeeen." Millie laughed, shaking her head, petting the chick. She then heard a 'quack' behind her turning slowly, seeing a duck.

"Wow, I always wanted to go to a petting zoo." She sarcastically said to Chandler causing him to roll his eyes. "Haha," He mimicked, scratching his goatee, "I got the duck when I was going to go to the chick back, but its like parenting."

"Well you seem to be doing pretty well with two birds in your apartment, and somehow no one knows they are here." She told him, he nodded, as the duck flapped its wings. "It's kind of cute, it could be practice," Millie said to him, "You could be a father one day."

Chandler laughed shrugging, pouring him a cup of coffee as well as Millie. "What come on! You'd be a great dad," She explained to him, sipping her coffee, "You two would act alike, it would be perfect." Chandler nodded, shrugging, agreeing that he was indeed still a child himself.

"So showing this Saturday?"

"I could never miss it." He smiled, she placed a kiss on his cheek. "I am going to go tell Rachel and them!" She squealed running out, Chandler turned back over to the baby chick.

"Now that 's Millie, we like her," He said, the duck 'quacked', Chandler nodded, "Of course, we-we do love her."

Millie was running around her apartment on Saturday night, getting ready for her art showing as the girls were in her apartment. "Slow down Mil," Phoebe said watching her run towards her room, "we have at least 30 minutes." Millie breathed out walking out her room, putting her shoes on.

"I know, I am just so nervous, what if people don't like them?" She questioned, the girls shook their heads. "Come on Mil, they are gonna love them, they are so unique." Rachel explained to her, Millie smiled, sitting back in her seat. Monica stood up slipping her jacket on, the other girls joined.

"So is Ethan meeting you there?" Monica asked, tying her jacket, slipping her shoes back on. Millie nodded smiling, adjusting her dress, standing up. "Yeah, he is super excited to meet you guys." She mumbled, fixing her hair with bobby pins.

The girls headed to the door, Millie bit her lip from the question she wanted to ask the girls, she was scared they would catch on. "Hey, I have a question.." Millie muttered out softly, the girls turned around seeing how nervous Millie was to ask them a question.

"Um-what does like real love feel like?" She asked, the girls shared a look, "I know I loved Ryan but it wasn't real." "I think it is what me and Ross have," Rachel explained, "its like having a bestfriend, and a lover. You always have butterflies and just can't stay away from them."

Millie nodded, heading out of the apartment, leaving the girls confused, but following behind her.

At the art studio, the friends were there, all dressed up, Millie's art had a wall to its own, the friends were gathered around. "They are so beautiful, Mil." Ross compliments her, she smiled, sipping her champagne, Ethan came up to the group.

"Well don't you look lovely."

"Oh guys, this is Ethan." Millie introduced her new boyfriend, placing a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his arm around her, waving at the people in front of him. "I have heard so much about you guys, she seems to be really close to you all." Ethan said, the friends smiled introducing themselves.

"Wow smart people everywhere," Joey said, glancing around them room, seeing a group of women pass, "Ooh how you doin?."

Millie rolled her eyes playfully, seeing one of her pieces had been bought. "Someone bought a piece." Millie muttered, Ethan smiled, rubbing small circles on her back. "Thats great, I wonder who did." He wondered, Millie shrugged, wrapping her cardigan over her dress.

The friends were looking at other peoples pieces, being their for friend who has been wanting a night like this since she was 17, they were the only people who believed in her. "The other pieces are gonna go too, I can already see them in museums." Ethan bragged on her right in front her, she laughed, snorting covering her mouth, turning to him.

"Thank you for coming." She told him, he placed a peck on her lips, cupping her cheeks slowly, pulling away. "I just want you to be happy, thats all." He insisted, Millie looked down, nodding slowly.

"You are happy, right?" He questioned her, she sat her glass down on the table beside her, she nodded slowly, glancing over seeing Chandler and Joey knocking over a vase, she laughed quietly, turning back to Ethan.


Millie returned to her apartment, unlocking her door, seeing a wrapped squared box beside Chandler's door. She didn't want to peak through his stuff, but she wanted to know what the package was. She walked over, turning over the picture-like shaped box, seeing the label of the art studio on there. She gasped covering her mouth, Chandler bought her piece.

Her very first piece, was the man she genuinely loved, he bought it. She smiled leaning the package against the door, heading to her apartment, shutting her door, leaning against it, biting her lip, letting her fill up with tears.

Ethan was such a great guy, she knew she liked him but she knew it was not right using him the way she was. All she could think about was Chandler, she knew she needed advice, Millie chose to tell the girls in the next few days, and end things with Ethan.

And somehow tell Chandler, she loved him.

Nine and Ten Chapter is gonna mess you up😱🥺

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