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06The One With the Mistake

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The One With the Mistake

Everyone sat at Central Perk as Phoebe walked in. "Hi guys!" She said as Millie handed Chandler his coffee as well as Monica sitting down between them. "Hey Pheebs!" Everyone said. "Oh, how'd it go?" Ross asked her. "Um, not so good! He walked me to the subway and said, 'we should do this again!'" Phoebe said to them. "What? He said, 'we should do it again', that is good right?" Millie asked crossing her legs. "Un no," Monica said, "Loosely translated 'we should do this again' means, 'you never will se me naked.'"

"Since when?" Rachel asked.

"Since always. It is like dating language. Y'know like, it's not you' means, 'it is you.'" Joey stated. "Oh yeah I know that one, I use that one a lot!" Millie said biting into her muffin. "Or, 'You are such a nice guy' means 'I'm gonna be dating a leather-wearing alcoholics and complain about them to you!" Chandler said sarcastically. "Or, y'know um, 'I think we should see other people,' means, 'ha, ha I already am!'" Phoebe said. "And everybody knows this?" Rachel asked. "Yeah the cushions the blow.." Joey said to her. "Oh guys," Millie said as everyone turned their attention towards her, "My apartment is ready and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to dinner tonight?" "That would be great Mil, do we need to bring anything?" Monica asked her. "Um, a guess a dish or some wine.." Millie said. "Is Ryan going to be there?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah! Of course, he wants to know you all better!" She said as Chandler faked smiled nodding trying not to be noticeable. "Is something wrong?" She asked him as he shook his head. "No-no just glad he is coming." Chandler said as Millie nodded. "So what time?" Ross asked her. "Um is 7 okay with everyone?" Millie asked as everyone nodded. "Also my Aunt will be coming as well!" Millie stated laying her empty plate down that held her muffin. Millie looked at her watch getting up, "I have to meet Ryan at his rehearsal for a play he is doing! He is taking me to lunch!" Millie said headed to the door.

"Have fun!"


"The only question I have is," Ryan said as he then asked, "Why would you ever hurt me?" Millie watched him closely on the stage smiling. "I never meant to hurt you doll, I just-I just.." The blonde reached in to kiss him as he turned away. "Alright cut!" The director yelled, "That is a wrap for today.." Ryan smiled at Millie as she clapped. "Hey babe.," he said pecking her on the lips as she smiled, "Ready to go?" Millie nodded as she watched the blonde talking to the director, "Who is that?" Millie asked as Ryan turned around. "Oh that is who I am working with, she is a new actress.. she is pretty good so far." Ryan said turning back to Millie as he wrapped his arm around her as she giggled. "So my love, what are you in the mood for?" He asked her.

"Chinese?" She questioned as he nodded slowly.

"Sounds good to me." They started to leave the theater. "Oh, are you still coming to dinner tonight?" Millie asked as he held the door open for her. "Yes, what time?" He asked her.


"Yeah, I might be running a little late because I have to pick up a script from my agent but I will be there sweetheart.." He told her as she smiled. "Do you know if you are getting that show part?" She asked him as he motioned for a taxi. "I hope so, sounds like from my agent I will." He told her as the taxi stopped he opened the door for her. "Maybe you could help my friend Joey get something.." She mumbled getting into the taxi as he followed her. "Nearest Chinese place.." he told the driver as he turned to Millie, "The one who jumped up and down when I first met him?" She laughed nodding as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah that one," She said, "He get's really excited easily.." Ryan nodded slowly throwing his arm around her. "I will talk to some people about him.." He mumbled as she smiled pecking his cheek.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."


Everyone sat at Central Perk as Millie was still on her lunch date with Ryan. Chandler leaned over the back of the couch out of sight where none of them could see him. "Okay I'd just.. never be able to enjoy it! It would be like this giant karmic debt!" Phoebe stated. Millie walked through the door going over to the friends. "Hey Mil'!" They said expect Chandler as everyone turned to Chandler. "Chandler, what are you doing?" Millie asked pulling him up. He tried to shrug but smoke was in Millie's face in no time. "Oh, Oh, God!" They all said as Millie started to cough.

"What is this?!" Ross asked him. "I am smoking, I am smoking!" Chandler said as Millie started to hit him with her purse. "Bad Chandler, bad, bad, bad!" She said over and over. "Ow Millie, ow, ow, ow!" Chandler said sarcastically as he copied her as the way she was saying 'bad.' "I can not believe you," Phoebe said, "You have been so good, for three years!" "And this- is my reward!" Chandler told her. "Chandler you don't need to smoke! Okay! Think about how hard it will be to quit!" Millie told him.

"Okay so this time I won't quit!"

"Oh! Put it out!" They all said. "Alright! I am putting it out!" He said dropping it into Phoebe's coffee. "Oh no! I can't drink this now!" "Chandler when we said put it out it's called not throwing it into someone's drink.." Millie mumbled.


Millie stood in her kitchen putting the garlic bread in the oven as the homemade ravioli was cooking she started to set up the table as she heard a knock at the door. "Hi!" All her friends say as she smiled. "Hi!" "We brought wine!" Chandler and Joey said in sync as she laughed. "I brought an Italian dish." Monica said. "Thank you guys." Millie said as the friends came in. "Wow this is really nice!" Ross stated to her as Millie smiled getting the wine glasses down. "It is, I really like it!" Millie said setting the wine glasses down. "Where is Ryan?" Rachel asked her. "He is running a little late he had to pick up a couple of scripts from his agent." Millie said to her, "Oh and Joey Ryan is going to tell some directors about you!"


"Yes Joey.." Millie laughed grabbing the garlic bread out of the oven sitting it out turning the oven off. "So what are we having?" Chandler asked rubbing his hands looking over the food as someone knocked on the door. "Don't touch anything!" She pointed at Chandler and Joey, "Guys watch them!" Millie went over the door as she opened it to reveal her aunt. "Hello, darling!" She said smiling hugging her. "Thank you so much for coming over.." Millie told her. Her aunt walked inside seeing everyone. "Guys this is my Aunt Nicole!" She introduced her to them, "Aunt Nicole this is Joey, Rachel, Monica, Ross, Phoebe, and Chan-"

"Oh this must be your new boyfriend!"

"No- Aunt-" Her aunt cut her off going over to Chandler as his eyes grew big as she hugged him as his hands were in his pockets. "Gosh you two are so cut-" Millie cut her off as she started to blush. "Aunt Nicole that is Chandler.." she mumble as her aunt turned around to Millie, "My friend.. Ryan isn't here just yet.." Her Aunt mouth dropped turning to Chandler. "I am so sorry, my mistake!" She told him as Millie covered her face in embarrassment.

"Let's go ahead and dig in.."



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