twelve-The One Where They Meet Millie [PART 1]

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Monica, Chandler, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe sat around Central Perk talking about Joey's new agent. "I swear she is going to be a great one!" Joey said to everyone. "I hope she is better than that last one," Ross told him, "that other one was a little touchy." Ross motioned with his hands as everyone laughed.

Millie sat in Central Perk with her coffee and her suit case beside her. She sipped her coffee looking through the newspaper as she heard laughter being her. She looked over seeing five friends laughing as she just smiled. "Here you go another coffee." The waitress said as Millie smiled at her.

"You are new, are you just visiting?" The waitress asked Millie as she nodded. "Yeah, I needed to get away from home awhile, a lot of pressure." She told the girl as she smiled going to serve someone else.

"Hey," Joey said to the group as everyone looked at him, "You guys see her over there?" Joey smirked pointing over at Millie. Everyone turned as they smiled. "Yeah she's beautiful.." Chandler mumbled to him as everyone turned around back facing Joey.

"Yeah, I am thinking about asking her out.." Joey smirked raising his eyebrows as Chandler's face fell. "Well Joe, she is a very pretty girl." Phoebe said as everyone agreed.

Millie stood up as one of the waiter's accidentally running into her making the coffee spill on her. "Oh I am so sorry!" He said to her, "I will go get you a towel." Millie smiled, nodding as she looked down at her shirt.

"Oh here, these are some napkins." Monica offered to her as Millie smiled wiping the shirt off. "Aw that was a pretty shirt." Phoebe said then Millie just laughed. "It should wash out," She said as she introduced herself, "I am Millie."

"I am Monica, this is Chandler, Joey, Ross, and Phoebe." Monica introduced them as Millie smiled. "It is very nice to meet you all." She said as the waiter brought her a towel as Chandler offered her a seat.

"Here-uh-you can sit if you'd like." Chandler offered, Millie smiled sitting down wiping her shirt. "So, uh- are you from here?" Joey asked smirking. Millie shook her head laying the towel down on the table. "No, I am traveling here from Chicago, I needed a break from some things." She told him.

"Well-uh-how long are-are you staying here?" Chandler asked smiling at her. Millie just smiled as she looked down blushing. "A couple of more days, just to take a little breather." She told him as he smiled at her. "Well Mil, since your staying for a few days maybe we could get to know you a bit." Monica said smiling at Millie as she smiled back at her.

"You know, that sounds great," Millie told Monica, "It would be nice to have some friends around here."

"Well how about my place, we could do like supper or something!" Monica told her as Millie nodded, "The apartment number 20, it is right beside the store on Main." Millie smiled as Monica told her the time and what they would do.

"I will be there tomorrow at 7." Millie said as she got up from the couch heading to get her suitcases. Ross motioned for Joey to go ask her out as Joey ran over. "Oh uh hey," he said leaning on the counter as Millie glanced up at him, "I was wondering if I uh- could take you out tonight?"

Millie giggled, looking down at the ground holding her suit cases. "You probably get enough of me tomorrow.." she mumbled as Joey shook his head.

"He probably get all of you tonight." Chandler mumbled sarcastically to the others as Monica playfully hit him. "I don't think I would, let's say 7 tonight?" Joey said as he was hoping for a yes. Millie grabbed a napkin writing her phone number down, "See you then, just call when you are ready so I can tell you where."

Millie left as Joey celebrated rushing back over to them. "Guys I did it, this is going to be so great!" Joey said as the friends shared a look. "Joey, you know you don't need to sleep with her right? Because she is coming over to dinner tomorrow." Ross told as his face fell.

"Well, I mean-I don't think-I mean I will probably just kiss her and if she decides then I will take it further." Joey said winking as everyone rolled their eyes playfully expect Chandler. Chandler sat there with a sad look in his eyes as Joey noticed.

"Hey man, are you okay?" Joey asked him as Chandler snapped out of his trance, looking over at him. "Yeah-well- I mean," He paused for a moment, "I thought she was beautiful too, I thought.."

"Aw, Chandler, I'm sorry, how about this," Joey said, setting up a plan, "If it doesn't work out tonight then you can have her." Chandler laughed leaning back in the couch, "Yeah like it's not gonna work out, she is gonna love you."

Everyone gave him a sympathetic smile as Phoebe told him, "Well, you know everything happens for a reason." Chandler nodded agreeing,

"Yeah your right."


Millie walked into her hotel room as she laid her suitcase on her bed, she sighed falling onto her bed. She browsed around the room once she was done lazing around as her phone began to ring.

"Hello." She said smiling hoping it was Joey. "Where are you?!" Her mother yelled as Millie groaned, opening her blinds. "Taking a break, I do not need all this pressure of being a doctor, do you want me to end up like Neil off of Dead Poet's Society?" Millie asked as her mother sighed.

"Do not say that! You know this is the best for you! Painting is just a hobby! You need a real job-" Millie hung up her phone, throwing it on the bed. Millie started to unpack a little, picking an outfit for her 'date' tonight.

Her phone rang once again as she answered it. "Hello.." she mumbled as she closed her eyes hearing Joey's voice, "Hey it's Joey."

She then smiled as she laid down a red dress for her 'date' on the bed, "Oh hi, I am guessing your calling so I can tell you where to go!"

Joey smiled holding the phone to his ear sitting on his couch, "Uh yeah, what hotel?"

"It's the Plasma Hotel, Room number 402." She told Joey as he smirked.

"I will see you at 7."

"Can't wait."







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